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Uk.businessinsider. Get the job when you're not qualified. Thank me later. Uk.businessinsider. How many times have you started reading someone’s LinkedIn summary and found yourself totally bored two sentences in?


The whole thing is only a paragraph, but you’re already scrolling down to the Experience section—or even clicking away from the page. Having a great summary (like these!) Is essential. After all, it’s one of the most important areas of your entire profile: It sums up your professional history, qualifications, and personality. Uk.businessinsider. Hold it right there.


Don’t snap a selfie or drop a clever hashtag. While it’s true millennials are now the largest generation in the workforce, this is no time to celebrate. #iknowimabuzzkill Sorry, couldn’t help myself. After all, our generation loves to write in phrases, abbreviations and clever shorthand. I recently spoke with Rachel Brown, who runs the Center for Career Services at George Washington University in Washington, DC. “Employers tell me the writing is too casual and that young adults also struggle during Skype and phone interviews,” Brown said. Uk.businessinsider. 4 ways to impress your boss (and get a promotion) The Leadership Insider network is an online community where the most thoughtful and influential people in business contribute answers to timely questions about careers and leadership.

4 ways to impress your boss (and get a promotion)

Today’s answer to the question “How do you go from a worker bee to a decision maker?” Is by Shahrzad Rafati, founder and CEO of BroadbandTV. Whether you work for a startup or a global corporation, everyone wants to have a say in their professional endeavors. Are you making these common resume mistakes? © Time Inc.

Are you making these common resume mistakes?

All rights reserved. is a part of the network of sites. Powered by VIP Email address or Password is incorrect. Uk.businessinsider. Uk.businessinsider. Uk.businessinsider. Businessinsider. Love ‘em or hate ‘em, the folks in the HR department can have a significant impact on your career.


From compensation to promotion decisions, many people underestimate the role of HR and what a difference it can make if they’re on your side. (Click here to Tweet this thought.) The next time you see the HR rep coming your way, don’t duck into the copy room or act distracted at the water cooler. Smile, say hello and keep these tips from an HR insider in mind:

Businessinsider. Along with glowing references, a solid resumé is a must-have for any job applicant.


But even those with great credentials need to package those achievements the right way to catch a hiring manager’s eyes. How can you get yourself noticed? Having the right keywords on the page -- words like “problem solving,” “leadership” and “team building” -- can be helpful. Beyond the content, presentation is also critical. Uk.businessinsider. We can all agree that there’s a lot that goes into preparing for an interview.


You have to work hard to research the company beforehand, to practice answering behavioral questions, and to figure out how to best showcase your skills. How To Write An Entry Level Cover Letter. Landing a job is a challenge for many professionals.

How To Write An Entry Level Cover Letter

Landing a job without any experience can be an even bigger challenge. As a job seeker without any experience, it’s discouraging when you’ve applied for dozens (or hundreds) of jobs and received zero responses from employers. Although you might feel like giving up on your job search, it’s important to persevere and continue writing cover letters that will make you stand out to employers. The 10 weirdest job interview questions for 2015. Job interviews aren't easy — you have to look the part, research the company and then sell yourself as the best candidate for the position.

The 10 weirdest job interview questions for 2015

And just when you think you're totally prepared, you're given some crazy, oddball question. Say what now? Something about jelly beans? Top companies are going beyond the usual questions about strengths and weaknesses in favor of more difficult — and more telling — interview questions. Below, check out the list of the Top 10 Oddball Interview Questions for 2015 in the United States, compiled by careers site Glassdoor. Palabras clave para ponerle energía a tu CV. POR: OCCMundial Cuando buscas trabajo y envías tu currículo a las empresas, más que actividades será bueno contar evidencias: decir qué has hecho en tu vida laboral con las palabras y los datos que lo confirmen.

Palabras clave para ponerle energía a tu CV

5 habits that can turn interviewers against you. Having spent the last decade recruiting, I’ve had many a conversation with hiring managers after a candidate exits the interview. And, while I always hope for exceptional feedback, sometimes the news is not so glowing. Sometimes, the candidate has done something so annoying to the interviewer that, at best, she is now questioning her interest in keeping this person in the running. What are the things that drive interviewers the most crazy? Listen and learn. Uk.businessinsider. While not the most common interview question, the failure question—should you get it—is rather perplexing. How do you answer this honestly while also not scaring away your potential future employer by bringing up that time you fat-fingered a trade and lost the company a lot of money? It’s a tricky situation to be in. Uk.businessinsider. Top Recruiters Reveal How They Can Impressed. Uk.businessinsider. Things To Consider When Applying For A Job You're Unqualified For.

If you're unemployed, applying only to jobs with qualifications that closely resemble your skills makes sense. The job-searching process can be less taxing when you know your background gives you a decent chance of landing a position, and filling out application after application isn't a complete waste of time. Julian Treasure: Bad Speaking Habits. Businessinsider.

¡Lo que debes y no debes hacer en una entrevista de trabajo! Courtesy by What do recruiters look for in a resume? Impressive job interview questions. Hiring secrets Fortune Best Companies’ recruiters. We spoke with hiring managers at the 100 Best Companies to Work For to find out what they look for, how to impress them, and what it takes to get hired. “It is important for candidates to have passion. No matter which department you’re in, your passion for what you do is essential. The more you love what we do, the more people will love what we make.” – Jason Burt, Director, Talent Acquisition at Activision Blizzard“Finally, when you speak with the recruiter and ultimately with the hiring team, be yourself. Uk.businessinsider. Uk.businessinsider. The two most important words in a job interview. So many qualified job applicants, so little time. How can you be sure you’re picking the right people to join your team if you’re too busy with the rest of your job to spend more than, say, 20 minutes interviewing each one?

You might consider what Steve Pogorzelski has found. He’s spent the past 25 years vetting hundreds of candidates for leadership jobs, notably as group president of Worldwide, where he helped the career site more than triple its revenues to $1.4 billion. Last August, Pogorzelski stepped in as CEO at sales and marketing data analytics firm Avention (formerly OneSource), where he has since replaced six out of eight of the company’s C-suite executives. Here’s what he asks candidates, and why: “What has been your biggest professional success so far, and why?” It may sound like the same question every other interviewer asks, but Pogorzelski is listening for something different.

“What has been your biggest failure, and why?” “The only wrong answer is, ‘Nothing! Best Careers For Every Personality Type. CEOs Share Favorite Interview Questions. Businessinsider. Uk.businessinsider. Uk.businessinsider. In an interview, your primary goal is to get across to the hiring manager why you—above all the other candidates—are the right person for the job. That you have the right set of skills, a great personality, and the drive to really make things happen in your new role. Businessinsider. Businessinsider. Questions To Ask At End Of Job Interview. Uk.businessinsider. What To Do Your First Day Of Work.

15 Surprising Tips For Standing Out At Work. Businessinsider. By Alison Green. Best Job Interview Questions. Faced with one pointed question after the next regarding your career, a job interview can quickly take on the feel of an interrogation. Things Never Put On Your Resume. Tips For Penetrating Hidden Job Market. Power Words You Should Start Using Today. Smart Answers To Tough Questions. Ideal Resume For Mid-Level Employee. How To Dress For Work. Why Job Interviewers Ask About Hobbies. ¿Es su currículum atractivo para los empleadores? — Expoempleo. Hay empresas que toman la decisión de no contratar a alguien sencillamente porque no se vendió bien en su hoja de vida. Olga Camargo, gerente de Intersite, empresa especializada en recursos humanos brinda los siguientes consejos para elaborar un currículum exitoso. Tamaño del documento No.

El tamaño del documento no debe ser mayor a dos hojas, no utilizar letra en cursiva, ni marcas de agua que distraiga. Most Common Presentation Mistakes. Essential Business School Case Studies. BI: Most Important Charts In The World. Secrets To Writing The Perfect Resume. Become So Good They Can't Ignore You. Resume For Job Seeker With No Experience. Common Email Mistakes Professionals Make. Never Say This In A Salary Negotiation. How To Be A Better Negotiator. Consejos para negociar el salario en una entrevista de trabajo.

Tomado de Fuente: Gestión (Perú) Viernes, 13 de Junio de 2014 16:39 Saber cuándo abordar el tema y cómo negociarlo es una habilidad que requiere de práctica y preparación. Son muchas las razones por las que tenemos un empleo, entre ellas la pasión por nuestra profesión, el deseo de lograr un cambio positivo para nuestra comunidad o la necesidad de ganar dinero para mantenernos. Sí, es cierto… trabajamos por dinero. Es por eso que hablar sobre las expectativas salariales durante una entrevista de trabajo es un tema delicado pero muy importante. Top LinkedIn Tip. How Recruiters Read Resumes. Why This Is An Excellent Resume. Illegal Questions To Ask At Job Interviews. 200 ideas de negocio. Simple Trick For Making Resume Stand Out. Resume Mistakes To Avoid. So You Hate Your Job: Here's How to Make Things Better.

Staying the Course When You Truly Hate Your Job. Unfortunately, many people can relate to disliking their work, or even hating their job. Las imágenes que suba y los comentarios que haga en redes sociales pueden acabar en un despido. Soy demasiado bueno para este trabajo. 10 consejos para que los emprendedores logren el éxito. ¿Planea renunciar?, piénselo dos veces. Entrepreneurs Startup Advice And Lessons. ALTO NIVEL versión móvil. 28 Amazing Examples of Cool and Creative Resumes/CV.