Biblet Design studio A Friend Of Mine has created... A photo of various seamless wholecut boots. The... Meccariello Aurum: Cataline boot - Seamless... Meccariello Standard Made to measure line : ... CREEPYYEHA. Dandy Shoe Care. Dandy Shoe Care. Dandy Shoe Care. First Pullover: footwear concept design process. I get a lot of emails about interest in the footwear design process.
Most commonly, it is requests to share the sketches, drawings and concept design process. Here are a few pages from my portfolio that cover this process. These sketches help illustrate the concept design process from inspiration to idea exploration to technical design and specification. These examples are from my design of the hummel 9.1, from the 2005 Indoor Collection. Hei Crafted — Subset of the techniques showcase series i’ve... I MANUAL DE MONTADO DE CALZADO. ITALIGENTE — Direct from the assembly line in the garage in... LT SCREAM KIDS SHOE - NIKE — Launch Product Design. LT SCREAM KIDS SHOE - NIKE — Launch Product Design. LT SCREAM KIDS SHOE - NIKE — Launch Product Design. Technical Drawing shoes - Google Search. Tecnologia De Montado. TÉCNICA DEL CUERO. Untitled. Untitled. 【面包屋日本代购】Honey Salon 兔耳朵芭蕾鞋 三色入-淘宝网全球站. {{#each blocks as block index }} <div class="grid size160{{#if ( blocks.length - 1 === index )}} last-grid{{/if}}{{#if ( block.list.length == 0 )}} hidden{{/if}}"><div class="hd"><h4><span>{{block.title}}</span></h4></div><div class="bd"><ul class="items clear-fix"> {{#each block.list as d i}} {{#if (i < 4)}} <li class="item-wrap"><dl class="item"><dt class="pic"><a target="_blank" href="{{d.url}}"><img src="{{d.pic}}"></a></dt><dd class="detail-info"><p class="title"><a target="_blank" href="{{d.url}}" class="permalink">{{}}</a></p><p class="price"><span class="after-discount"><span class="symbol">¥</span><span class="value"> {{#if d.promotionPrice}} {{new Number(d.promotionPrice).toFixed(2)}} {{#else}} {{new Number(d.price).toFixed(2)}} {{/if}} </span></span> {{#if d.promotionPrice}} <span class="original"><span class="symbol">¥</span><span class="value">{{new Number(d.price).toFixed(2)}}</span></span> {{/if}} </p></dd></dl></li> {{/if}} {{/each}} </ul></div></div> {{/each}}