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Integrity by Design: All Things Ethics

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Unilever Accepts Oxfam Offer To Analyse Supply Chain. 7 Ways To Disrupt Your Industry. Massive disruption is coming, and the only question is whether your firm is going to cause it or fall victim to it.

7 Ways To Disrupt Your Industry

Disruption is not easy--either to create or to confront. We have no illusions about that. But in the spirit of helping established firms best serve their customers, we offer seven ways your firm could disrupt its own industry, raising the standards of customer experience and creating new opportunities for growth: 1) Totally eliminate your industry’s persistent customer pain points.

Each industry has practices that drive customers crazy. Technology providers drive customers crazy with technical support that often requires long waits on hold and hopelessly complex interactions (“Just find the serial number on the back of your device and type that into the space provided along with your IP address and the exact wording of the error message you encountered”). Unsurprisingly, this is the exact type of practice that causes customers to believe a company is behaving stupidly. 2012 TIME 100 Graphic: A Brief History of Influence. Seattle SPO, Regulatory Affairs Job - WA, 98101. Eduardo Jezierski: Controlling your Privacy with Health Commons. Development Through Enterprise. Twelve Things You Were Not Taught in School About Creative Thinking. 414Share Synopsis Aspects of creative thinking that are not usually taught. 1.

Twelve Things You Were Not Taught in School About Creative Thinking

You are creative. The artist is not a special person, each one of us is a special kind of artist. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. And, finally, Creativity is paradoxical. Tags: adversity, contemporaries, creative education, creative geniuses, creative life, creative thinker, creative thinking, education, lighting systems, masterpieces, minor poets, motions, picasso, practicality, profitability, rembrandt, self-help, shakespeare, sonnets, special person, symphonies, thomas edison, wolfgang amadeus mozart.

Hacking is Important. Back in the early 90s, Borland International was the place to be an engineer.

Hacking is Important

Coming off the purchase of Ashton-Tate, Borland was the third largest software company, but, more importantly, it was a legitimate competitor to Microsoft. Philippe Kahn, the CEO at the time, was fond of motorcycles, saxophones, and brash statements at all-hands meetings: “We’re barbarians, not bureaucrats!” At the time, Kahn was not only navigating the integration of Ashton-Tate, he was in the midst of moving the product suite from DOS to Windows. All the products were complete object-oriented rewrites and they were running late. Years late. . … Kahn was reading a dense history of Central Asia a few years ago when it struck him that many of the nomadic tribes of the steppes were actually far more ethical and disciplined than the European “civilizations” they were confronting.They were austere and ambitious, eager for victory but not given to celebrating it.

Kahn’s thinking regarding “barbarians” was prescient. Daniel Kahneman: Beware the ‘inside view’ - McKinsey Quarterly - Strategy - Strategy in Practice. In the 1970s, I convinced some officials in the Israeli Ministry of Education of the need for a curriculum to teach judgment and decision making in high schools.

Daniel Kahneman: Beware the ‘inside view’ - McKinsey Quarterly - Strategy - Strategy in Practice

The team that I assembled to design the curriculum and write a textbook for it included several experienced teachers, some of my psychology students, and Seymour Fox, then dean of the Hebrew University’s School of Education and an expert in curriculum development. After meeting every Friday afternoon for about a year, we had constructed a detailed outline of the syllabus, written a couple of chapters, and run a few sample lessons.

We all felt we had made good progress. Then, as we were discussing procedures for estimating uncertain quantities, an exercise occurred to me. I asked everyone to write down their estimate of how long it would take us to submit a finished draft of the textbook to the Ministry of Education. A shocking disconnect He fell silent. “Those who finished, how long did it take them?” How an outside view can help. @k8ethics.

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