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La franc-maconnerie. Jiho∴DF (La truelle s'amuse)


Philatélie maçonnique. Anciens chansonniers massonniques. Blog Maçonnique. Hilarion Humour franc-maçonnerie. FiF_Accueil. Musiciens maçonniques. Masonic Museum. Welcome to the Phoenixmasonry Masonic Museum Click here to enter the Museum - Table of Contents The first online Masonic Museum in North America! This museum was established to bring to the Brethren and the visiting public the rich heritage of Masonic Artifacts and Collectibles that were created and produced to commemorate many special Masonic events. Lodge Dedications - Cornerstone Layings, Anniversaries, Officer Installations, State and National Conventions were all marked and remembered by these presentation pieces which were made in glass, china, porcelain, wood, metals, coins and medallions.

Its hard to keep a good idea down and Nineteenth Century America experienced a regular renascence of fraternalism with more than three hundred new orders coming into being. We hope that this museum becomes an inspiration to those who have visited and would like to "Thank" again the many Brethren and individuals who donated their time and artifacts to bring this project through to fruition. LEO TAXIL. Textes maçonniques. FREEMASONS. L'équerre et le compas.