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Plans & Pricing | Yesware. How to Run a Giveaway in WordPress with Rafflecopter. Recently, on WPBeginner’s 4th birthday, we ran the largest WordPress giveaway ever. Thanks to the wonderful companies and our users who participated in the giveaway, we were able to raise $25,000 to build a school. Some of our readers asked us how they can run giveaways on their own WordPress sites? Giveaways are a great way to increase user engagement and rewarding readers, while also promoting your brand and website.

In this article, we will show you how to run a giveaway in WordPress with Rafflecopter. Why use Rafflecopter to Create a Giveaway? Rafflecopter provides a simple and easy way to run and manage a giveaway. How to Create a Rafflecopter Giveaway Sign up for a Rafflecopter account. After sign up you will be taken to Rafflecopter dashboard. On the next page, you will see a form to create your giveaway. The next option is to choose how people can enter the giveaway. With the free account you can add these options: Tweet about the giveaway.

Create a poll / Survey. Final Thoughts. Social Media Speaker - Ian Cleary is available for your conference. 3 Flares Twitter 2 Facebook 0 Google+ 1 LinkedIn 0 inShare0 Buffer 0 3 Flares × Looking for a social media speaker for your event? Ian Cleary is the CEO of RazorSocial and is an exciting, dynamic, fun speaker that delivers very actionable and practical advice. He speaks at the biggest social media conferences in the world and gets fantastic feedback. A Testimonial from Mark If you’ve been to an event where Ian has spoke before you can expect the following: One of the best prepared presentationsYour event promoted heavily before the conferenceVery actionable and practical contentPlenty of interaction and laughter in the audience (Ian loves humor) What topics does Ian talk about? 1. Ian has very strong expertise in this area as his business is based around this. 2.

Ian has established himself as one of the key influencers in the social media industry on a global basis. 3. Ian has very strong knowledge in social media and has a very successful social media presence. 4. Can I see Ian in action? Tools to Boost Your Social Media Productivity » Top 12 tools to supercharge your social media. Social media is undoubtedly becoming more important in search terms. And while Stacey Cavanagh accepts that in terms of a direct influence on rankings social signals are still almost negligible, she believes that search is headed this way, so now’s the time to prepare ... Even right now, social is a great help in outreach. If your client has a readymade and engaged audience for the content it publishes, that content has a far better chance of being seen, being shared and being linked to.

Whatever you are using social media for and whichever niche you’re working in, a great toolset will help you supercharge your social and make the whole thing a lot less laborious. Here are some free and paid for tools that I absolutely LOVE. Audience building and analyzing So, you’ve set up your Facebook Page, Twitter profile or Google Plus page. "Build it and they will come," is utter bull in the context of the internet, unless you’re Coca-Cola, McDonalds or another huge brand. 3) Simply Measured Updating. Let's have a look to your blog... Our Solution | @RigniteInc. Pricing. Status People Fake Follower Check — Social Media Management Platform for Business. KnowEm Username Search: Social Media, Domains and Trademarks. Top Blogs on Twitter - Huffington Post, TechCrunch, Engadget, and more - Twittorati.

13 Tools to Simplify Your Social Media Marketing. Are you looking for tools to simplify your social media activities? Many businesses feel overwhelmed when implementing their social media marketing. Sometimes the solution is to focus on the right social media tools for your business. We asked social media experts for their most valuable tool for small businesses using social media. Here are 13 tools to help you execute your social media strategy effectively. #1: Crowdbooster Amy Porterfield @amyporterfield Crowdbooster is my tool of choice to manage social media activities on Facebook and Twitter. This tool does many things to help me save time and streamline activities. For example, it auto-posts on both my Facebook page and Twitter, tracks my new fans and followers, and gives me stats on how many times my content has been shared and retweeted.

It also tells me who my most engaged fans are, which allows me to reach out to fans individually if I choose. What I like most about the tool is their posting time recommendations feature. . #2: Buffer. Helping marketers discover their target audience.