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Website Security Tips & News

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Security Tips for 2014. Based on the number of different types of attack over the previous year (2013). Pentura thought they would release a small list of possible actions and supporting programs/tools that can be used to secure your assets in 2014. Back-up your data. (OSX – Time Machine, Windows – Acronis Backup Software, Linux – many solutions)Don’t use public WiFi AccessPoints without a VPN (e.g.

Cloak, OpenVPN to a home server)Configure your Smart-Phone to ‘prompt’ before connecting to any WiFi NetworkIncrease the length and complexity of your passwords; use 2 factor authentication with you smart-phone or RSA fob where possible. One more for office workers: Ensure you ‘Lock’ your workstation every-time you move away from your desk, even if your turning your back on your workstation. Like this: Like Loading... What Your PC Can Teach You About Website Security « The Website Risk Lock-Up.

Confused about how to protect your website? It’s actually not that hard (hint: there are great companies that will do it all for you for less than a buck a day). But perhaps the easiest way to get your head around website security is to think of it like a PC. Except this is the most important PC you could ever have, because much if not most of your business probably relies on it. Think about all the things you need to do to protect your PC, and how easy it is. For example: · You protect it from malware by making sure you have good quality antivirus software.

. · You use a firewall, so that you can deny access to hackers and malware that constantly stalk the internet looking for vulnerable computers like yours. · You practice computer hygiene. . · You make sure your PC is constantly patched. . · If other people have access to your PC, you let them know what the rules are, so that they don’t do something that breaches your good security habits.

But back to those principles. Like this: Quick Tips to Protect Your Consumers Data from a Security Breach | The Level | Blog. Not Invented Here comic illustrates the issue of protecting your consumers’ and employees’ data on your website and web application. The Internet of Things has been off to a rough start so far. It’s been over a month since Target revealed that over 40 million of their customer’s data have been compromised – and the story yet is still unfolding.

Today, arts and crafts retailer, Michaels, announced that their consumers data may have been breached. When businesses face security vulnerabilities like these, the integrity of their business is on the line and so is their consumers trust. Data breach issues often lead to consumers taking legal action. In Target’s case, over 50 legal complaints have been filed against the business for negligence, invasion of privacy and violation of any consumer protection laws. What You Need to Know about Web Security Surprisingly, Java outpaces PDFs and Flash in terms of security attacks. How to Protect Your Data from a Security Breach Like this: Like Loading... Quick Tips for Network Security | D-Link Resource Center. Wi-Fi security has been an issue of high priority lately; it’s important to know that your network is safe and clear of any unwanted users who might be accessing your internet for things other than finding Mac and Cheese recipes on Pinterest.

With a huge influx of apps and websites that show you who may be accessing your home Wi-Fi, one of the great things about D-Link routers is that it’s already doing it for you. So if your Wi-Fi has seemed slow or you’ve noticed your neighbor using their laptop suspiciously close to your house lately here are a few tips on making sure your network is secure. First and foremost is to simply make sure you’ve got a solid password. Obviously using a pre-configured password is the most secure but definitely not the easiest to remember. Make sure to take advantage of these few quick and easy tips so you can guarantee that your home network is safe and sound. 10 security tips to protect your website from hackers | Web design.

You may not think your site has anything worth being hacked for, but websites are compromised all the time. The majority of website security breaches are not to steal your data or deface your website, but instead attempts to use your server as an email relay for spam, or to setup a temporary web server, normally to serve files of an illegal nature. Other very common ways to abuse compromised machines include using your servers as part of a botnet, or to mine for Bitcoins. You could even be hit by ransomware. Hacking is regularly performed by automated scripts written to scour the Internet in an attempt to exploit known website security issues in software. Here are our top 10 tips to help keep you and your site safe online. 01. Keep software up to date It may seem obvious, but ensuring you keep all software up to date is vital in keeping your site secure. 02. SQL injection attacks are when an attacker uses a web form field or URL parameter to gain access to or manipulate your database.

How can I block an IP from accessing my site? Airline Industry Prime Target for Scrapers.