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Online Teacher Training Courses at International House Online Teacher Training Institute. Great Ideas for Teaching Marketing. National Repository of Online Courses (NROC) 8 Great Free Digital Presentation Tools For Teachers To Try This Summer. A mix of web apps that can help you make presentations that are fun, eye catching, and engaging (great for students too)! In this month's free online workshop, we're learning about the wonderful variety of free digital presentation tools available on the Internet today, and ways we might use them in our classroom.

For the last assignment, I want to let participants select from a list of applications we haven't tried yet. I've been searching out new ones, as well as revisiting tools I've used before or known about, and I've listed a handful here. This interactive image is an example of a Glogster “poster” I tossed together in about 25 minutes, without any previous knowledge of using the tool.

Note the different functionality for video and images – click an image to see it zoom and straighten for a better view, and the videos clips actually play! If there are other free digital presentation tools that you like to use, please comment and let us know about them! Games to support learning.