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Générateur fiches calcul - les multiplications. Les caractéristiques des solides (corps ronds, polyèdres, sommets, faces, arêtes et développements) Les solides et les polyèdres (Cinémath section 18) La relation d'Euler et les polyèdres convexes. De Walle. NLVM 6 - 8 - Number & Operations Manipulatives. Soutien scolaire en mathématiques. Toutes les ressources en mathématiques : Des fiches modifiables et imprimables : des cours, des affichages, des exercices... Des cours théoriques pour la numération, le calcul, les problèmes, la géométrie et les mesures...

Des exercices interactifs pour réviser, contrôler ou acquérir des connaissances... Pour les "Petits": Pour les "Grands": Toutes les activités triées par classes : Quelques outils pour le TBI : Soutien scolaire mathématiques - Numération - Calcul - Problèmes - Géométrie - Mesures - CP - CE1 - CE2 - CM1 - CM2 Ressources téléchargeables - Cours théoriques - Activités en ligne. Activités. Math en direct. Applets Java. Géométrie 3D. We live in a three-dimensional world. Every object you can see or touch has three dimensions that can be measured: length, width, and height. The room you are sitting in can be described by these three dimensions. The monitor you're looking at has these three dimensions. Even you can be described by these three dimensions.

In fact, the clothes you are wearing were made specifically for a person with your dimensions. In the world around us, there are many three-dimensional geometric shapes. In these lessons, you'll learn about some of them. Les solides. La géométrie. Développement du cylindre. Hilbert and Cohn-Vossen wrote about the cylinder: "The circular cylinder is the simplest curved surface. It can be obtained from the simplest curves -the straight line and the circle- by moving a straight line around the circunference of a circle while keeping it perpendicular to the plane of the circle. Another way to get the cylinder is by rotating a straight line about an axis parallel to it. Thus the circular cylinder is a surface of revolution. The surfaces of revolution are an important class of surfaces, characterized by the property that they can be generated by rotating a plane curve about an axis lying in the plane of the curve. " (Hilber and Cohn-Vossen. Geometry and the Imagination. pag. 7).

In this page, the cylinder will be closed by two parallel planes perpendicular to the axis. The main interest of this page is to see how a cylinder can be developed into a plane. The lateral surface area of a cylinder is the area of a rectangle. Bibliothèque virtuelle en mathématiques.