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Ras le bol de la crise et de ses infos tristounettes que l’on entend à longueur de journée? Dès que tu entends les infos à la radio ou la télé tu hésites entre Bienvenue sur Les Chambouleurs, le site qui explore le monde à la recherche d’idées et de projets positifs qui redonnent le sourire et laissent envisager un monde meilleur. Open Source Meets Mobile in Ashoka's Citizen Media Competition. As world events like Occupy Wall Street, the Arab Spring, and the Japanese tsunami disaster have shown, YouTube and social media tools such as Twitter and Facebook have the capacity to turn just about anyone into a journalist.

Open Source Meets Mobile in Ashoka's Citizen Media Competition

It’s a trend that leaves some traditional media outlets skeptical, or even downright disgruntled. But when media has the chance to spread out to include more voices, particularly in regions where it’s a challenge to get the news out, citizen journalists can offer news and insight on critical events that would otherwise go under-reported. That’s why Ashoka Changemakers came up with a competition that seeks the most innovative projects in citizen media. Makesense Latin America Bike Tour. Thoughts and ideas for an optimistic future. Yves Paccalet.