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Uutisia Iranista

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Uutiset linkitettyinä suoraan nettisivuilta, ja olen kirjoittanut niihin kommenteiksi aina lyhyen selostuksen sisällöstä. Kotimaiseksi mediaksi olen valinnut Helsingin Sanomat ja ulkomaiseksi BBC:n.

Johtopäätöksiä. Iran's regime questions mental balance of actress who posted images without wearing a hijab. The ministry of culture and lslamic guidance in Tehran announced that neither woman would be allowed to act and both should repent. “As far as this ministry is concerned, these two individuals are no longer considered to be artists any more and do not have any right to act,” said Hossein Noushabadi, a spokesman. “Both of them have to apologise to the Iranian people and publicly announce that the reason behind publishing their photos on social media is that they suffer from lack of esteem and have psychological and personal complexes.” Sadaf Taherian, who posted images on her Facebook and Instagram accounts showing her without a hijab in protest at strict Iranian laws requiring women to wear them in public. Photo: Facebook Mr Noushabadi told Fars news agency that both women faced legal action in Iran. Last week, state television stopped broadcasting the popular Amin series in which Ms Taherian stars.

For her part, Ms Taherian said she was stung by the criticism over the photos. Obama to meet Netanyahu amid tensions over Iran deal. President Barack Obama and the Israeli prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, will seek to mend their fractured relationship when they meet at the White House on Monday, the first time they have talked face to face in more than a year. Tensions over the US-backed nuclear deal with Iran continue to strain ties between the longtime allies. But there is also little hope of progress on other matters, with American officials downplaying the chance of a breakthrough in security talks and ruling out the prospect of a peace deal between Israelis and Palestinians before Obama leaves office in 14 months.

“The president has reached that conclusion that right now – barring a major shift – that the parties are not going to be in a position to negotiate a final status agreement,” White House Middle East adviser Rob Malley said before Netanyahu’s arrival in Washington. Even with the low expectations, the fact that Obama and Netanyahu are meeting at all is seen as an important step. Afghan refugees in Iran being sent to fight and die for Assad in Syria. Iran is recruiting Afghan refugees to fight in Syria, promising a monthly salary and residence permits in exchange for what it claims to be a sacred endeavour to save Shia shrines in Damascus. The Fatemioun military division of Afghan refugees living in Iran and Syria is now the second largest foreign military contingent fighting in support of Bashar al-Assad, the Syrian president, after the Lebanese militia Hezbollah.

Iranian state-affiliated agencies reported in May that at least 200 Fatemioun members had been killed in Syria since the beginning of the war. How many more have died since is not clear. Iran has always claimed it is participating in an advisory capacity in Syria, dispatching senior commanders to plan and oversee operations, but the Afghan involvement shows it is using other methods. Recruitment is taking place on a daily basis in Mashhad and Qom, two Iranian cities with the largest population of Afghan refugees. Ilmastonmuutoksen tuomat lämpöaallot voivat tehdä Persianlahdesta asuinkelvottoman - Ilmastonmuutos. Ilmastonmuutoksen tuomat lämpöaallot voivat tehdä Persianlahdesta asuinkelvottoman Uuden yhdysvaltalaistutkimuksen mukaan useita kansainvälisen öljyteollisuuden sydänmaita uhkaa tulevaisuudessa lämpöaaltojen sarja, joka ylittää inhimilliset elinolosuhteet.

Äärimmäiset lämpöaallot vaikuttaisivat Abu Dhabin, Dubain, Dohan ja Iranin rannikkoalueilla vuodesta 2070 alkaen, jos nykyistä hiilipäästöjen tasoa ei onnistuta leikkaamaan merkittävästi, kertoo brittiläinen The Guardian. ”Tutkimuksemme osoittaa, että ilmastonmuutos vaikuttaa merkittävästi siihen, mitkä alueet säilyvät asuttavina tulevaisuudessa”, kertovat tuoreen tutkimuksen tehneet Massachusetts Institute of Technologyn professorit Jeremy Pal ja Elfatih Eltahir. Tämän hetken Persianlahden kuumimmat päivät ovat professorien mukaan tulevaisuudessa arkipäiväisiä, tosin asiaan on yhä mahdollista vaikuttaa kasvihuonepäästöjä vähentämällä.

Alueella on tänä vuonna koettu yli 50 celsiuksen helteitä. Iran quietly deepens involvement in Syria's war 20.10 BBC. Image copyright AP The new offensive launched by Syrian government forces in the countryside south of Aleppo has shed light on Iran's growing role in Syria's civil war. Officially Iran denies it has deployed any combat troops in Syria, but a week before the offensive began, it was reported that hundreds of Iranian troops had arrived in Syria in preparation for an imminent assault on rebel-held areas. Iran also announced the deaths of four high-ranking officers from the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) in Syria. At least one of them, Brig Gen Hossein Hamedani - the most senior Iranian military officer to have been so far killed in the Syrian conflict - lost his life near Aleppo. Paramilitary force According to Iranian media, 18 high-ranking IRGC officers have been killed in Syria in the past three years. But the killing of four in just one week - particularly one just before a major offensive - implies that Iran may be more involved in the war than it has previously acknowledged.

Syria conflict: Air strikes 'kill 40 IS militants' 19.10 BBC. At least 40 militants with the so-called Islamic State have been killed in air strikes in Syria, a British-based monitoring group reports. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said a convoy of 16 vehicles was hit as it drove through an eastern part of Hama province overnight. The Observatory's head said the planes could be Russian or Syrian but were not from the US-led coalition. Rami Abdel Rahman told AFP charred bodies of fighters were at the scene.

The Observatory, which monitors the conflict in Syria using a network of sources on the ground, said the convoy was travelling from the IS de facto capital of Raqqa when it was attacked. Russia began its air strikes over Syria at the end of last month, saying they were targeting IS and other militant groups opposed by the regime of President Bashar al-Assad. The US-led coalition, which has been carrying out its own air strikes against IS - has said it will not be cooperating with Russia's mission. Syria's civil war Why is there a war in Syria? Kaksikymmentä afganistanilaista kuoli kolarissa Iranissa – olivat matkalla Eurooppaan 19.10 HS. Kaksikymmentä afganistanilaista on kuollut liikenneonnettomuudessa Iranissa sunnuntaina alkuillasta. Lisäksi kymmenen afganistanilaista loukkaantui. Onnettomuus sattui, kun kohti Eurooppaa lähteneiden afganistanilaisten minibussi törmäsi kuorma-auton kanssa reilun sadan kilometrin päässä pääkaupunki Teheranista.

Asiasta kertoo uutistoimisto AFP. Iranin viranomaiset ovat jo aiemmin esittäneet huolensa Afganistanista tulevien pakolaisten tulvasta. Mailla on reilut 900 kilometriä yhteistä maarajaa. Afganistanissa Taleban on aloittanut lokakuussa uuden hyökkäysten sarjan kaupunkeihin. 2000 Talebanin taistelijaa piiritti 150000 asukkaan Ghaznin kaupunkia Kabulin eteläpuolella kuun puolivälissä. Sotilasliitto Naton johtama kriisinhallintaoperaatio Isaf päättyi vuodenvaihteessa, minkä jälkeen Afganistanin turvallisuusjoukot ovat olleet aiempaa enemmän omillaan.