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Entreprise Integration patterns Framework

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Camel: Book Getting Started. The Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP) book The purpose of a "patterns" book is not to advocate new techniques that the authors have invented, but rather to document existing best practices within a particular field.

Camel: Book Getting Started

By doing this, the authors of a patterns book hope to spread knowledge of best practices and promote a vocabulary for discussing architectural designs. One of the most famous patterns books is Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-oriented Software by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson and John Vlissides, commonly known as the "Gang of Four" (GoF) book. Index. Welcome to Spring Integration Home. Introduction Using the Spring Framework encourages developers to code using interfaces and use dependency injection (DI) to provide a Plain Old Java Object (POJO) with the dependencies it needs to perform its tasks.

Spring Integration Home

Spring Integration takes this concept one step further, where POJOs are wired together using a messaging paradigm and individual components may not be aware of other components in the application. Such an application is built by assembling fine-grained reusable components to form a higher level of functionality. WIth careful design, these flows can be modularized and also reused at an even higher level.