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Health. Slimmer Thighs in 7 Days. Yes, It's Possible! The Butt Challenge. The Butt Challenge. Day 1 Of The Clean Eating Challenge. Anti concep. Beauty DIY: Pores be gone. Fab Fit Friday Post: No-Bake PB2 & Banana Oat Energy Bars! Why sex is good for your skin (Yup! You read that right) What is your body acne telling you? Getting Fit and Healthy. KILL THAT MUFFINTOP! DIE DIE DIE! Do the workout... | ❤ BLOGILATES ❤ Here's to healthy! Lose Belly Fat Fast: 3 Keys and a Killer Workout | FitBodyHQ. To many of people, a sexy, toned stomach is like the Holy Grail of fitness, but like the Holy Grail, it can also be frustratingly elusive. Most of the time it’s not for want of trying, but rather because you’re putting most of (or even all of) your effort in the wrong place. Let’s put it this way: 1000 crunches a day alone is NOT going to get you there – I’ll explain why in a moment.

And don’t worry if you’ve been doing this, because tons of people fall afoul of this rampant fitness myth, so when you hear it you’ll see exactly what you’ve been doing wrong and more importantly, what to do about it. It’s Your Health Too What’s more it’s not just about vanity either. Sure we all want to look good and most of us agree that a tight, toned tummy is sexy, but there’s more to it. The Bad News If you’re interested in the science: the gist of it is that belly fat tends to be visceral fat, i.e. beneath the abdominal walls and surrounding the internal organs. The Great News Belly Fat Myths The Workout. 12 Awesome Plank Variations | FitBodyHQ. The plank: it’s simple and effective, and if you’re not using it in your workouts already, then you should start – it’s one of the best core exercises you’ll do.

So if you’re looking for washboard abs, forget about crunches, the plank is where it’s at! And of course, you already know that abs are made in the kitchen, so diet is the other part of getting a toned midriff or sexy abs (if you want them!). Even though the plank is simple, it doesn’t mean it’s easy, and it’s important to get the form right to avoid injury and get the most benefit. Perfect Your Plank If you want to see some examples of bad plank form you just need to head down to your local gym. Most people either drop their hips down too low, or raise them up too high. Your best friend for getting perfect plank form is the humble broomstick (or dowel). 1. Once you can hold the basic plank for 60 seconds then you can move on to more challenging variations. 2. 3. 4. Add in a leg lift to your plank to make it more challenging. 6. Spice Up Your Squats: 21 Challenging Squat Variations | FitBodyHQ. The squat, oh how we love thee, let us count the ways.

We love thee for thy buttocks, back and leg activating goodness… Okay, we’re no poets, but the squat is definitely one of our favorite exercises – it’s simple, a compound movement and it hits the biggest muscles in the body. As far as bang for your buck, the squat delivers. If you want great looking legs, a perky rump then you’ve got to squat! Not only that, but for all of us who work office based jobs, you want to work that entire postural chain to counteract the forward collapse many office-workers exhibit… and you guessed, the squat is awesome for working your postural chain! If you’re missing out on squats, then you’re missing out. Bodyweight Squats No gym, no equipment needed: keeping it simple – just the way we like it. Regular Squats The regular bodyweight squat which is a fundamental human movement and an excellent strength building exercise.

Prisoner Squats Sumo Squats Plie Squats Jump Squats Split Leg Squats Pistol Squats Squat Hold. Beginners Guide to Eating Clean | FitBodyHQ. Even if you’re brand new to fitness and working out, you’ve probably seen or heard someone talking about eating clean, and secretly (or not so secretly) wondered what the heck they were talking about. Clean eating? Isn’t that just when you wash your fruit and veggies really well before you use them? That’s pretty clean. Matters aren’t helped when you see those motivational posts: eat clean, train mean, get lean; abs are made in the kitchen; you can’t out-exercise a bad diet… Everybody’s telling you to eat clean, but what exactly do they mean?

We’re going to break down the fundamentals of clean eating, so that you can start putting the clean eating principles into play, and if you stick with it, seeing the incredible difference eating clean can make to your body composition. What is Clean Eating? Part of the problem with getting to the bottom of what clean eating is, is that everyone seems to have a different definition of what actually constitutes ‘clean’. Not a diet. Do you eat clean? The Ultimate Butt Workout | FitBodyHQ. Who doesn’t want buns of steel? Nobody, that’s who. So if you want a great butt, you can stop looking because today we’re going to show you exactly how to tone your butt.

No, we’re not talking about using the “Butt Blaster” machine… You’re going to discover the absolute best exercises to sculpt your booty to perky posterior perfection, without having to pay for Brazilian Butt lift surgery (yes, it exists). So if getting the gluteus you’ve always wanted sounds interesting to you – read on! Before we start, let’s talk about the exercises you don’t want to do.

To make things easier, we’re going to give you the workout up front and then show you how to do it underneath. Pin this workout: And if you want to print this workout out: Warm Up 3 – 5 minutes warm-up. Glute Activation Exercises Pick 3 exercises. Main Glute Exercises Pick 3 exercises. Cool Down & Stretch 3 – 5 minutes cool down. Hip Flexor: 30-60 seconds; both legs. Notes Exercise Disclaimer Glute Activating Exercises Glute Bridge Hip Thrust.

Health-is-as-health-does. | My journey to a healthy lifestyle | Gymra: If you hate squats but love butts….. - My Road to Happiness. Clean Eats and Fitness. Triceps Archives - The Fat Loss Authority - The Fat Loss Authority. Home / Exercises Browse Exercises Most Recent Triceps Exercises Newest / A-Z / Top 10 Step 1: Lie back on an incline bench that is facing away from the cable machine. Make... Step 1: Lie on your back on a decline bench with a dumbbell in each hand. Step 1: Lie back on a flat bench with a dumbbell in each hand. Step 1: Sit on a seat preferably with a back support. Step 1: Lie down on a bench with two equally weighted dumbbells in each hand. Step 1: Instead of standing, you will sit on a chair or bench while holding a dumbbell in... Step 1: Stand with two equally weighted dumbbells, one in each hand. Step 1: Place your hands on the edge of the bench next to your hips.

Step 1: Kneel on a bench with your right knee and place your right hand on the bench for... Step 1: Hold onto a dumbbell in each hand and get down on the floor in a push-up or plank... MORE Triceps EXERCISES ON THE NEXT PAGE » Most Recent Posts Cheesy Hashbrown Casserole Sweet & Spicy Ginger Cookies Marinated Apples & Grilled Shrimp. Exercises for a Sculpted Sexy Back. When discussing my clients’ current strength training routines, I often find that they are not including as many upper back exercises as they should. Women tend to focus on their legs and abdominals while men focus on their chest and arms. But without a strong upper back we can experience major muscle imbalances, poor posture, back pain and loss of spine support and mobility. We also wouldn’t be able to pull things down or toward us, retract our shoulder blades, flex or rotate. The exercises that I’ll be sharing with you will mimic these movements. To avoid major muscle imbalances, you want to balance the number of "pushing" exercises with the number of "pulling" exercises in your workout.

For Better Posture: Lying Arm Raise This exercise looks easier then it is! Lying on your stomach, with your head facing forward, rest the back of your hands on the small of your back. For Sculpting: Lat Pulldown Look for a machine at your gym labeled Lat Pull down. For Back-Fat Reduction: Seated Row. 77 Urbano.

Summer Countdown! 20 Minutes to a Better Bikini Body. Each move in this circuit by Keli Roberts -- who's trained stars from Kirstie Alley to Cher -- tones several trouble spots at once. To do: Warm up with 5 minutes of light cardio: jump, march, whatever pumps your blood. Tackle the first three exercises consecutively and follow it up with 1 to 3 minutes of cardio. If you need to rest before the next three, walk in place for 30 seconds. Work toward completing the entire circuit (all nine moves with three cardio intervals) without resting.

Do this three times a week, and you will feel more confident, and appear leaner, in just 21 days. Repeat entire circuit two times and use 8 to 10 pound weights (if comfortable) for quicker results. Three-Way Squat Targets: Thighs, butt, core Stand tall (chest lifted, abs tight, back straight) with your feet shoulder-width apart and a 3 to 5 pound dumbbell in both hands in front of you. » What is your acne telling you? The Beauty Gypsy. Downtownn@tumblr. Our life and Journey. There are few Industries that seem to propagate as many misconceptions and false truths as the weight loss Industry. From misquoted research to simple marketing spin promoted by big businesses, it seems that we’re constantly awash with new ideas and concepts and it can be difficult to decipher fact from fantasy. Over time it seems that some weight loss concepts have stuck despite the fact that they actually remain complete myths.

Here are some of the most commonly held weight loss myths: 1) If I exercise hard enough, I can eat what I like: This is not true. You simply cannot out-run a poor diet. Let’s put this into perspective. 2) Drinking a cup of green tea each day will help with weight loss: Highly unlikely. 3) If I don’t eat after 6pm, I’ll lose more weight: Not true. 4) Artificial Sweeteners are better than sugar when losing weight: Not necessarily. 5) Losing weight using a method that worked before will work again: Often it won’t. Fitness Guru David Kirsch Offers Six Healthy Tips To Drop Holiday Weight—No Cleanse Required! Ah, January. The time of year when we all solemnly swear we’ll clean up our act by eating better (“no carbs EVER again!”)

And working out every single day (at 6 a.m.!”) In order to combat the past month’s shameless overindulging. While goals of this nature are certainly healthy, they also can get overwhelming—not to mention unrealistic—without some semblance of a plan or a regimen. That’s why we’ve enlisted fitness expert and go-to celebrity trainer David Kirsch to hook you up with six simple steps (and a tasty recipe!)

To seamlessly, realistically get back on track in 2013. Keep in mind, these tips aren’t for those looking to drop mega-weight, but rather for those of us who used the time between Thanksgiving and New Year’s to eat and drink more than we typically might, and want to jumpstart our systems in an easy way, while keeping our expectations in check. 1. 2. In terms of the all-important snack? 3. 4. 5. 6. 1 1/2 cups cooked or canned chickpeas, rinsed and drained.

Metabolismo: como medirlo (desde tu casa) Acabo de medirle el metabolismo a una paciente que desayunaba 2 horas después de levantarse. Su resultado fue impactante. Su metabolismo estaba muy lento por culpa de que tenía la Testosterona Alta y Resistencia a la Insulina. Los alimentos le engordaban en vez de darle energía. Según mi medidor ella no tenía energía para vivir y eso explicaba porque aumentaba aún sin comer mucho. Rápidamente le enseñé este truco casero para medirse el metabolismo. Como medirse el metabolismo (desde tu casa) Al tardar 2-3 horas para desayunar sube la hormona que frena el metabolismo. 2 señales del metabolismo El motor enlentecido no se calienta al quemar menos calorías. Todos despertamos con el metabolismo lento y las manos más frías. Como medir el Metabolismo Al darle la mano a cada paciente puedo adivinar si desayunó o no. Avísame si tienes tus manos frías (metabolismo lento) o si se calientan después de desayunar proteínas (metabolismo normal).

México (NUEVA): 55 561 11689 Parroquia 406, Col. 7 Tips to a Flat Stomach in 7 Days! Talkin' Tuesdays! Food Allergies Food Sensitivity Burst Training Fast Fat Loss JJ Virgin home.