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Sian Elin. A-hug-a-day. Artworks - essie letterpress. Ben O'Brien's Portfolio. A brief portfolio to summarise my illustration work to potential clients.Advertising, Digital Art, Illustration2012 Quirky characters and landscape illustrations for Candy Land packagingCharacter Design, Illustration, Packaging2014 Sneaker-inspired art prints and mini-zine!

Ben O'Brien's Portfolio

A collection of my 'Twisted Fifties' style artworkAdvertising, Digital Art, Illustration2013. Free & ace repeating patterns from awesome people. Friday i'm in love with... illustrations on society6. … illustrations on society6. both etsy and society6 have different rules, but the interesting and common bottom line of these two market places is that they work as a community. this being said, it means that whoever has a shop on etsy or society6 can work towards promoting others’ work, hoping that those “others” will also promote their work, as a favor in return, meaning more exposure and chances to get sales!

friday i'm in love with... illustrations on society6

However, while you can create treasuries on etsy, gathering 16 of your favourite products according to a topic or just because, giving the products some exposure, on society6 we can promote others individually through the “promoting tool” and even through comments, just like you do on facebook, when you like something very much. 1. voyages over edimburgh 2. lucky shot 1. white bison 1. fuego inicial 2. montañas 3. en la espesura.

*The Graphics Fairy LLC* This Is Limbo. Cody Griffith. Jason Thielke. A series by david scheirer. Ellie Andrews Illustration. Spot illustration for today’s New York Times.

Ellie Andrews Illustration

The article is on the benefits of studying abroad. 5:36 am • 20 March 2014 • 5 notes chy-na: Pick your bike and ride - Nina Gregier - graphic design.