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Fanfic: Harry Potter and the Veil of Death Ch 1, Harry Potter. Review Please! The faster you review, the faster the post will be! Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling and Warner Bros owns Harry Potter. Quotes from 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows' I do not own nor wrote the book, J.K. Rowling did. Chapter 1: Death The forest was quiet, not a creature made a sound. "What? "No! "I wish none of you had to die…" Tears trickled down his face, his parents he couldn't save, but Sirius…Remus…maybe…Maybe he could have been able to save them!

"He has not arrived. "You weren't! " "Harry NO! " "Harry Potter…" breathed Voldemort; Harry tipped his head up more so that Voldemort could see he was not afraid, he was not going to beg for his life. "'Neither can live while the other survives…'" Harry whispered, he opened his eyes and took in the last thing he would ever see, just like his parents before him. Harry saw Voldemort say the deadly curse, but could not hear it. Get (Almost) Any Book For Free: 100+ (Kosher) Sites Offering Great Literature for Download.

Fanfic: What If the world turned its head sideways Ch 1, Harry Potter. Disclaimer: Though I hope to have characters of my own to write about someday, this is NOT that day. So if you don't want to read of my writing about other people's characters, there's a back button somewhere on the screen. Use it. This is AU in that Harry meets the twins in London, rather than his first Weasley meeting being Ron on the train. Since I've only plotted out through the first book's worth of story line, I'm not sure HOW AU it will get yet. What if? Harry followed Hagrid through the portal revealed by the wall of bricks in amazement. It stood several stories high, and the walls seemed to tell stories with the creatures carved into them. "In here, 'arry," the bearded man said, as he stood, practically blocking the doorway, "We'll get you some money to buy yer supplies with.

"Your business here, sir? " "Mr. "Does Mr. Hagrid blinked then muttered under his breath as he reached into his coat. This time, Hagrid had Harry stay in the cart. "Yes," Harry looked up cautiously at them. Fanfic: Harry Potter and the Dark Phoenix Ch 1, Harry Potter.

Hey guys, this is my first story and I hope you like it! First I'd like to point out that English isn't my native language, but I try my best! Well then I'm planning on reposting the whole story, first you have to thank knitchick, who did the proof-reading when I posted the chapter for the first time. But she sadly is no longer my beta. Now this chapter was read and corrected by Kyae and finally Hawk Wood polished it.

So thank them! By the way, I'm currently working on a prequel to this story. Please, give it a go and tell me what you think Enjoy! Chapter 1 A howling wind blew over the trees and bushes and the roofs creaked under the pressure of the soon to be coming storm. The street lights flickered and sometimes one of them would go out entirely and the unusual darkness of the early evening took over. This was the state in which Privet Drive in Little Whinging, Surrey, currently could be found. Inside the house of Number 4 of said street lived three persons – or so it seemed. "Wands "WHAT? " Ron. Harry Potter and the Veil of Death Chapter 1, a harry potter fanfic.

The Darkness Within Chapter 21: Seeker?, a harry potter fanfic. Disclaimer I do not own Harry Potter and everything recognisable belongs to J K Rowling. Also this story is inspired by 'A Shattered Prophesy' by Project Dark Overlord. Chapter Twenty One "What in the name of heaven, did you think you were doing? " screamed James. "I don't see what all the fuss is about, it was only a duel! " Harry was looking quite bored as he watched Damien and James shout at each other. "Only a duel! James was red in the face from screaming and momentarily forgot that Harry was in the same room.

"Dad, please stop with all the risk talk, nothing bad happened. James stopped talking and looked over at Harry, having only realised that his eldest son was still in the room. "You conjured the full body block again? " Harry only responded by meeting James' gaze for a minute and then looked away again. "What happened? "Professor June was ecstatic, I don't think I've ever seen her that happy. James was shocked. James looked at Damien again and then turned to Harry. "What did you say? " Fanfic: Beginning of a New Life Ch 1, Harry Potter. AN: This story was inspired by Rorschach's Blot and his story 'Make a Wish'. There will be skips in time, as I don't think it is necessary to detail all of the travel and training. After all, that would make the story much more similar to several others out there, and I want to get to other points in the story.

I will add details when the plot requires them. Plot Summary: After his fourth year at Hogwarts, Harry decides before leaving Kings Cross to leave the Dursleys and seek training to help him face Voldemort. With assistance from Gringotts, thanks to his friendship with them beginning in the summer before his third year, Harry and a companion in need leave England and travel around learning.

After the summer of training and traveling, they return to Hogwarts and await what the future has in store for them. Pairing: Harry/Daphne Greengrass Time frame: Summer after fourth year and fifth year of school "Why, Boy," Vernon asked, upset that the boy had yelled at them. "No," Harry said. "Mr. List of spells in Harry Potter.

Fanfic: The End and the Beginning Ch 1, Harry Potter. Chapter 1 She was dead. The world was in flames. Voldemort sat on the Queen's throne in Westminster Abbey. Hogwarts was rubble. It didn't matter. Harry Potter, last surviving member of the Order of the Phoenix lay in a ditch in western Cornwall, a gentle rain soaking him. "Please God, don't let her be dead. They had taken to stealing food from abandoned markets. "Please God, don't let her be dead. " It all went to shit after Sirius died.

Harry looked around wildly as his curtains silently opened. "Harry, it's just me. As he scooted over, she gingerly climbed in bed with him. "I think we should leave school tonight," she began. She paused and let that sink in. In the end, they had decided to leave Ron behind. Their broom ride had ended at her parents' home. After a stop at Gringotts, the duo walked out with over a million pounds in cash and ten thousand galleons. They went to Cardiff and rented a flat, theorizing that going muggle would protect and hide them. Times were becoming tough. .oOo.