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When Your School is Short on Tech. Google Slides: Choose Your Own Adventure - Teacher Tech. Eric Curts posted directions for using Google Slides to create a choose your own adventure style activity.

Google Slides: Choose Your Own Adventure - Teacher Tech

Using hyperlinks within a Google Slides presentation, build a story or tutorial that asks the viewer to make decisions. Google Slides is probably my favorite collaboration tool. Edcite Interactive Assignments. CristinaSkyBox: Genius! As 2016 slowly heads towards its end, the rich tapestry of celebrations around the world crosses my mind - from the many different ways wedding and birthday celebrations are held, to mid-summer celebrations, to traditional, religious celebrations which make part of our global culture and history.

CristinaSkyBox: Genius!

The theme of celebrations is in itself a common topic for language learners, for instance. They can describe celebrations in their own town/country, find out about celebrations in other countries, learn and teach other new vocabulary on the types of celebrations they have chosen when they present their findings. Audience Interaction Made Easy. QuizPedia - Home of Quiz Making. Audience Interaction Made Easy. Create Self-Grading Quiz Using Google Docs (1 of 3) Moviemaker. Make digital movies online. Formerly Dfilm. Make. 7 Free PowerPoint Alternatives for All Your Presentation Needs.

Advertisement Microsoft PowerPoint is fantastic.

7 Free PowerPoint Alternatives for All Your Presentation Needs

There’s a reason why it’s the standard presentation tool used in schools and businesses all across the country: it’s good, it’s easy, it works, and it has a bunch of nifty features that make presentations simple. 7 Tips for Creating Professional PowerPoint Templates 7 Tips for Creating Professional PowerPoint Templates Nobody benefits from a boring PowerPoint presentation. Make your content ROAR. 7 New Google Drive Features Every Student Must Know. Let’s open up our laptops and turn to Page Larry.

7 New Google Drive Features Every Student Must Know

School is in session and Google is ready to make things easier for students with Google Drive. New features have been introduced and some old ones refined. Not only is it free and cross-platform, but the Google Drive suite has become quite powerful, recently. You can now even use it offline on PC or mobile. Students are the future, so Google is adding student-centric features. Type with Your Voice Perhaps the coolest new addition is the ability to dictate in Google Docs in Chrome and have it automatically transcribed. To access it in Chrome, open a new Doc > Tools > Voice Typing.

Voice typing is supported in 40 languages, with punctuation support for English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, and Russian. In my test, it worked pretty well. Also, the Strong Language blog discovered that Voice Typing is prudish. Overall though, this feature seems incredibly useful. Gap Fill Exercises – Reviewing the answers with PowerPoint. If you are teaching from a course book you are always going to come across a gap fill exercise.

Gap Fill Exercises – Reviewing the answers with PowerPoint

If you are teaching using music, you may come across a gap fill exercise asking students to complete the lyrics. If you are taking a language proficiency test you may be using practice papers that ask you to put the correct conjugation of the verb into the gap. Don’t show lists, focus on words! As a language learner myself, I am fully aware that I only remember the words that I have put into context, or have had a chance to focus on.

Don’t show lists, focus on words!

Words in a list all seem to blur together and I end up forgetting more than I remember. As a teacher, I often have to present lists or groups of words to students. Don’t show lists, focus on words! Dialogues on the Day: Live typing in PowerPoint. The other week I learnt how to incorporate live typing into a PowerPoint presentation.

Dialogues on the Day: Live typing in PowerPoint

10 PowerPoint Tips for Teachersi. Both of these statements are likely to generate a lot of debate and even though the author has led a move to ban on PowerPoint in the classroom and lecture hall, he can’t be as strongly adverse to PowerPoint as these statements would suggest because he says: “We do allow lecturers to use it to show images and videos as well as quotes from primary authors.”

10 PowerPoint Tips for Teachersi

However, he prefers that the main content should be given with a ‘chalk and talk’ approach because with PowerPoint there is less improvisation, teachers read their bullet points off the screen and while students may take them as authoritative fact, it bores them at the same time. The author also mentions that students used to complain about the PowerPoint presentation not being shared before the presentation.

After reading with the article, I was left with this image of the author’s experience of presentations in my head. I would argue that if your PowerPoint presentation looks like this, the problem isn’t with the presentation software. Ignite Teaching - Take the guesswork out of group work. The ultimate tool for Project Based Learning. Create Professional Diagrams & Charts with These 6 Free Tools. Video Diagrams – Help your students visualize your instructions. Adding animations to them not only caught the attention of the students but it really helped the students to understand what they are expected to do.

Video Diagrams – Help your students visualize your instructions

The downside is that it seemed to require a certain level of technology in the classroom to utilize them effectively. You would need a screen, projector or at the very least an overhead camera. This isn’t always practical, especially if you teach at different locations and to different class sizes. I needed a way to make these diagrams more universal, so that they could be viewed from any tablet, mobile device or computer without worrying about formatting issues or installing additional apps.

Home - Video For All. Video & YouTube. - Explain Anything from Anywhere. Ednak - Intersection of Education & Tech. Assessments, Homework, Lesson Plans, Videos, Games. Over a million resources aligned to Common Core, PARCC, SBAC. What's new in English language teaching? Rachael Roberts looks at the latest trends ahead of the ELTons Awards for innovation in English language teaching resources, live-streamed on 4 June 2015.

What's new in English language teaching?

This is an article about new trends in English language teaching (ELT) resources, but none of the trends that follow are, strictly speaking, new. Tips for Using iPads in the Classroom. While for some teachers, iPads in the classroom are already a familiar part of everyday life, as of Pearson’s 2014 Student Mobile Device Survey, only 16% of students attended schools that provide tablets 1:1. For all the news stories and chatter in the educational industry about using iPads in education, many teachers haven’t gotten a good look at just what the technology can do for their students. But there’s reason to believe that could well change in coming years.