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Camp Tech Terra in Durham, Chapel Hill and Raleigh North Carolina. Ramsey Musallam: 3 rules to spark learning. BOOMbox | Skokie Public Library. Textiles From September through December, we're exploring the science of textiles in the BOOMbox. You'll be in stitches learning about sewing machines, looms, embroidery, and smart wearables. Drop-in times We have drop-in times for adults, youth, and families throughout the week. Adults Mondays, 6:00 to 8:00 pm Tuesdays, 6:00 to 8:00 pm Wednesdays, 6:00 to 8:00 pm Youth (grades 3 to 8) Mondays, 4:00 to 6:00 pm Tuesdays, 4:00 to 6:00 pm Wednesdays, 4:00 to 6:00 pm Thursdays, 2:00 to 5:00 pm Families (grades K and up with adults) Saturdays, 1:00 to 4:30 pm Sundays, 1:00 to 4:30 pm Micro Workshops Attend a micro workshop during drop-in hours to learn the basics of our equipment. Mondays: Sewing 4:30 pm & 6:30 pm Wednesdays: Weaving or Embroidery Thursdays: eTextiles 4:30 pm Classes You also can sign up for classes in the BOOMbox to learn about specific topics.

Aligning Common Core in a Makerspace. Creating Makerspaces in Schools. Two weekends ago, I attended EdCamp NYC at The School at Columbia, an independent school on Manhattan's Upper West Side. One of the things I love about attending edcamps is that the day is always unpredictable because you don't know what will be discussed or who will be leading conversations until that morning. What ensued was an inspiring day focused on tinkering, exploration and innovation.

A Day of Play and Exploration The day began with a discussion led by Don Buckley, The School's Director of Technology and Innovation, focused on design thinking in schools. Buckley used projects completed at The School to illustrate the various stages of design thinking, which include defining a problem, researching and creating a solution and a prototype, and implementing the solution.

The day ended with a session on 3D printing run by Don Buckley and Jaymes Dec. Design thinking, tinkering and exploring, designing and creating . . . Why Makerspaces? Bringing Makerspaces into Schools More on Makerspaces. Makerspaces in Schools: Creating STEAM Connections. Educators have discovered the power of makerspaces in schools to build students’ competencies and interest in science, technology, engineering and math.

Guest blogger Diana Rendina, media specialist/school librarian at Stewart Middle Magnet School in Tampa, FL, describes how her school set up and uses a makerspace to support curricular goals and encourage STEAM skills. Our Makerspace Story Stewart Middle Magnet School has been a STEM magnet school since 2000, but until recently, the library played little part in our magnet focus. When I became the media specialist 5 years ago, I set about to change that. As I began to learn about the maker movement and the role it could play in education, I knew that a makerspace would be the perfect fit for our library.

I shared my vision with everyone who would listen and soon secured a donation of K’nex® that had been gathering dust in our science department storage room. Our Makerspace Today Passive Programs. Popular 'Maker Movement' Incompatible With Common Core, Authors Contend. The Common Core Meets the Maker Movement. How do maker projects jibe with the requirements of the new Common Core? Educators were out in full force this past weekend, for the annual World Maker Faire held in New York City. Billed as the “greatest show (and tell) on earth,” a good chunk of the DIYers, citizen scientists, crafting experts, and tech enthusiasts in attendance were, thankfully, also educators. And in addition to working on their own projects, these educators were sharing ideas for how to use making in classrooms this fall.

The Maker Education Initiative released an online resource library, a digital archive of sorts intended to help educators get started making in education. But how do these maker projects jibe with the new demands placed on classroom teachers from the Common Core? Back in June, Gary Stager, coauthor of “Invent to Learn,” told Education Week that he felt despite some “overlapping interests” between the standards and the maker movement, the two are ultimately “incompatible.” Could this be true? Why the Maker Movement Is Important to America’s Future. I grew up in the age of Tinker Toys and Erector Sets. Both were meant to inspire me to be a maker instead of a consumer. My first real tool was a wood-burning engraver that had such a short chord it was almost impossible to use. When I started using it, I burned myself more than once and nearly started a fire at the house. How in the world they sold this to kids in those days is now a mystery to me.

I was in Silicon Valley in the late 1970s, and I started to get more interested in the Homebrew Computer Club and similar user groups where people could get together and talk about tech-related interests. This was how I first got interested in computers. Along the way, the idea of creating technology got sidelined as I instead started to write about it, chronicling its history. Fast forward to today, and I am very excited about the Maker Movement. So what is the Maker Movement? The maker movement, as we know, is the umbrella term for independent inventors, designers and tinkerers. There's a Maker Faire in That iPad! 10 Ways to Create Student Makers With Apps - Getting Smart by Alison Anderson - edapps, iPad, maker, maker fair, makerchat, makered.

Too often the word on the street is “my school or class has new iPads but we don’t know what to do with them.” The best part about these devices is that they get the learning into the actual hands of students- make learning “hands-on.” That is NOT a new concept. Dewey, Montessori, David Kolb knew this long before the digital age- constructivism is one of the most effective ways to learn anything. These days, the word “maker” can be interchanged for “constructivist” and the Maker Movement is really starting to sweep the country.

The White House announced last week they would host their first Maker Faire this spring (follow the hashtag, #IMadeThis). These are all exciting events but all students should have easy access to becoming a maker. 1. (app and webbased) has it all! 2. Play-i Bots: coming soon – these little bots will take the code written on the ipad and make it come to life in the real world. 3. 4. 5. 6. Foldify: Don’t have the cash to get a 3D printer? 7. 8. 9. Thing 23: Makerspaces. “Creating is becoming a new digital competency, and libraries are building and expanding their programs and services to meet these changing community needs.” Ann Joslin, president of the Chief Officers of State Library Agencies Some of you are already immersed in creating maker programs in your schools.

Others may be what this is all about and why it’s important? Or maybe you want to figure out how this concept would fit in with your school’s programs. The resources this week will give you the opportunity to explore these ideas and think about what this is all about. “Tinkering is about hands-on experiences, learning from failures, and unstructured time to explore and invent. Whether you call this the Maker Movement, Tinkering, Hacking, Fabricating, DIY or whatever… t’s all about creating, exploring, encouraging curiosity and creative problem-solving. Why is this important? “Why should you commit time and effort to a Maker Club or Makerspace? School Makerspaces Lots of Creative Ideas. Apps & More for Makerspaces | Mix It Up. Whether your library or school has a dedicated makerspace, you are experimenting with maker and STEM programming, or looking for inspiration to get started, this inaugural installment of “Mix It Up” offers a broad selection of free or low-cost apps, websites, and tools for engaging kids and teens in creative maker projects.

Our field-tested recommendations are grouped into three main sections: Coding, Filmmaking, Tinkering, and 3D Printing. Making is all about trial and error; don’t be afraid to experiment with these tools and encourage playful exploration by your patrons or students. As makers like to say, “If at first you succeed…you’re probably doing it wrong.” Tinkercad Rainy Day, Solo ExplorationFree | Gr 5 Up A computer-aided model (CAD) software program that allows users to design items for 3-D printing or lasercutting. Cookiecaster Cookie Caster Rainy Day, Solo ExplorationFree | Gr 3 Up Make cookies and the cookie cutters! Coding Filmmaking Tinkering. Make Your Own Makerspace - Ideas & Inspiration from Demco.

Carson Block Carson Block has led, managed and supported library technology efforts for more than 17 years. He has been called "a geek who speaks English" and enjoys acting as a bridge between the worlds of librarians and hard-core technologists. He has a passion to de-mystify technology for the uninitiated, and to help IT professionals understand and support the goals of libraries. As a consultant, Carson is often brought in to help solve complex institutional issues and align the library's public service mission with its technology efforts to serve staff and patrons' needs. Carson participates in numerous committees through ALA and advocates for libraries through activities, such as facilitating a group of librarians, archivists and museum workers (#sxswLAM) at the SXSW Conference.

Creating Makerspaces in Schools. A Librarian's Guide to Makerspaces: 16 Resources. "There were more than 135 million adult makers, more than half of the total adult population in America, in 2015. " What is a makerspace? You’ve no doubt been hearing that word more than a few times over the past several years. Makerspaces, also called hackerspaces, hackspaces, and fablabs, are collaborative spaces where people gather to get creative with DIY projects, invent new ones, and share ideas. Since the first official makerspace convened six years ago in a library in upstate New York, libraries have remained an ideal setting for makerspace events across the country. Many offer community resources like 3D printers, software, electronics, craft and hardware supplies, and more. The idea of a communal creative space has only gained momentum and become increasingly popular over the years, and the makers’ movement shows no signs of slowing down.

There were more than 135 million adult makers, more than half of the total adult population in America, in 2015. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.) Eli7095.pdf.