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Dataists. Envy stimulates the economy—and is why you bought your iPhone. The year is 2007 and your friend pulls a shiny new iPhone out of his pocket. It's the first one you've ever seen, and you stare agape as he lovingly taps the screen. A feeling starts to bubble up inside—contempt? Rage? Hunger? While it's no secret that envy often drives us to action, it's only recently that scientists have realized there might be a brighter side to envy, at least for businesses. To study envy, a group of researchers at Tilburg University in the Netherlands undertook a few different experiments with students there. In the first experiment, the scientists wanted to look at how envy was created.

The students were naturally more envious of the similar student; however, when explicitly asked to compare themselves to the dissimilar student, they became more envious of that student too. iPhone envy, good and bad First, they asked students to read a story about a study group where one member pulled out his iPhone and started showing its features to the other members. Untitled. Forms On Mobile Devices: Modern Solutions - Smashing Magazine. Advertisement Mobile forms tend to have significantly more constraints than their desktop cousins: screens are smaller; connections are slower; text entry is trickier; the list goes on. So, limiting the number of forms in your mobile applications and websites is generally a good idea. When you do want input from users on mobile devices, radio buttons, checkboxes, select menus and lists tend to work much better than open text fields. But constraints breed innovation, and mobile forms are no different.

The limitations of mobile devices have forced developers and designers to find new ways to allow users to input data faster and more easily. Field Zoom In many mobile Web browsers, when a user selects a form’s input field, the “field zoom” feature expands it to fill the screen’s viewable area. The Safari browser on Apple’s iPhone makes use of field zoom together with a “form assistant.” However, not everyone will know about the form assistant or know how to hide the keyboard. Input Formats. WhatDoTheyKnow - make and browse Freedom of Information (FOI) re.