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My simple PowerShell script for finding those troublesome Correlation IDs. ULS Viewer works great for finding Correlation IDs but once you start dealing with large farms, I find PowerShell works much better. A Correlation ID is great but it doesn’t do you any good if you can’t find it in the logs. I put this script together through the help of posts from Wictor and others. Using Get-SPLogEvent you can find pretty much anything you need in the logs, but without the right parameters it can run very slowly. I’ve seen some scripts try to filter Get-SPLogEvent using a | but performs the filtering after it retrieves everything from the database. The key to using Get-SPLogEvent is to use the –StartTime parameter. Get-SPLogEvent -StartTime (Get-Date).AddMinutes(-5) You can then pipe the output and compare the Correlation with the –eq parameter: Get-SPLogEvent -StartTime (Get-Date).AddMinutes(-5) | ? The value of $CorrelationId just comes in the command line with the following statement at the beginning of the script: Param([string] $CorrelationId) .

The largest SharePoint community on the Internet covering End User, Developer and IT Pro - Your (SharePoint Site Is) Driving Me Crazy: Design Tips for Non Designers. Now that I'm seeing more and more public internet facing websites and blogs that are built in SharePoint 2010, I'm seeing more and more really bad SharePoint sites. Full disclosure: One of my passions is user interface design, and I do realize that not everyone has that passion or the ability to design pretty websites. However, there are a few things I've been noticing over and over again here lately that absolutely drive me insane, and are quite easy to remedy with little to no design skills required. Change your site image and theme If you aren't going to fully brand your site (by fully branding I mean creating custom master pages, CSS files, page layouts, the whole nine yards), then for the love of god at least change the site image in the upper left corner of the ribbon area, and even change the colors/theme while you're at it.

This takes very little time or effort; the most challenging part is finding an appropriate image to use for your site image. So what are you waiting for? Extending SharePoint 2010 social features. In terms of social, it seems that many SharePoint 2010 customers wanted and/or continue to want a little bit more than “out-of-the-box”. This is especially the case for clients who use the activity feed – one of the features which changed SharePoint to be more of a social platform. “How do I reply/comment on one of these things in my activity feed?”

Clients usually say. “Where’s the ‘like’ button?!”. And so, a whole host of 3rd party products sprang up – some dedicated to SharePoint (Newsgator, Beezy, SnapworkSocial etc.), some more generic and sometimes cloud-based but with SharePoint integration (Yammer etc.). I’m not an expert in those products, though I have looked at some. What I do know is that most are still evolving, and if you started this journey a while ago, frankly you might not have liked any of them. Here I want to show you what we did for one client, perhaps taking a more SharePoint-centric route. The activity feed – from “one way” to “two way” Commenting/note board De. How to get absolute URLs in SharePoint. Recently I was working on a project where I am building a Site Directory that lists all top-level site collections and their first level sub sites. In addition, for each listing we wanted to display the site image and some other information.

We encourage our users to change their site image and theme to make their sites their own, and many do. The site images were displaying fine for those that typed absolute URLs into the Logo URL field; however, for the ones that were using relative URLs, those images were not rendering because they did not exist at that relative path on the site collection that was hosting the site directory. I did some searching and found this great post that explains exactly how to derive the absolute URL from any relative URL in SharePoint: Use the SPSite.MakeFullUrl() function: public string MakeFullUrl( string strUrl ) Simply pass in the string of the relative URL and it returns you the absolute URL.

For example: Returns you the full absolute Url of the site image. SharePoint Steve » Making Custom User Profile Properties Searchable in SharePoint 2010. SharePoint 2010 allows for the creation of custom user profile properties in much the same way 2007 did. This allows a company to tailor user profiles to fit their unique business needs and better promote social networking in the enterprise. One issue I recently ran into with this however appeared when I tried to search on these new custom properties.

It so happens, that SharePoint does not automatically tie these new properties into the search experience, even if you mark the new property as one to be indexed. I am going to walk through the steps required to create a new user profile property and make it appear in SharePoint 2010’s people search so hopefully someone else doesn’t waste as much time as I did getting this to work. For this example I am going to create a Property called “Previous Customers” that lists all of the customers a person has worked with in the past. 1) Navigate to the Managed Metadata Service Application in Central Admin Part 2 – Creating the Profile Property a.

B. X-SharePointHealthScore: a new SharePoint 2010 HTTP header - Michel Barneveld's Blog - Michel Barneveld. I was testing something with SharePoint 2010 and needed a deeper look on what was actually send over the wire. So I started fiddler and noticed a few HTTP headers in the response that were new to me.

The new headers: MicrosoftSharePointTeamServicesThis header is not really new. It's been there in previous versions of SharePoint. But the version is new ;-) SPRequestGuidThis turns out to be the Log Correlation Id. X-SharePointHealthScoreThis one got me puzzled for some time where it's getting it's value from. What is the X-SharePointHealthScore HTTP Header? It's a header that returns the systems health (duh) based on these 3 performance counters: Memory - Available MBytesASP.NET - Requests QueuedASP.NET - Request Wait Time There are references in the code to the CPU Usage performance counter, but no performance counters are actually being used for that.

So how does it calculate the Health Score value? For example the Memory Score (the top one of the above 3). And as a little disclaimer. SharePoint 2010 Writing and Recordings (Books, Articles and Screencasts) Customizing and Extending the SharePoint 2010 Server Ribbon. The following two sections walk through how to customize the SharePoint 2010 Server ribbon. Both walkthroughs use various techniques, and each component is explained in detail.

For the sample code for both walkthroughs, see MSDN Sample - Customizing and Extending the SharePoint 2010 Server Ribbon. This sample code requires only a SharePoint Foundation 2010 site collection. The first sample, WebPartRibbonContextualTab, shown in Figure 3, demonstrates how to create a custom Web Part that uses the following ribbon customizations: Contextual tab group Custom tab Custom group Command UI handlers Activating the contextual tab group only when the Web Part is on the page Triggering and handling a server-side postback when a button is clicked on the ribbon. Figure 3. The second sample, ApplyDocumentPrefixRibbon, shown in Figure 4, demonstrates how to implement the following customizations and techniques: A custom group in an existing ribbon tab.

Figure 4. Step 1: Create the Web Part <? Home - The SharePoint User's Toolkit. SharePoint Fun. SharePoint - Stack Exchange. Top SharePoint Internet Sites. <div class='noindex'>You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. Please enable scripts and reload this page. </div> Sign In livepivot <div id="ctl00_PlaceHolderSearchArea_ctl00_noscript">It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Google Original content on is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License . SP2010: Intellisense not working with master pages in VS2010 « Johan Leino. SP2010: Intellisense not working with master pages in VS2010 One thing I noticed when starting to work with SharePoint 2010 in Visual Studio 2010 is that when you are editing a master page (and some other type of items) you get no intellisense.

Why this is I have no idea but I can guess that it has to do with the project type that the SharePoint project is based on (getting back to that in upcoming posts…) which is not a web template. OK, but you can get around it thought. The solution What you do is right-click on the .master file and choose “open with…” Then you click the “master page editor” and click “set as default” button. Now it should work again… Like this: Like Loading... SharePoint 2010, Visual Studio 2010. SharePoint Branding & Design. MOSS 2007: Automate Web App Deployment with the SharePoint API. Automate Web App Deployment with the SharePoint API Ethan Wilansky and Paul Olszewski and Rick Sneddon At the 2008 Office System Developer's Conference, one presenter metaphorically described a .NET developer's first look at SharePoint® as equivalent to an experienced mountain climber staring at a smooth wall 100 feet tall and trying to figure out exactly how to scale it. Many Microsoft products offer a dizzying array of approaches to completing a task, and deploying custom SharePoint applications is a good example of such a case.

Because SharePoint is a complex and sophisticated application platform, deployment can present some puzzles to the uninitiated. In this article, we will show you how to automate custom SharePoint application deployments by taking advantage of the SharePoint API. Following this approach allows you to avoid having to create and maintain a custom site definition. SharePoint Deployment Basics Solutions and Features Scoping for Automation Tasks Managing Web.config. Helpful Tools.