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Epic Homemade Porsche Win. Epic Homemade Porsche Win372 By jason in Win on April 17, 2011 Browsing: Epic Homemade Porsche Win Share: FACEBOOK twitter Comment: FACEBOOK trollzone Cosplay Fail FAIL 4094 39 Comments Cake Fail FAIL 1875 54 Comments Share on Facebook epic epic win homemade porsche homemade porsche win Epic Girlfriend WIN FAILS: 25 WINS: 652 Guy Wants A Job Done But Doesn’t Pay For It.

Epic Homemade Porsche Win

Stealing WiFi On The Highway WIN WINS: 427 Parenting Done Right : A Compilation FAILS: 18 WINS: 746 Mother Son Wedding Dance WIN FAILS: 96 Mario Shots WIN WINS: 574 Add Our New Site To Your Daily Routine WINS: 327 prev related next related 372 COMMENTStroll 372 Comments : trollzone Yeoldwolf posted on June 22, 2012 at 6:57 pm With talent like this one could get a job at any auto manufacture in the design department.

Recent Activity Connect with Enter your e-mail address to get the from Epic Fail delivered to your mail Tag cloud on Epicfail on Facebook Epicfail on Twitter Epicfail RSS FEED. BMIR PSA Tutorial. The RIOT Wheel - Single-Wheeled Vehicle. Teardrop Camper. FUNKY RAVE GLASSES (LED MATRIX GLASSES USING A PICAXE) Hi everyone!


This is my first Instructable AND my first PicAxe project. Constructive criticism is appreciated. I made a pair glasses with LED Matrices on the lenses which I'll be using at music events or clubs. Also as practice for another future LED Matrix project I am currently planning (Custom LED Taillights for '78 Nova). I chose to use a PicAxe because it seemed like the easiest microcontroller to jump into and hit the ground running. I used the 20X2 model because since space is limited, I wanted to avoid using LED driver chips; the 20X2 has 1 input, 1 output and 15 configurable pins that can be configured as either input or output. Big break! Giant pool table is 30 feet long and uses 6lb bowling balls.

By Daily Mail Reporter Updated: 03:15 GMT, 22 January 2011 Most people would rather have a swimming pool in their back garden than an actual pool table.

Big break! Giant pool table is 30 feet long and uses 6lb bowling balls

But this is the enormous billiards table, believed to be the largest in world, that an American man built in his yard. Former cage fighter Steve Wienecke used five truck loads of gravel and spent 250 hours to build the one-and-a-half feet high felt-covered pool table. Rack and roll: Steve Wienecke throws a ten-pin bowling ball he uses as a cue-ball on the giant pool table he built in his back garden in Missouri Cue-less: Mr Wienecke throws a heavy bowling ball instead of using a traditional cue in the game of giant pool he invented Players in the game, dubbed 'Knokkers', hurl 6lb ten-pin bowling balls at coloured balls to pot them in giant pockets.

Everything on the table is four times the normal size and players are not allowed to move their feet once they have thrown the cue ball. 'Long arms are definitely an advantage. Wind to light installation by jason bruges. NRS: CHAPTER 461 - MANUFACTURED BUILDINGS. [Rev. 11/21/2013 11:54:15 AM--2013] NRS 461.020 Applicability of chapter.


NRS 461.030 Declaration of legislative intent. NRS 461.040 Definitions. NRS 461.050 “Approval” defined. NRS 461.065 “Division” defined. NRS 461.070 “Dwelling unit” defined. NRS 461.080 “Factory-built housing” defined. Rubens Tube. The music Scene. NAC: CHAPTER 489 - MOBILE HOMES AND SIMILAR VEHICLES; MANUFACTURED HOMES. [Rev. 3/27/2014 8:26:03 PM] This chapter of NAC has changes which have been adopted but have not been codified; you can see those changes by viewing the following regulation(s) on the Nevada Register of Administrative Regulations: R117-12 [NAC-489 Revised Date: 1-12] 489.010 Definitions. 489.015 “Advertising” defined. 489.020 “Anchoring equipment” defined. 489.025 “Anchoring system” defined. 489.030 “Authorized inspection agency” defined. 489.040 “Branch office” defined.