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Civic Tripod. With roots in the sociological theory of the Tragedy of the Commons (Garrett Hardin, 1968) Commons is a mobile location-aware civic engagement game for urban communities that merges traditional citizen reporting tools with gamification components.

Civic Tripod

From the designers’ website: “In Commons, compete to do good, while problems in your city get fixed. Report a problem or recommend an improvement in your neighborhood that you think deserves attention and resources, and show your city some lovin’.” Macon Money: A real world social game using a local currency. Reality Ends Here. Reality is a collaborative media-making game for 10 or more players.

Reality Ends Here

It is not a single-sitting game, but rather a long-term experience. Depending on how you want to run it, a “season” of Reality can last anywhere from a few weeks to a few months or longer. It is not a game like Monopoly or Senet or Tag or Mario Kart. If anything, it’s more like a miniature sporting league, where the sport involves media-making, socializing, strategy, and team-building, and where the teams are impermanent, forming and dissolving on a project-by-project basis. What it is…and why. Public Interest Game Design and Research Lab for Interactive Media.

Situationist App By Benrik.