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Intelligence Artificielle. Raspberry Pi. Ordinateurs Quantiques. Fablabs. Arduino. Vie Alternative. Cyborg_x1. Mini Ordinateur. Histoire de la robotique. Interaction Homme Machine. SF. Inventions. ZX81: Small black box of computing desire. 11 March 2011Last updated at 03:48 By Stephen Tomkins Journalist The Sinclair ZX81 was small, black with only 1K of memory, but 30 years ago it helped to spark a generation of programming wizards.

ZX81: Small black box of computing desire

Packing a heady 1KB of RAM, you would have needed many, many thousands of them to run Word or iTunes, but the ZX81 changed everything. It didn't do colour, it didn't do sound, it didn't sync with your trendy Swap Shop style telephone, it didn't even have an off switch. But it brought computers into the home, over a million of them, and created a generation of software developers. Before, computers had been giant expensive machines used by corporations and scientists - today, they are tiny machines made by giant corporations, with the power to make the miraculous routine.


Des objets qui créent le lien entre l’haptique et le tactile. Hackers. Geek De