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Google Pixel Slate M3: Full Specs, Performance and Review. This month Google made the decision to discontinue the Celeron version of the Google Pixel Slate. As a result, they have now made the $799 Intel Core m3 model the starting option. This leads us to question whether or not the Core m3-powered Pixel Slate is worth considering.

In order to answer this question I have dedicated the days to thoroughly exploring its performance. I will soon provide a review of the Pixel Slate discussing any improvements made since its launch.. Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe! Google Pixel Slate M3 Specs Google Pixel Slate M3 Pros and Cons Pixel Slate m3 Performance When it comes to productivity my experience, with the Pixel Slate made it clear to me that the Lenovo C630 is the standout among Chrome OS devices in terms of being a workhorse. I mainly used it as a desktop replacement connecting it to a monitor for work. When using the device as a tablet its performance is more, than sufficient. Google Pixel Slate M3 Look Biometrics About Pen.