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Desert Biome In this report you will learn about Hot and Dry Deserts and Cold Deserts. I hope you enjoy! A Hot and Dry Desert is, as you can tell from the name, hot and dry. Most Hot and Dry Deserts don't have very many plants. A cold desert is a desert that has snow in the winter instead of just dropping a few degrees in temperature like they would in a Hot and Dry Desert. Deserts cover about one fifth of the Earth's land surface. Hot and Dry Deserts temperature ranges from 20 to 25° C. The precipitation in Hot and Dry Deserts and the precipitation in Cold Deserts is different. Hot and Dry Deserts are warm throughout the fall and spring seasons and very hot during the summer. the winters usually have very little if any rainfall. Hot and Dry Deserts vegetation is very rare. Cold Desert's plants are scattered. Hot and Dry Deserts animals include small nocturnal (only active at night) carnivores. Stetson N. 2000 bibliography: Lambert, Wayne, "Deserts", The World Book Encyclopedia, 1994 ed. Desert Biome
Desert Biome Online exhibits : The world's biomes The desert biome Deserts cover about one fifth of the Earth's surface and occur where rainfall is less than 50 cm/year. Although most deserts, such as the Sahara of North Africa and the deserts of the southwestern U.S., Mexico, and Australia, occur at low latitudes, another kind of desert, cold deserts, occur in the basin and range area of Utah and Nevada and in parts of western Asia. Most deserts have a considerable amount of specialized vegetation, as well as specialized vertebrate and invertebrate animals. There are relatively few large mammals in deserts because most are not capable of storing sufficient water and withstanding the heat. Desert biomes can be classified according to several characteristics. Hot and dry desert The four major North American deserts of this type are the Chihuahuan, Sonoran, Mojave and Great Basin. The seasons are generally warm throughout the year and very hot in the summer. Canopy in most deserts is very rare. Desert Biome
Desert The defining characteristic of a desert is that it is dry. Depending on its geographical location, the annual precipitation in a desert varies from half an inch to as much as 15 inches. Rainfall is usually very localized, and although it is frequently seasonal, it is difficult to predict when or where it will occur. Deserts can be either hot such as the Australian Desert or cold such as the Gobi Desert. Deserts may occur along the coast such as the Atacama and Namib deserts or in the interior of continents such as the Great Basin and Australian deserts, which are far from any source of water. Because all deserts are dry, they have large daily temperature variations. Back | Next Earth Floor: Desert Biome Earth Floor: Desert Biome
Recette Ingrédients Dessert de gelée et de mousse de pomelo Préparation Faites tremper les feuilles de gélatine dans de l'eau froide pour les attendrir. Pressez les pomelos pour en extraire le jus. Séparez le jaune d'oeuf du blanc. Remettez le mélange d'oeuf et de jus de pomelo sur le feu. Versez la crème dans un grand bol et incorporez le fromage blanc et le blanc d'oeuf monté en neige. Prenez 2 coupes à dessert et répartissez le jus de pomelo dans le fond. Si vous aimez la recette Les commentaires Les internautes ont aussi aimé... Recette de Dessert de gelée et de mousse de pomelo Recette de Dessert de gelée et de mousse de pomelo
Tuiles à l’orange 1 :-3 zestes d’oranges -600g de sucre -180g de beurre 2 :-240g de jus d’orange filtré 3 :-225g de farine Mélanger 1 au cutter, ajouter le jus d’orange petit à petit puis la farine. Sauce caramel/orange 1 :-320g de sucre 2 :-400g de jus d’orange filtré Cuire le sucre à sec afin d’obtenir un caramel légèrement amer, le décuire à l’aide du jus d’orange en incorporant celui-ci petit à petit toujours sur le gaz, et laisser réduire à une consistance de sirop. Poudre d’orange 1 :-12g de zestes d’orange -8g se sucre Mélanger et sécher au four à 100*C sur silpat en remuant de temps en temps. Gelée d’orange 1 :-2 feuilles de gélatine or 2 :-290g de jus d’orange filtré -10g de jus de citron Ramollir 1 dans de l’eau froide, l’essorer puis la chauffer avec une partie des jus en remuant afin de la dissoudre (ne pas porter à ébullition) et mélanger au reste des jus. Compotée d’orange -20 oranges -QS sucre Prélever les zestes des oranges à l’aide d’une râpe américaine et les blanchir trois fois. -1 œuf Dessert à l'assiette
Recettes de desserts et entremets - Recettes de gâteaux, tartes, petits fours, crèmes, flans, mousses Recettes de desserts et entremets - Recettes de gâteaux, tartes, petits fours, crèmes, flans, mousses La pâtisserie n’appartiendrait qu’aux pâtissiers… c’est hélas vrai, et la science de nos amis pâtissiers a bien du mal à arriver aux fourneaux rustiques des cuisines. Le corporatisme qui sévit encore montre bien la forteresse des conservatismes. Il est vrai et c’est affligeant que lorsque nous lisons avec impatience des recettes ou des « révélations » de chefs pâtissiers aussi célèbres que pédants, il nous est impossible de répéter, reproduire ou atteindre même un ersatz de résultat acceptable. En cuisine on ne pèse pas le liquide, on mesure au litre; on ne pèse pas les œufs on les compte, on ne calcule pas l’hygrométrie, on tripote, on ne graisse pas le sucre on y ajoute du glucose…. Recettes par catégorie Recettes à ne pas manquer Et aussi Découvrez d'autres recettes desserts avec le site Découvrez les desserts du patissier Florian Voirin.
La Table à Dessert - La Table à Dessert
Des desserts au chocolat à préparer en moins de 15 ou 30 min Des desserts au chocolat à préparer en moins de 15 ou 30 min Improviser un goûter à la dernière minute pour votre enfant ou épater vos amis avec un dessert délicieux sans passer trop de temps en cuisine : mission impossible ? Pas de panique : il vous suffit d’avoir les bons ingrédients et de sélectionner l’une de nos recettes de dessert au chocolat. Succès garanti ! > Vous disposez de 15 minutes ou moins Défi n°1 : votre enfant a invité des copains pour le goûter, et vous voulez leur préparer un gâteau. La solution : sortir du placard une des 5 Préparations pour Gâteaux au chocolat NESTLE DESSERT, du beurre et des œufs pour réaliser au choix : - Un Fondant au chocolat- Un Moelleux au chocolat- Un Marbré au chocolat- Un Brownie au chocolat- Des Cookies aux pépites de chocolat > Plus d’idées pour le goûter Défi n°2 : Vous recevez des amis ce soir et ce sont de sacrés gourmets ! > Vous disposez de 15 à 30 min Défi n°3 : vous avez décidé d’organiser le goûter d’anniversaire de votre aîné, 10 ans aujourd’hui.
recette dessert

Desert A desert is a barren area of land where little precipitation occurs and consequently living conditions are hostile for plant and animal life. The lack of vegetation exposes the unprotected surface of the ground to the processes of denudation. About one third of the land surface of the world is arid or semi-arid. Deserts are formed by weathering processes as large variations in temperature between day and night put strains on the rocks which consequently break in pieces. Plants and animals living in the desert need special adaptations to survive in the harsh environment. Etymology Physical geography Classification Potential evapotranspiration supplements the measurement of precipitation in providing a scientific measurement-based definition of a desert. Cold desert: snow surface at Dome C Station, Antarctica Cold deserts, sometimes known as temperate deserts, occur at higher latitudes than hot deserts, and the aridity is caused by the dryness of the air. Weathering processes Desert
Desert Biomes by DesertUSA Union Post of Fort Craig Paddy Graydon's Mule Bombs - Union Captain James "Paddy" Graydon had a plan, and every soldier who had ever served with Paddy Graydon understood that things could get dangerous in a hurry whenever that Irishman had a plan. They said he was "reckless" and "arrogant." They said he was a "daredevil" and a "braggart." And they revered him. They knew that in campaigns against Apaches, Navajos and outlaws across New Mexico, Arizona and northern Mexico, Paddy Graydon had proven himself to be "fearless" and "indefatigable." Now, every soldier at the Union post of Fort Craig, on the west bank of the Rio Grande in central New Mexico, hoped that Graydon's latest plan would work. Billy the Kid William Bonney - Some people say that he was a "psychotic moron from the slums of New York". Billy the Kid was born in 1859, most likely in New York City. Stories of Gold Dazzling Predators Featured Video Last Week's Top Story Desert News Desert Biomes by DesertUSA
Deserts Deserts Far from being barren wastelands, deserts are biologically rich habitats with a vast array of animals and plants that have adapted to the harsh conditions there. Some deserts are among the planet's last remaining areas of total wilderness. Yet more than one billion people, one-sixth of the Earth's population, actually live in desert regions. Deserts cover more than one fifth of the Earth's land, and they are found on every continent. A place that receives less than 10 inches (25 centimeters) of rain per year is considered a desert. And despite the common conceptions of deserts as dry and hot, there are cold deserts as well. Desert animals have adapted ways to help them keep cool and use less water. Desert plants may have to go without fresh water for years at a time. Some of the world's semi-arid regions are turning into desert at an alarming rate. Global warming also threatens to change the ecology of desert.
Desserts With Benefits Did you know that brown sugar is even more processed than regular ole’ granulated white sugar? Yet another reason to avoid brown sugar… and white sugar :) It’s a pretty easy thing to do when this stuff is around! Compared to storebought brown sugar, this: has 1/7th the calories and carbohydratesis low glycemic (safe for diabetics)is just as sweet and just as tasty! Super soft, super fluffy, and full of flavor! Ingredients Instructions In a medium bowl, add the erythritol and the molasses on top. Notes *Erythritol is a natural, calorie-free sweetener that looks and tastes exactly like sugar. **You can add about half a tablespoon more if you want darker brown sugar. This recipe is: fat free, low sugar, gluten free, vegan! My DIY Brown Sugar nutrition label is on the left, Storebought Brown Sugar‘s nutrition label is on the right: I think we can all agree that the DIY version is a much better choice ;D Desserts With Benefits
Desserts With Benefits This Healthy Homemade Maple Syrup tastes just like maple syrup, except it’s sugar free, low carb and nearly calorie-free! It’s perfect for topping pancakes, waffles, oatmeal, yogurt and more, the possibilities are endless! I’m the kind of person who likes to have dessert EVERY. NIGHT. Like, before, during or after dinner, I want dessert. Last week I was craving pancakes for dinner and the only way I can eat pancakes is with pure maple syrup (of course). And all that sugar before bed doesn’t sit well with me. So, I found the solution — Healthy Homemade Maple Syrup! Yeah, I know this didn’t come pouring out of a maple tree, but just like maple syrup from a tree, this DIY version is all natural, fat free, gluten free and vegan. PANCAKES FOR DINNER! Another reason why I wanted to make my own “maple syrup” was because I simply adore that sweet maple-y syrupy goodness. Healthy Homemade “Maple Syrup” (sugar free, low carb, fat free, gluten free & vegan) Ingredients Instructions Notes Like this:
Desserts With Benefits This Healthy Homemade Sugar-Free Strawberry Syrup has all the flavor of strawberries but in liquid form! This all-natural, low-calorie syrup contains no high fructose corn syrup, granulated sugar or artificial food coloring, just pure strawberry goodness. Perfect in oatmeal, yogurt, ice cream, smoothies and more! Instead of sweetening this syrup with high fructose corn syrup, bleached white sugar, artificial sweeteners or aspartame, I used all-natural stevia. Instead of sodium benzoate (a preservative) I used… oh wait, this recipe doesn’t have any preservatives! Instead of artificial food dyes (that may be linked to hyperactivity, ADHD, tumors, cancer, etc etc etc) I used all-natural, plant-based food coloring. Unlike regular syrups, this recipe doesn’t require any cooking (so you don’t need a candy thermometer). Healthy Homemade Sugar-Free Strawberry Syrup (all natural!) Ingredients Instructions Notes This recipe is: fat free, sugar free, low carb, gluten free and vegan! BIG difference, eh?
Dasylirion wheeleri – Desert Spoon « Horticulture in the Desert
Joshua Tree in Joshua Tree National Park
ALOE VERA: Uses, Benefits, Side-effects, Dosage? ALOE VERA (Aloe): Benefits, Uses and Virtues of Aloe Vera? Medicinal properties? Dosage? Side-effects of Aloe Vera? Origins, Composition, Expert opinions, Combination with other plants and more Information on Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera is one of the most powerful and well-known medicinal plants. Aloe Vera: Medicinal Properties Skin – Burns – Hair - acts effectively against skin aging (very good combination with Acai Berry and Goji Berry) - heals sunburn (avoid exposure to sun after application) - principal remedy for burns - skin repair - participates in the healing of wounds, cuts, abrasions and injuries - protection against skin diseases - eczema, dry skin (synergy with Turmeric and Peppermint) - effectively combats acne (internal and external usage) - pruritis, psoriasis, hives, impetigo, furuncle - fortifies the nails and hair (synergy with Spirulina) - restores shine to hair, skin and nails (synergy with Goji Berry and Acai Berry) - eliminates dandruff (external usage) - general anti-inflammatory
Blue Planet Biomes - Plants The Importance of Plants Close to 2.5 billion years ago, the earth's surface and atmosphere were stable enough to support primitive life. Single-cell organisms began to develop in the seas that covered the planet. Plants play the most important part in the cycle of nature. The oxygen we breathe comes from plants. Leaves are the main food-making part of most plants. Plant Facts Scientists believe there are over 260,000 species of plants. Certain characteristics of plants set them apart from other living things. Plants and Their Environment Plants require a reasonable level of heat to grow. A plant's environment is made up of many factors. No two natural communities are exactly alike, but many resemble one another more than they differ. Medicine Plants provide many useful drugs.
Blue Planet Biomes - Animals
Desert Biomes
World Deserts
Deserts -- National Geographic
Science for Kids
NASA: Earth Observatory
National Geographic
10 Largest Deserts in the World -

Australia's 10 deserts
The Sahara: Facts, Climate and Animals of the Desert
Martu people preserve bilby population with traditional knowledge - Cool Australia





