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Pysanky Egg. Taxidermy Gone Wild. Regardless of your opinions about taxidermy, most people would probably agree that some taxidermists go too far.

Taxidermy Gone Wild

The line of what’s considered “too far” might vary a bit from person to person, but generally when a piece of taxidermy stirs controversy—or even in some cases breaks laws—then it probably crosses that line. Check out these incredibly strange examples of taxidermy gone wild. Mutant Endangered Species. FANTASY WORKS. Operatic Cowboys in Love, Onstage. Photo MADRID — When the news came five years ago that Charles Wuorinen was writing an opera based on “Brokeback Mountain,” the 1997 Annie Proulx short story that was made into an Oscar-winning film in 2005, it seemed at first a baffling mismatch of composer and subject.

Operatic Cowboys in Love, Onstage

Mr. Wuorinen, 75, built his reputation as and remains an unabashedly complex Modernist. “Brokeback Mountain” is the immensely sad tale of the impossible love between two Wyoming cowboys. But over time, the idea of a Wuorinen adaptation of “Brokeback Mountain” grew more intriguing. The premiere of “Brokeback Mountain,” one of the most anticipated events of the international opera season, took place at the Teatro Real here on Tuesday night. Continue reading the main story Video Mr. To his credit, there is not one saccharine or melodramatic touch in the score. The Fire Raisers (play) The Fire Raisers (German: Biedermann und die Brandstifter), also known in English as The Firebugs, Firebugs, or The Arsonists, was written by Max Frisch in 1953, first as a radio play, then adapted for television and the stage (1958) as a play in six scenes.[1] It was revised in 1960 to include an epilogue, or afterpiece.[2] This dark comedy is set in a town that is being regularly attacked by arsonists.

The Fire Raisers (play)

Disguised as door-to-door salesmen (hawkers), they talk their way into people's homes and settle down in the attic, where they set about the destruction of the house. Noah's Store. L’architecture végétale : utopie ou solution? Après les terrasses sur les toits, les jardins verticaux, les poules ramenées en villes, pourquoi pas un gratte-ciel végétal ?

L’architecture végétale : utopie ou solution?

L’artiste-sculpteur Daniel Corbeil propose sa propre tour verte et vivante à la Maison de l’architecture du Québec (MAQ), dès jeudi jusqu’au 3 novembre. Clin d’oeil mi-critique, mi-poétique sur les projets d’architecture végétale en vogue dans le monde. La structure d’une dizaine de pieds de haut, sous forme de maquette géante, trône au milieu de la petite galerie, rue Saint-Antoine Ouest. Une multitude d’étages s’élèvent jusqu’au plafond, abritant des arbres miniatures, les habitacles évoquant des appartements ainsi que des plantes et des poissons - des vrais !

La nature en ville « Dans les livres qui développent l’idée de réintégrer la nature dans la ville, c’est toujours présenté sous forme de modélisations, c’est encore de l’ordre de l’utopie, explique l’artiste. Plans et maquettes. Maison de l'architecture du Québec. Plan du quartier : Chemin à suivre pour vous rendre à la vitrine MAQ, située dans le passage souterrain qui relie le Palais des congrès à la CDPQ :

Maison de l'architecture du Québec

Pokémon Battle Royale. #4 Charmander by Andy Weaver.

Pokémon Battle Royale

Pokemon Iconset (553 icons) Gay play opens in Uganda despite homophobic laws. A play featuring a man coming out premieres in Kampala where it is still illegal to be gay A play featuring a gay storyline has premiered in Uganda where homosexuality is still illegal.

Gay play opens in Uganda despite homophobic laws

The River and the Mountain opened at a theatre in Kampala on Friday (17 August), despite the threat of police raids. Written by British writer Beau Hopkins, the play has faced opposition from the authorities, who blocked organizers from staging it at the national theatre. Nothing is Forgotten. Next >>

Nothing is Forgotten

Art by Valeriya Volkova. Netbuzz for The Little Prince as told by Machiavelli. Festival St-Ambroise FRINGE Montréal. I saw the opening night performance (Friday, June 15 at 23:00).

Festival St-Ambroise FRINGE Montréal

The play address questions of classical liberalism framed against the backdrop of Oedipus: if two consenting adults enter into a relationship that is deemed inappropriate, but no party is hurt by the experience, what, if anything, should society do about it? Change the situation a little: one party is a female teacher, the other is her male student. Change the situation again: the student has a troubled personal story and may not be all he claims to be. Should we still care? Should we intervene? Ann Lambert exposes these issues for our consideration in an hour-long piece that ever-so-deftly raises the ethical stakes with each scene. Vishesh Abeyratne playing the layered student Ishan is, in the words of one theatre-goer before seeing the show, "an interesting choice for a romantic lead. " Laura Mitchell gives a magnificent performance as the teacher.

Of the many Fringe acts this season, DO NOT miss this one. Transformable Furniture by HeyTeam : Multiplo. Artist Carves Vintage Books Into Astoundingly Intricate 3D Sculptures (Photos) Photos: Guy Laramee With the increasing popularity of electronic readers and e-books, the future use of hard-bound books also comes under question.

Artist Carves Vintage Books Into Astoundingly Intricate 3D Sculptures (Photos)

While designers have responded with the likes of lighting, accessories and even fashion made entirely out of old books, French Canadian artist Guy Laramée tackles it from a decidedly philosophical — and creative — perspective, carving intricate, three-dimensional landscapes that look amazingly real up close. National Flags Never Tasted This Good. Ten Things Theaters Need to Do Right Now to Save Themselves by Brendan Kiley - Seattle Theater.