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Do Improved Social Signals Cause Improved Rankings? The author's posts are entirely his or her own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz.

Do Improved Social Signals Cause Improved Rankings?

Everyone in search is by now aware that certain social signals are well-correlated with rankings. In each major study published on the subject, the authors point to how correlation does not imply causation (see, for example SEOmoz and Searchmetrics). Dr. New Study Reveals Best Social Media for Search Ranking : The World. Conversations in bars and dinner parties about who is right or wrong are often solved by the smart phone being drawn from the pocket or handbag with a subsequent mobile search on “Lord Google” with the question being answered from Wikipedia or another website with authority.

Problem solved… using a blunt mobile instrument without a fight breaking out at the bar or the tipping of wine into someone’s lap. The online search industry is embedded in our daily lives with up to 90% of all buying decisions starting with an online search and 89% of all clicks through to a website occurring from websites that appear on the first page of Google. Google has been with us for over 10 years now (the company started in 1998) and has just announced a continuing evolution of its search algorithms to maintain its relevancy and that includes more integration with social media that has been occurring since 2009, though you may not have noticed.