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How to Start Your Own Talk Show

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3 Things Any Video Needs to Go Viral. Dan Greenberg is co-founder and CEO of social video advertising company Sharethrough, where he as worked on more than 200 campaigns for top brands such as SONY, Xbox, Victoria’s Secret and LEGO.

3 Things Any Video Needs to Go Viral

Marketers are investing millions of dollars in creating branded video content, from webisodes to viral videos to extended commercials. Why? To engage audiences with authentic, inspiring, entertaining content, and to encourage those viewers to share that content with their friends. Branded video content works. HOW TO: Start Your Own Internet Talk Show. Shane Snow is a technology journalist in New York City.

HOW TO: Start Your Own Internet Talk Show

Follow him on Twitter at @shanesnow. The accessibility of video is a big reason why Internet talk shows are trending. Though talk shows hail from the muscle-car-and-milkshake days of the 1950s, our modern explosion of computer and Internet technology hasn’t rendered them old-fashioned.