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Your Instant Backlink Builder! 5 Content Curation Tools for Social Sharing. Many of us use popular social networks like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Yet there are hundreds of others, most of which you likely have never heard of. Some of these lesser known digital outposts are worth discussing, however. Over the past few weeks I have reported on three: StumbleUpon, Delicious and Google+. In this article I list five others, each of which faciliates the aggregating and organizing of existing content — i.e. “curating” — and social sharing.

The importance of content curation cannot be understated. Today, we are inundated with information that’s vying for what has become an increasingly scarce commodity: our attention. 1. is a content curation service that enables people to publish an online “newspaper” based on topics of interest to them or the community they seek to influence. What works for individuals can also work for businesses. E-commerce Morning News by Travis Ebel #eCommerce Daily News by Sarah Spagnudo Ecom Experts Daily by Shawna Seigel 2. 3. 4. About. Kirtsy is just like that friend who always finds the best stuff. Only better. Four years ago, three friends started Kirtsy to share the interesting things happening on the internet. Initially a content aggregator, the site became a place where people could share their stories. The Kirtsy community continued to grow…with a book, conferences, and more conferences, art exhibits, education programs, and 30 editors curating the best of what the web had to offer.

As crowd sourcing became more crowded than resourceful, it was time to push refresh and rebuild an online space that matched the personality of the Kirtsy community, while maintaining our initial vision…to find and share the best of what’s out there. Welcome to the new Kirtsy. Join us each day to find a new slideshow curated by some of the most interesting people online.

Founders: Gabrielle Blair, Laura Mayes, Laurie Smithwick Content wrangler and slideshow builder extraordinaire: Amber Doty.