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Selfimolation moines

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Les Tibétains ont célébré mercredi leur Nouvel An, alors que la répression chinoise s'intensifie - - vidéo - info - 19:30 le journal. TIBET CHINE ACTUALITE - Lundi 20 Février 2012- AGENDA- Lyon Eurexpo du 24 au 26/02/2012-Salon PRMEVERE : 2 stands pour le Tibet / Paris - place du Trocadéro: Manifestation nationale pour le Tibet samedi 10/03/2012. Photo liste des Tibétain-e-s immolé-e-s Les images des personnes en sont immolées au Tibet en signe de protestation contre la répression chinoise.Les photo ou l' on voit des bougies sont celles des personnes ou il n' y a pas eu de photos portraits difusées. Photo liste mise à jour le 19/02/2012 Lundi 20 Février 2012 Le Tibet de plus en plus en ébulition contre la répression chinoise France Tibet 14 Février 2012 Deux Tibétains ont été arrêtés avec des tracts appelant à plus de "manifestations pour un Tibet libre" à proximité d'un poste de police chinois dans la ville de Kardze samedi.Tashi Palden, 21 a été arrêté pour avoir crié des slogans appelant à un «Tibet libre» et une «Longue vie à Sa Sainteté le Dalaï Lama" sur le marché du district de Kardze ce samedi vers 11 heures heure locale.

" Dernier message de lama Soepa aux Tibétains avant qu' il s' immole par le feu au Tibet en signe de protestation contre la répression chinoise Agenda au salon Primevère 2012. Nouvelles - Du Tibet et de Chine » "La légitimité du pouvoir chinois s'érode au Tibet" Propos recueillis par Brice Pedroletti. "La légitimité du pouvoir chinois s'érode au Tibet" | 09.01.12 | Une capture d'écran de vidéo, réalisée par un étudiant, montre un moine tibétain en train de s'immoler le 21 novembre 2011.AFP/Students for a Free Tibet Trois nouvelles immolations par le feu, deux d'anciens moines vendredi 6 janvier et une d'un bonze dimanche 8 janvier, ont eu lieu dans des régions tibétaines chinoises, portant leur nombre à 15 depuis mars 2011. Décryptage de cette forme extrême de protestation avec Nicholas Bequelin, chercheur à Human Rights Watch (HRW) basé à Hongkong.

Comment analyser cette vague d'immolations ? Tibet, gentiment je t’immole. Immoler : du latin immolare, verbe transitif signifiant, d’après le Larousse : (1) Tuer quelqu’un, un animal pour l’offrir en sacrifice à une divinité : Immoler des victimes sur l’autel. (2) Sacrifier quelqu’un, quelque chose ou les abandonner dans un esprit de sacrifice, pour satisfaire une passion, une ambition, une exigence morale : Immoler ses intérêts personnels à la défense de son pays.

Souvenez-vous, le 10 mars 2008, quelques mois avant les Jeux olympiques de Pékin et le jour du 49e anniversaire du soulèvement tibétain de 1959, des manifestations pacifiques de moines bouddhistes ont lieu à Lhassa, capitale de la région autonome du Tibet. Quelques jours plus tard les manifestations dégénèrent et se retournent contre les habitants de la région et les moines laissant place à un bilan sanglant : de 19 à 80 morts suivant les sources. Même si la révolte a bien eu lieu, les changements, eux, ne sont pas intervenus. Le résultat est inverse. Crédit photo: SFTHQ & Wanggiyan on Rebecca Novick: Protest Or Sacrifice? China's Anti-Imperialist Propaganda Backfires In Tibet. With TIME magazine hoisting the self-immolations in Tibet as the top most underreported story of 2011, just one day after the 12th Tibetan set himself on fire, suddenly there is a window of attention on this disturbing trend.

Many Tibet activists are hailing these young men and women as heroes while the Chinese government vilifies them as extremists, even going so far as to call them terrorists. Dr. Robert Barnett, a professor of Modern Tibetan Studies at Columbia University, offers some intriguing analysis as to the influences around these events, and especially about how a Chinese propaganda film aimed at winning Tibetans towards the state may have had unintended consequences. Before a 20-something monk named Tapey set fire to himself in 2009, self-immolation was unheard of as a form of public political protest.

Barnett thinks that it is unlikely that these events in Tibet are related to the similar events in Tunisia or Vietnam. Barnett offers a different view. Tibet Monks Set Themselves On Fire, Group Says. BEIJING -- A Tibet activist group says two people have set themselves on fire in southwest China in the latest in a series of apparent self-immolation protests against Chinese rule. The London-based Free Tibet said in an emailed statement late Friday night that witnesses saw a man set himself on fire Friday near a monastery in Aba prefecture in Sichuan province. It says security forces put out the flames and took the man away.

His condition is unknown. Free Tibet says someone else died about the same time in a self-immolation nearby. The claims could not be independently confirmed. Aside from the latest claims, at least 12 monks, nuns and former monks are believed to have set themselves on fire in the past year in what are seen as acts of desperation in the face of tightening Chinese controls over Tibetan life and culture. China says Tibet has always been part of its territory, but many Tibetans say the Himalayan region was virtually independent for centuries. The Tibet Connection | The world of Tibet in stories and news. 'Burning martyrs': the wave of Tibetan monks setting themselves on fire | World news. On the posters, they call them "the burning martyrs". Above photographs of the 11 Tibetan monks, former monks and nuns who have set fire to themselves this year in an unprecedented series of demonstrations in Sichuan, south-west China, the question asked is: "How many more?

" Their images line the streets of Dharamsala, the Indian Himalayan foothill town which is a refuge to the Tibetan community in exile. And with seven suicide protests in the last four weeks alone, the question is ever more urgent. Most of those who have set themselves on fire have died. On Thursday monks who have recently made the perilous journey across the Himalayas to exile in India claimed leaflets were circulating in Tibetan Buddhist monasteries in China listing the names of scores of young people ready to publicly burn themselves alive to protest against Chinese policies . "I am 100% sure there will be more. Tsering said the towns and villages surrounding Kirti monastery were under heavy security. Tibetan monk sets himself on fire in protest of Chinese rule in Tibet. A man who answered the phone at the Aba police headquarters hung up when asked whether the incident occurred.

Phone calls to other government offices were not answered. Aba and Kirti monastery have been the scene of numerous protests against the Chinese government. Most are led by monks who are loyal to the Dalai Lama, who fled the region in 1959 during an abortive uprising against Chinese rule. The latest incident "provides further evidence that Tibetans now feel that setting fire to themselves is their only recourse," Free Tibet's director, Stephanie Brigden, said in the group's statement. Last week, China's foreign ministry accused overseas followers of the Dalai Lama of inciting the protests. A ministry spokesman, Liu Weimin, said they were part of a plan to violently overthrow Chinese rule in Tibet. The Dalai Lama has routinely condemned violence and advocates a peaceful campaign for greater autonomy for Tibetans in China while remaining under Beijing's rule. Stand up for Tibet ! - Le site de l'Association Lions des Neiges Mont-Blanc.