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70 Excellent Photoshop Resources By Kawsar Ali Adobe Photoshop is the tool of choice for many designers and artists. Photoshop can be used for almost every little task that involves graphic design. In this massive collection of resources, you’ll find all sorts of resources including: tutorial sites, Photoshop Brushes, patterns, Photoshop Actions, showcases/collections, and much more. Photoshop Tutorial Sites 1. Psdtuts+ is a weblog and Photoshop site that features high-quality Photoshop tutorials. 2. Tutorial9 is a website that publishes excellent Photoshop tutorials such as “Draw a Classy 3D Poker Chip in Photoshop” and “Render a Realistic CD in Photoshop“. PSDFAN publishes high-quality tutorials, Photoshop freebies, and interviews with designers and artists. 4. Photoshop Ninja is a site dedicated to Photoshop. PSHERO shares Photoshop tutorials in categories such as Graphic Design, Photo Effects, and Tips & Tricks. 6. You Suck at Photoshop is a funny – but very educational – video series of Photoshop tutorials. 7. 8. 9. 70 Excellent Photoshop Resources
Photoshop is very powerful tool and it becomes more powerful in the hands of imaginative and creative people. They can give their imagination a life by using Photoshop. You can create as much as photo effects as you like to create. In this post i have listed 40 excellent Photoshop photo effects tutorials to help you create different effects and manipulate photographs. I hope you will enjoy these tutorials and don’t forget to mention the tutorial which was an add on in your experience. 1. In this tutorial you will learn how to use a variety of filters and techniques to produce an image in an experimental style. 2. This tutorial demonstrates how to use digital painting with a drawing tablet to create the illusion of lip gloss on bare lips. 3. In this tutorial you will learn how to apply coloring effects to a photo. 4. Really awesome tutorial to make photos more suggestive with amazing curves. 5. 6. In this tutorial you will learn to create impressive photo effect. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Empower Photoshop Skills With 40 Cool Photo Effects Tutorials | Empower Photoshop Skills With 40 Cool Photo Effects Tutorials |
15 Fresh and Useful Photoshop Tutorials | Tutorials 15 Fresh and Useful Photoshop Tutorials | Tutorials Part of being a designer is keeping your skills sharp and up-to-date. Skills may span a broad range of tools, but probably the most used tool of all designers is Photoshop. In this post, we’ve collected 15 fresh and useful Photoshop tutorials to help you brush up on your skills and learn new techniques. The types of tutorials in this collection include text effects, photo manipulation, interface design, and more. Simple Underwater Scene in Photoshop In this tutorial I will show you how to create a underwater scene with some bubbles and light effects. Creating Retro Folded Typography In this Photoshop tutorial, we’re going to create retro-looking text that seems like it’s constructed using folded strips of paper. How to Create a Photo Realistic Camera In this tutorial we will demonstrate a powerful combination of vector shapes, layer styles, and manual drawing to create a photorealistic camera. Making a Book of Magical Playground Scene 3D Water Text Effect with Repoussé in Photoshop CS5
PHOTOSHOP CS4/CS3 - Télécharger Photoshop Brush Mega Pack Collection pour Photoshop Ressource gratuite Note : 0 | +1 -1 Grâce à ce pack de 269 Mo de brushs, vous allez pouvoir agrémenter vos créations de jolies formes sans avoir à télécharger un par un les brushs ! Tags : pack brush, brushes, brushs, brush, pack Source : Catégorie : Brushes Télécharger la ressource PHOTOSHOP CS4/CS3 - Télécharger Photoshop Brush Mega Pack Collection pour Photoshop
Collection of Over 850 Great Free Photoshop Styles To Download Collection of Over 850 Great Free Photoshop Styles To Download Posted on by bmackler in Photoshop, Resources Layer Styles are one of the often forgotten “extras” of Photoshop that can really help streamline your work flow. Sitting there waiting for you to use them. Styles can be used to help you do many things including easily create icons, buttons and Text Styles in quicker time that you probably could do it by scratch. Today lets take a look at over 850 of the best free Photoshop Styles and Tutorials for you to download. Glass Layer Styles+PSD+Icons Degrade Gradients 15 Incredible Photoshop Styles Glowing PS styles 13 Glossy Photoshop Styles 56 Photoshop Layer Styles Vol.2 Styles 220 Amazing Free Photoshop Layer Styles Ultimate Web 2.0 Layer Styles Vista Glass Style by ~lost–in–thought Critix Photoshop Styles 1 15+5 Web 2.0 Style Set 1 Web 2.0 Gradients chameleon style no.2 Styles serious 16+4 Web 2.0 StyleSet 2 Chrome Text Style Photoshop Text Style Pack Reptile Skin Photoshop Styles Clear Jelly Text Effect & Layer Styles Gold text style by ~CorouD
15 metallic photoshop styles Added: 2009-02-12 Category: Home >> Styles and Gradients >> Photoshop Version: photoshop CS and up Downloads: Description: 15 metallic photoshop photoshop styles Download Copyright © 2008 - All rights reserved. 15 metallic photoshop styles-All Free Brush 15 metallic photoshop styles-All Free Brush
Pour commencer, télécharger la photo qui va servir à la retouche. ici Ouvrir la photo avec photoshop Selection du "canal rouge" dans la "fenêtre des calques" . Selction de toute l'image (CTRL-A), puis copie de l'image dans le presse papier (CTRL-C) . (CTRL-V) pour coller le contenu du presse papier dans le nouveau calque ET 2 duplication de ce nouveau calque grace au click droit sur le calque et option "dupliquer le calque".Nous voici avec cette configuration : Nous allons assombrir l'image en utilisant les Courbes (CTRL-M) Descendez la coubre pour obtenir une image comme celle-ci. Puis valider en cliquant sur "ok" . Retourner dans la fenêtre canal (1) et en maintenant la touche (CTRL) enfoncée, cliquer sur l'image miniature du canal RVB(2). -Retour aux calques et supression du calque sombre. Réglage de la transparence du calque sur 90 % et fusion des 2 premier calques. Création d'un masque vectoriel. Et voila, c'est fini . Soyez indulgeants, c'est mon premier tuto :)

Tuto Photoshop les meilleurs tutoriaux photoshop parmis les tutoriaux photoshop du net cs4, cs3 et cs2 Bienvenue dans ce nouveau tutoriel, dans ce dernier nous allons utiliser deux logiciels très puissants pour réaliser cet effet, nous allons commencer par réaliser un superbe effet de texte 3D avec Cinema 4D puis ajouter un effet d'éclaboussure de peinture et lumière avec Photoshop pour obtenir un rendu magnifique Tuto Photoshop les meilleurs tutoriaux photoshop parmis les tutoriaux photoshop du net cs4, cs3 et cs2
Free Photoshop Tutorials, Photoshop Brushes, Photoshop Actions, Photoshop Texture - Patterns
Repeating patterns are a great resource to add detail and texture to any website or interface design. Download this free pack of 12 pixel based patterns, including diagonal lines, dots and tessellating shapes for use in your future design projects. All the patterns are contained within a Photoshop .pat file. Download the Photoshop pattern file 12 Free Repeating Pixel Patterns for Photoshop 12 Free Repeating Pixel Patterns for Photoshop

Create a Still Life Candle in Photoshop Create a Still Life Candle in Photoshop Still life compositions are like photographs in that they portray the details of objects as moments frozen in time. Still life images don’t tell a story, they simply depict the objects themselves. In today’s tutorial we will explore this style of art by creating a still life candle in Photoshop. Resources Used The following resources were used during the production of this tutorial: Wood Texture Step 1 First, create a new file, 900x768 px and with a resolution of 300 ppi. Step 2 Now make a new layer and name it as "Candle top". Step 3 Fill the entire selection with the colors as indicated below using a Radial gradient. Step 4 In the "Candle top" layer, select the small thumbnail on the left side of the layer's name while holding the Cmd key to activate the selection marquee around the circle. Step 5 Now go to Filter > Distort > Twirl and change the its value to an angle of 490 degrees. Step 6 Press Cmd + T to activate the resizing handles, then do what is shown below. Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Step 10
Tips » Build Animated GIFs in Photoshop. If you’ve ever wondered how to create animated GIFs in Photoshop, we’ve created a simple tutorial with some example files you can download and try out. We use a lot of animated GIF files in our weekly tips. They are fun to build, and better for our email subscribers because Flash animations are not supported in most email readers. A Simple Example For a quick hands-on tutorial on creating animated GIFs in Adobe Photoshop, we’ll walk you through creating the following animation: This simple animation combines the two most common animation techniques in Photoshop: Turning layers off and on, and using the Tween command to animate the movement of an object on a layer. Step 1: Set up your layers. The first step in creating any animation in Photoshop is to build a layered Photoshop file with all the elements you plan to animate. You can download our example Photoshop file here: ExampleAnimation.psd Step 2: Create Animation Frames with Layer Visibility. Step 3: Create Animation Frames using Tween.
Apprendre à utiliser Photoshop pour les nuls - tutoriel pour débutants Photoshop est un logiciel de traitement d'image professionnel qui permet de faire de la retouche photo, du dessin (digital painting), du graphisme ou encore du webdesign. Il est utilisé dans de nombreux domaines : les agences de publicité, les photographes, les graphistes, le cinéma ou encore les particuliers. Photoshop est édité par Adobe et fait partie d'un ensemble de logiciels : la Creative Suite. Même s'il peut paraître difficile à utiliser aux yeux d'un débutant, il n'en est rien. Dans ce cours, nous allons voir comment utiliser Photshop en faisant le tour des fonctionnalités importantes, pour comprendre la logique de cet outil très puissant. Si Photoshop n'est pas déjà installé sur votre PC ou Mac, il va falloir l'ajouter. L'objectif de cette première partie est de vous apprendre toutes les notions qu'il est indispensable de connaître pour pouvoir exploiter tout le potentiel de Photoshop. Cette seconde partie aborde des points plus ciblés :
Aujourd'hui, on va apprendre à faire des fausses cartes d'identité destinée au web. Vous pourrez alors la mettre sur votre site, en signature d'un forum, ou pour un jeu que vous faites. On peut en imaginer beaucoup d'utilisations! ;) Pour commencer, créons un nouveau document de la taille que vous voulez. On va attribuer à ce calque des styles. Puis un dégradé de couleur (pour lui ajoute ce petit style 2.0) : (Le dégradé va du #17638A au #5CC0FF Enfin, on lui ajoute un biseautage pour lui donner du relief : On obtient une jolie carte :) Nous allons à présent écrire un texte en fond. Bien sûr ceci n'est qu'un extrait, il faut bien faire quelque chose de long :) Copiez toutes ces lignes et collez le sur de nouvelles lignes pour avoir un grand texte. Le problème, c'est que le texte déborde. Si vous avez bien opéré, vous aurez une sélection qui fait le tour de la carte : On ajoute une petite photo. Continuons notre carte. Ensuite, on ajoute un dégradé à l'aide des styles de fusion. Salut! Wow ! Tutoriel Photoshop | Créer une carte d'identité virtuelle
Tutoriel Photoshop Coins Ronds
Mar 01 2011 What do you do when you have an idea? Well, a good thing would be to write it down first. The next step would be to ask yourself how to actually implement it and bring it to life. With Adobe Photoshop, almost everything is possible. As you will see from these tutorials, it is a powerful tool for creating trendy designs as well as freshening up and editing graphics. We’ve collected various types of artwork to match everyone’s taste. Create a Spherical 3D Puzzle With Photoshop In this tutorial you will learn how to create a nice spherical 3D puzzle using Photoshop CS5 Extended’s 3D tools: Create an Underwater Typography Scene This tutorial teaches you how to create a custom typography piece. “Piece of the Artic” Pie Chart Photo Manipulation In this tutorial, the artist shares his experience in recreating this illustration. Drawing a T-Shirt in Photoshop In this tutorial you can learn how to draw a realistic T-shirt in photoshop: Photoshop Tutorials To Suit Your Taste
Free Photoshop Tutorials, Custom Shapes, Photo Effects, PSD Files and More
Start working by creating a new file (File>New) of 1920×1200px/72dpi. Select after that the Paint Bucket Tool (G) to fill the new layer with black color. Apply next the Rectangle Tool (U) to represent several rectangles on the bottom part of the file. Firstly we’ll draw just one, then make six copies of it and finally choose Free Transform option to situate the copies the same way as on the picture below. The color chosen for them is #B66F22 Combine all the rectangles in a single group (hold on Ctrl button to mark out the corresponding layers and then press the left mouse’s button when moving the marked layers on Create a new group option).Select the group and then press CTRL+E. Make a copy of the layer with the blurred rectangles. Put together both layers (press Ctrl button, mark out the layers and finally press CTRL+E).Set the next indicated parameters on the layer we’ve got: Fill 41% Next we’ll draw several lines on the picture. Next we’ll make two copies of the third line’s group. Glowing Neon Effects
Create a Glowing Effect Scene in Photoshop

Creative Examples Of Photo Manipulation Art
Photoshop Website - Tutorials,Brushes & more..
500+ Free Professional Photoshop Actions
Tuto photoshop CS5 en video | detourage d'un personnage et de ces cheveux
L'école Photoshop, tout les tutoriaux pour apprendre Photoshop gratuitement
TOUT Photoshop - La référence du Tuto Photoshop CS5, CS6 et CS4
Playing with Timeline in Photoshop CS6
40 Useful Photoshop Tutorials for Photo Manipulation « JinSpiration
Text portrait effect in photoshop
Photoshop France
Faire du HDR avec Photoshop CS6 et Camera Raw - Zen Photo
Tutoriaux Photoshop
Comprendre les masques de fusion dans Photoshop cc
Obtenir un effet de lumière en étoile sur vos photos
Octopussy World v6 :: Accueil
PHOTOSHOP , 3267 Formation Photoshop en vidéo sur TUTO
Créer des gif partiellement animés avec Photoshop
Effet De La Lumière Photoshop En 10 Étapes ~ The best tutorials designe
Effet De La Lumière Photoshop En 10 Étapes ~ The best tutorials designe
Apprendre Photoshop CS5
An Idiot's Guide to Photoshop, Part 1: Easy Photoshop
An Idiot's Guide to Photoshop, Part 2: Useful Tools & Tips

























