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The Psychology Behind Information Dashboards. With data-driven decisions gradually becoming the norm in every industry, the information dashboard has an important role. With its interactive and intuitive interface and its ability to visualize data in a single screen, it’s becoming a critical tool in the hands of the business user. Moreover, the information dashboard is also making its way into apps used by laypeople for managing day-to-day activities like budget tracking and fitness management. So what makes information dashboards so appealing to the human mind? What is it that the human mind seeks that is so nicely provided by information dashboards? Desire to Control We love to be in control. From an evolutionary standpoint, if we are in control of our environment we have a better chance of survival.

An information dashboard gives you that control. This Marketo dashboard helps marketing teams collaborate on budgets and keep spending on target. Most information dashboards use a three-pronged strategy to establish a sense of control: Does Your Website Design Appeal To The Right People? So you have a website – and you know who you want your target group to be. Great. But how do you make sure you design your site for the right kind of people? How do you make sure to attract people that not only like your product – but that have the right age, lifestyle, or even money to buy it? Obviously, your product already does a lot of the work. People who don’t like it, or who don’t think it will fit their current life situation, probably won’t be the majority of your visitors. Grab their attention and influence their perception, Guide their attention and make sure they find what they are looking for,Allow them to appreciate your website and have fun, and Build a relationship with them.

Yet, one question remains: How do you make sure your design appeals to the right people? Sinus Milieus: Bring your target group to life Distribution of Sinus Milieus in the US by their social status and basic values ‘High Social Status’ milieus Sinus Milieus in the US with high social status Old Guard. IntuitionHQ - Website Usability Testing | Overview. Pingdom Website monitoring. Monitor your server and network uptime and performance for free. Website Usability Testing Service - Feedback Army. Optimal Workshop. Usabilla - A new standard in website feedback. A/B Testing Tool | Split Testing and Multivariate Testing Software - Visual Website Optimizer.