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Mindful Things: Drugs, Meditation and Our Conciousness

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Marijuana use associated with significantly reduced risk of head and neck cancers. More clinical evidence that marijuana is an anti-cancer plant.

Marijuana use associated with significantly reduced risk of head and neck cancers

Of course none of the mainstream media will care, I wonder why. I think it's time people open their eyes to the most useful plant on earth. THC Gives Cancer Cells the Munchies Too : The Scientific Activist. Through the results of widespread experimentation of the… well… let’s say “non-scientific” variety, it’s pretty well known that marijuana has the side effect of making the user very hungry.

THC Gives Cancer Cells the Munchies Too : The Scientific Activist

This is one of the many physiological effects of the active ingredient THC (? 9-tetrahydrocannabinol). More relevantly, however, THC and other cannabinoids are actively being investigated for various useful clinical purposes, including the treatment of cancer through the inhibition of tumor growth. A new study by Salazar et al. in The Journal of Clinical Investigation demonstrates that THC causes tumor cells to begin to degrade themselves from the inside (a process called autophagy, i.e.

Drug War Clock. Researchers examining the effectiveness of ONDCP's anti-drug media campaign reported: "The NSPY [National Survey of Parents and Youth] did not find significant reductions in marijuana use either leading up to or after the Marijuana campaign for youth 12 to 18 years old between 2002 and 2003.

Drug War Clock

Indeed there was evidence for an increase in past month and past year use among the target audience of 14- to 16-year-olds, although it appears that the increase was already in place in the last half of 2002, before the launch of the Marijuana Initiative. It will be worthwhile to track whether the nonsignificant decline from the second half of 2002 through the first half of 2003 is the beginning of a true trend. Mouse Party. Become Who You Want To Be. Daily Buddhism.

What No One Wants to Know About Marijuana.