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Tradition and the Individual Talent. T.S. Eliot. 1921. The Sacred Wood; Essays on Poetry and Criticism. SOFIA LIVE. 25 септември (вторник) 2012 Брой разглеждания: 515 От латиноамериканската литература обикновено очакваме преди всичко сеньори с огромни криле и портрети на зловещо харизматични диктатори. Обаче е нещо различно - твърдо сварено криминале, което определено носи вкуса на региона, но са замесени гангстери, политици и полицаи във вихъра на нагъл обир.

Sexual history: Six books that revolutionised our view of gender. A Vindication of the Rights of Women by Mary Wollstonecraft, 1792.

Sexual history: Six books that revolutionised our view of gender

Writing amid the democratic fervour of the American and French revolutions, Wollstonecraft applied the revolutionaries' radical insistence on inalienable rights for all men to women as well - an argument that saw her labelled "a hyena in petticoats". The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir, 1953. "One is not born a woman; one becomes one," writes de Beauvoir, in what has become the most influential feminist text this century. 'The Picture of Dorian Gray' Quotes. Free Audio Books - Philosophy - Download mp3 and iPod format today! - StumbleUpon. The Random House - DDC - Widget.