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Radio Disclosure : Free Audio : Free Download, Borrow and Streaming. Jan 19, 2014 by Ted Randall & Matt Aaron audio eye favorite 0 comment 0 Matt Aaron interviews Trey Smith about the Nephilim and book of Enoch. Trey Smith, founder of the God in a Nutshell project. Fréquence de l'univers 432htz. Le réchauffement de la planète, une escroquerie (PLANETE) Toutes les affaires. De nos jours, de trop nombreuses maladies sont encore peu ou mal dépistées et pas prises en compte par la médecine traditionnelle et ce pour différentes raisons : ressemblance à d’autres maladies, dépistages coûteux ou en cours de développement voire inexistants, symptômes inconnus, incompétence du corps médical… Et pourtant, de nombreuses personnes souffrent,dans l’anonymat et parfois le silence, de ces symptômes aussi divers que douloureux et dangereux ruinant ainsi des vies de famille, des amitiés et des existences autrefois normales.

Le commun des mortels n’imagine pas à quel point la souffrance de ces individus malades peut être profonde. Pour éviter cela, retrouvez nos vériteurs courageux qui se sont engagés à faire connaître et reconnaître leur maladie. Soutenez-les dans leur démarche en faisant connaitre leur combat ! Maladie de Lyme Syndrome du nez vide Maladie de Verneuil La maladie de Verneuil est une inflammation des glandes sudoripares, qui font la sueur.

The Secret To How The Universe Works Lies Within This Geometrical Pattern. What Is The Flower of Life? The Flower of Life is most likely something that you have seen before. It is a common symbol of many spiritual and religious teachings around the world. The Flower of Life has been found all over the world in many different religions. It is one of the oldest sacred symbols known to man. It is a geometrical shape that is made up of multiple overlapping circles of the same size. The oldest depiction of the flower of life known to man is at The Temple of Osiris in Abydos, Egypt. Many other depictions can be found within many ancient structures in many different countries including: Israel, Turkey, Ireland and many more.

It was mentioned above that The Flower of Life was considered to be sacred geometry, but what does that mean? What is “Sacred Geometry?” Back in the day, certain numbers had a symbolic meaning aside from their everyday use. He was also interested in how the Flower of Life connected to physical reality as well as consciousness. Sources Used and Further Readings: Much Love. Inside Antelope Lower Canyon in Page, Arizona. Reddit user remizik recently went on an adventure that made me foam at the mouth with jealousy. He decided to go inside Antelope Lower Canyon, which is located in Page, Arizona. He had been to Page from France once before, but he was unable to go inside. So now, returning in 2013, he was determined to do it. What he discovered is beautiful, natural awesomeness. This is the entrance. It’s obviously not for the claustrophobic. As soon as you enter, you’re immediately blown away by the beauty.

The colors are gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous. It was 9am and the sun was rising. The sun beaming inside is a sight you never forget. An incredible sand cascade. I MUST see this for myself. “remizik” gave some advice to anyone who wants to check it out for themselves: “This place is so peaceful.Note that it is the “LOWER” canyon. Source Officially adding this to my bucket list. - fast &easy street viewing.