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For Developers - The National Science Digital Library. Openpub - Open Publication Distribution System. About OPDS. The Open Publication Distribution System (OPDS) Catalog specification is a syndication format for electronic publications based on Atom RFC4287 and HTTP RFC2616. All of the formal versions of the OPDS Catalog specifications are available on the specifications page. What are OPDS Catalogs? OPDS Catalogs enable the aggregation, distribution, and discovery of books, journals, and other digital content by any user, from any source, in any electronic format, on any device. The OPDS Catalogs specification is based on the Atom syndication format and prioritizes simplicity and speed. Are there any current implementers of this standard? The OPDS Catalog 1.1 specification is based on a lot of existing, in-production software and collaboration between ebook reading systems, publishers, and distributors. Some highlights: OPDS Catalogs are the first component in the Internet Archive’sBookServer Project.

Checkout the openpub project pages, issue tracker, and wiki or join the openpub discussion list. CommonPlace.Net. PBCore: Public Broadcasting Metadata Dictionary Project. Library Technology Reports, Understanding the Semantic Web and RDA Vocabularies: Two-Issue Set - Books / Professional Development - Books for Academic Librarians - Books for Public Librarians - Product Sets.