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Are you excited yet? #2012 version of @VoteEasy is coming Nov. 7. A Map of Where GOP Candidates Found Their Money - Politics.

Gov. Chris Christie

Herman Cain. Get Involved | We face an historic opportunity today to unite the nation around the common vision of government of, for, and by the people. Please join us as we work to reclaim our democracy. To make sure you hear about the latest ways to make a difference, be sure to join our email list. Use the box in pink in the top right, above, or click here. Rest assured, we keep the volume low. Here are some ways you can help: Download our brochure and share it with friends and colleagues. Write a letter to the Editor of your local paper. Sign our petition for amendments to the U.S. Read the People's Rights Amendment and the Political Equality Amendment. Check out our Organizer's Toolkit: Petition for Collecting Signatures at Events Free Speech For People Frequently Asked Questions Handout Free Speech For People Lapel Stickers Writing a Letter to Your Legislator Print these signs to take to your next event or rally on this issue.

The People's Rights Resolution for the States and Local Level.

Jon Huntsman

Newt Gingrich. Ron Paul. Rick Santorum. Sarah Palin. James Carville Panic | Democrats 2012 | Video. Earlier today, we told you about Democratic strategist James Carville‘s op-ed piece, which offered some characteristically blunt advice for the President: “Panic!” CNN’s Carville explained that dire times call for more drastic measures, opining that it is high time the White House demonstrates to the American people that it “gets it” by supplying “something different” — like, for example, holding people accountable. Democratic pollster Cornell Belcher was also on hand, reacting to Carville’s advice by bringing up the reality that many Americans right now are not only unhappy with the President’s performance, but with the state of Washington DC in general, including Congress. Carville responded: Everything that Cornell says is true, but there’s one problem: We keep losing elections.

And so what difference does it make if you say, “Well they like us better than they like the Republicans in Congress,” if they keep voting for Republicans? Check out the segment, via CNN:

Tea Party Crackpots

When Did 'crony Capitalism' Switch From Being A Democratic Phrase To A Republican One? Free to Die. Sociopathic Republicans. Who are these people? At the last two Republican Presidential debates, the biggest cheers erupted at the mention of Texas Governor Rick Perry's execution record and at the suggestion that uninsured people who become critically ill should be left to die. At the September 7 debate at the Reagan library, the audience cheered at the mention that Rick Perry has presided over the killings of 234 people.

During the September 12 debate, the applause rained down again when a Tea Party audience member shouted out "let him die! "--after Wolf Blitzer asked Ron Paul what society should do for a young, uninsured person who becomes critically ill and cannot afford emergency care. And those are just a couple of recent highlights. "Live and Let Die" is the new Republican motto. Offstage, Representative Paul Ryan did his best Marie Antoinette at a Labor Day parade last week in Racine, Wisconsin. But sociopathic is in. Politifact analyzed Perry's Ponzi Scheme analogy and rated it "false. " Remind you of anyone? The Election of 2012: Why the Most Important Issues May Be Off the Table (But Should Be On It))

We’re on the cusp of the 2012 election. What will it be about? It seems reasonably certain President Obama will be confronted by a putative Republican candidate who: Believes corporations are people, wants to cut the top corporate rate to 25% (from the current 35%) and no longer require they pay tax on foreign income, who will eliminate capital gains and dividend taxes on anyone earning less than $250,000 a year, raise the retirement age for Social Security and turn Medicaid into block grants to states, seek a balanced-budged amendment to the Constitution, require any regulatory agency issuing a new regulation repeal another regulation of equal cost (regardless of the benefits), and seek repeal of Obama’s healthcare plan.

Or one who: Whether it’s Romney or Perry, he’s sure to attack everything Obama has done or proposed. Hence, the parameters of public debate for the next fourteen months. Within these narrow confines progressive ideas won’t get an airing.

Michele Bachmann

Obama is 'ramping up his God talk' Updated 2011-09-19 1:49 PM President Obama quoted Psalm 30 at the Concert for Hope on Sept. 11 at the Kennedy Center. Experts say his increased mention of God and the Bible in recent speeches won't persuade evangelicals to vote for him. By Saul Loeb, AFP/Getty Images President Obama is "ramping up his 'God talk' for the re-election campaign," says political scientist John Green, director of the University of Akron's Bliss Institute of Applied Politics.

But Green and two other experts who track religious rhetoric in presidential politics speculate this strategy to connect with evangelical voters may not work for Obama. FOLLOW:Faith & Reason blog on Twitter Green points out, Obama didn't talk much about faith during his first two years in office and this has left 40% of Americans wondering just what, exactly, is his faith commitment. We are one nation under God, we always have been and always will be. Domke calls this a technique for making 'Christian' and 'American' synonymous. Texas Gov.

Mitt Romney

Rick Perry. Next Election Will Determine Future of Health Care and Defense. I asked an investor in the health-care sector last night about the impact of Obamacare. He pointed out to me that it hasn’t really been implemented yet and won’t be until after the next election. He predicted that, with Republicans likely to take control of the Senate, it will never be implemented in its original form. But of course much will depend on the outcome of the next election—not only for Congress but for president. The same is true when it comes to the defense budget. Yesterday, I testified before the House Armed Services Committee about the catastrophic consequences of “sequestration”—the process whereby Congress may whack up to $600 billion from the defense budget later this year unless an alternative can be found.

This would be on top of the roughly $465 billion in cuts already announced this year. If implemented, this would make it impossible for the armed forces to maintain our current security commitments and could well cripple America’s standing as a superpower.

Divided Left and Right

Jim Lehrer on Presidential Debates, Then and Now | Video. Democrat Treasurer Arrested For Stealing $1 Million in Campaign Funds. Yeah, this bothered me as well. It's worrisome to see that the Republican memes and linguistic tricks have taken hold so widely that I even see signs of them on Gawker. Changed, though I guess I wasn't aware of the McCarthy implications. Let's start a meme that refers to them as the "Repubicans. " Yeah, I wasn't aware of it's origins, either — only that it's made a strong comeback recently as I see right-wing media trying to make "Democrat Party" the new callsign for their opponents. Since even though the AP style guide has always used "Democratic", the RNC follows the advice of folks like right-wing linguist Frank Luntz and use terminology to their advantage whenever possible, trying to feed it into the mainstream as well.

It's still considered correct usage for it to be placed in front of a specific person's name, however — like, "She is running against Democrat John Smith," for example.