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The installation of KareKlub’s anti-tip furniture straps are hassle-free, you just have to mount furniture anchor vertical or horizontal as needed. You can also choose a single mount or double mounts. To give full support it is always recommended to use two straps for one piece of furniture. Although for small, lighter, round leg furniture, a single strap will serve the purpose too.

Guide to Childproofing Your Home. As a new parent, you can take each step of childproofing as it comes along the way or solves them all together before the insanity of parenthood begins.

Guide to Childproofing Your Home

Whatever you choose, never underestimate what your child can do. You would be surprised how active toddlers have a wonderful way to explore everything they see. Anchor furniture to wall Childproofing your home can be a difficult task, especially if you don’t know where or how to start. This is a huge project that needs to be worked on for several months before a baby is born. Therefore, it is best to start as early as possible. Earthquake Furniture Restraints. Earthquakes often happen without warning, so there is no time right now to make sure your home is safe.

Earthquake Furniture Restraints

Household items can fall or loosen up during an earthquake. Imagine your home or workplace is raised and shaken to the side; What would be thrown away? How can this be prevented? Protect Your Toddler with Furniture Tipping Restraint. Climbing is a significant stage in the development of gross motor skills and an excellent way for young children to build strength, flexibility, and balance but it can be difficult for parents to manage them.

Protect Your Toddler with Furniture Tipping Restraint

However, parents are most concerned about safety. They can fall, be scratched, bumped, and seriously injured. Furniture Restraints 5 Easy Steps How to Install. Tragic deaths and injuries from Furniture Tip-Overs are a nationwide safety epidemic.

Furniture Restraints 5 Easy Steps How to Install

Every year, furniture restraints tip-overs cause numerous cases of internal injuries, head trauma which requires urgent medical attention. You can significantly prevent these incidents and reduce the risk by properly securing dressers, televisions, and other items to the wall using KareKlub’s Furniture Anchors. Purchase Furniture Anchors.Attach Anchor To A Wall Stud.Use Two For Each Piece Of Furniture.Install Into Solid Wood.Ensure Restraints Are Tight And Check Them Regularly. 7 Helpful Tips To Do It Right. There are 2 groups of people who need to attach anchor furniture to walls.

7 Helpful Tips To Do It Right

The first group lives in areas prone to tremendous jolts and shakes caused by the incredibly powerful and destructive natural force of earthquakes. The second group has children. Significantly, children and earthquakes have a destructive potential that requires the same protection. But as a parent, you know deep down that it’s true. Especially after the play-date, so if you haven’t already, you need to include the KareKlub furniture wall anchors for baby proofing plan. 5 Best Ways to Prevent Furniture Tip-Over. Tragic deaths and injuries from furniture straps tip-overs are a national safety hazard, by properly anchoring closets, televisions, and other goods to the wall, families can significantly reduce the risk.

5 Best Ways to Prevent Furniture Tip-Over

“According to the Consumer Product Protection Commission, more than 15,000 people are injured every year when furniture or TVs tip and fall on them. And the CPSC estimates that every 10 days, on average, one child dies as a result of a furniture or TV tip-over.” How do I Keep My Furniture from Falling. How to Secure Furniture with Furniture Anchors. “We All Want Our Homes To Be A Safe Place” but unfortunately, A person is more likely to meet an accident in their own house than at work, therefore it’s important to take care of little things that may lead to such accidents.

How to Secure Furniture with Furniture Anchors

5 Tips to keep your child safe at home. Table of Content: All Solutions and Chemicals Should Be Out of Reach.Use Kareklub best furniture Anchors with Anti-tip Furniture Straps.All Electrical Outlets Should Be Child-proofed.Ensure All Openings of Your Home Are Secured.Kitchen Safety.

5 Tips to keep your child safe at home

Similar to outdoor safety, it is mandatory to ensure safety at home, to make it a secure place for everyone especially kids. Parents should make sure that the safety of their child should be their primary concern, be it at their home or outdoor. “The condition of being protected from unlikely dangers” A home is the safest place for children, more than any other place in the world. At certain times your child is alone at home, ensure that safety measures at home for kids are appropriate enough. Safety at home, however, is not just having safety appliances such as a fire alarm or carbon monoxide gas detector fixed but ensuring to teach key safety rules that encourage child safety and lessens the risk of injury. Reason for Hazards And How To Fix It. Various deaths were caused by falling furniture, electronics, and appliances.

Reason for Hazards And How To Fix It

In these fatal accidents, approximately 82 percent of the victims were younger than 8 years old. It has been recorded that emergency department-treated injuries relating to product instability occur at a rate of 38,000 annually (all ages). Market homes accounted for the bulk of all dropping furniture accidents, deaths, and estimated fatalities. We all have furniture around the house that can put our kids at risk of falling. Earthquake Furniture Strap. A sudden, rapid shaking of the earth caused by the cracking and shifting of rock under the surface of the earth that triggers earthquakes.

Earthquake Furniture Strap

Without warning, they may strike unexpectedly and occur at any time of the year and at any time of the day or night. Earthquakes can happen at any moment, without any warning, unlike other kinds of natural disasters. In the case of an earthquake, being prepared for an earthquake can make a difference in being able to defend yourself, your family or your home. 8 Important Guidelines For Anti Tip-Over Restraint - Kareklub. Some of the often-ignored secret hazards for kids are furniture tip-overs. There have been unfortunate tales of children falling on dressers, and businesses have been sued for failing to provide warning labels or add tip-over restraint on their furniture. It is all the responsibility of parents, responsible adults, and suppliers to stop tip-overs to minimize incidents in the home. Furniture should be secured in – space, regardless of whether some tips are easier than others.

When they carry the costly piece into the room, no one thinks accidents will occur. The general feeling is that with cheap furniture, tip-overs happen, but such thoughts are ill-informed and should not be placed above protection. Older and younger children may get injured when they try to get something or just experiment on the drawers. For example, if parents put the remote on top of the TV or put a bottle or sippy cup on top of a dresser, it allows young kids to climb the furniture to get what they want. 5 Essential Checklist In Child Proofing Furniture - Kareklub. Children learn and grow by playing they need both structured and unstructured play to learn, practice and adopting new skills. The command of each new skill allows the child to progress to the next level of development, going through a numerous developmental stages on their way to becoming proficient children. They are curious to explore the things to touch them as their sensory skills are building but worst moment happens when you turn your back for just a few minutes and then rapidly your kid is bleeding, or holding a hand that’s swelling before your eyes, or shouting after touching the hot pan you believed was totally out of reach.

With right child proofing techniques, parents can avoid many minor to major injuries children face more often. 5 Essential Checklist In Child Proofing Furniture There are many injury prevention guiders who make recommendations on ways to make their homes safer for children, with the hopes of preventing these types of unintentional injuries from happening. Wall Anchor For TV Get Online From Kareklub USA. A wall anchor is a fastener intended to provide a secure link when photographs, mirrors, clocks and shelving are hanged with screws when a solid stud is not usable.

When putting a TV on the wall, you need to screw in studs. Do not use hollow-wall anchors so the weight of TV wall mount brackets and tv brackets will not be supported. Can Wall Anchors Hold A TV? For Sure, with the help of wall drywall anchors Tv can hold by a wall, However. There is something which should be focused while mounting a tv on wall. Baby Proofing with Furniture Straps Secure Your Home. Furniture Straps Home Safety Guide for Pet Owners. Home is the place where all lives should be secure and protected from possible threats. When members of the family cannot take action to protect them, it is up to those who can guarantee their protection. For several, pets are considered a member of the family and must be shielded from anything that can hurt them, as with babies or small children. Pet proofing at home is the safest way to do so. As a family, many love their pets, and sometimes they might not be aware of the many common things that may potentially be harmful to pets in the household.

Pet proofing a home with the same vigilance that we use to baby-proof our homes before a new baby arrives is critical. Everyone who gets a dog or cat quickly discovers that pet ownership carries a certain degree of diligence. But do you know the other hazards in your home and garden that might occur? Good news is available. For the very first time, taking home a new dog comes with so many additional duties and things to worry about.

Earthquake Furniture Anchors - Safety Measures to take in Your Home. Earthquakes will surprise you. You eat a meal, take a shower or drive to work every moment, and the next, the ground begins to shake. Earthquakes are induced by moving plates of the earth’s crust. The seismic scale varies between 2.5 and 8 and above. Buy Anti-Tip Furniture Straps Online in USA. BUY Anti-tip Furniture Straps Online Make Your Home Safe. There are several possible dangers for a child in your adult-friendly home while playing. But by figuring out what the risks are, and then avoiding or eliminating them, you can keep your child safe to using anti-tip furniture straps. But even though you think you’ve avoided all the dangers of home protection, the fact is that children will still have falls and slips.

Buy Best Quality Furniture Wall Straps Online In USA. By having a look at the environment, activities, and threats of your family, many unintentional accidents and emergencies can be avoided. It’s important to identify issues early and respond quickly. This will help maintain manageable conditions and avoid them from being an accident. 63 percent of all deaths in 2010 accounted for five potentially preventable causes of death; over 38 percent were linked to unintentional injuries.