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Revenge of the Nagging of the Nerds. The Prophecy is fulfilled! Part II in the ongoing saga of how to ruin friendships with petty remarks is finally here! I hope you all enjoy these and are able to use them to their fullest ability. Also, I saw “How to Train Your Dragon” today. It is super great and will increase your love of dragons roughly a thousandfold. Here is proof: omigosh Draaagons, Caldy. Corpse Run Comics - Corpse Run 231: Inspection. Oh, Wheatley… what a wacky dude you are. So the basic idea for this strip, as many ideas do, came from some real life happenings. While things have been moving pretty smoothly concerning the staff and the kids, maintenance the past few weeks has been supremely nutty. During our last changeover day (day when new campers come in), a transformer in the middle of camp blew, causing a cable to detach and swing around… while on fire. Naturally, the kids thought it looked super cool and all ran to see it up close. Sometimes I wonder how kids survive to become adults.

Adding to the confusion were the parents who were milling around and not taking care of their borderline suicidal offspring. Then, just a few nights ago, a counselor in training came running down the hill and, looking as if he just saw a child get mauled by a bear, asked if he could talk to me. “…sure,” I said, fearing that something awful had just happened. We started walking up the hill. I freeze. See? Corpse Run Comics - Corpse Run 229: Breaking Beans.

Just before making my second JFK trip on Saturday, I chugged a ton of coffee which, as you might imagine, sent my colon into overdrive. While the unholy substances that forcefully escaped from the business end of my digestive track could have wiped out the whole of humanity, I was glad I drank it; I sure as hell wasn’t drowsy during the drive. Camp keeps on chugging along, so here’s another silly camper story. As I’ve mentioned in a post recently, the camp I work at is pretty religious and has church services every Sunday. Running these services are numerous priests that visit camp for the weekends over the course of the summer. Each priest will bring something different to the table: some are higher ranked than others, some are particularly swell singers, and some do extra activities with the kids the night before church. We had one such fellow this past week who wanted to teach the kids about the nushkar, the communion bread used in Armenian church ceremonies.

A kid’s hand shot up. Scientist Mom, Issue 4. Zombie Waffe. 1079/large/ Jorah The Friend. Dresden Codak. KC Green, John Keogh & Emily Vasseur Guest Comic. Codaakies. Advanced Dungeons & Discourse. M.A.D.E.M.O.I.S.E.L.L.E. Dark Science #01 - The Collected Works of Shakespeare: the Movie. 42 Essential 3rd Act Twists.