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We launched our Facebook fan page earlier this month and as with all Facebook pages only Facebook Insights program is available to page administrators. Facebook Insights shows demographic details and interactions on your pages BUT limited to show information of fans only. It is far less sophisticated and comprehensive when compared to the free Google Analytics. How to setup Google Analytics on your Facebook fan pages The workaround we use in our code is to include Google Analytics as an image instead of setting the standard Javascript. 1) Setup Google Analytics account. That is all there is to it! For advanced users Use this method, if you don’t want to use our hosted link redirection as mentioned in the method above. » Google Analytics for Facebook Fan Pages - PHP, Web and IT stuf » Google Analytics for Facebook Fan Pages - PHP, Web and IT stuf
Slideshare is a fantastic resource for sharing presentations, so you can enjoy and learn from smart people even if you cannot attend the conferences and events they often speak at. Some slideshows lose a lot of meaning if you dont have the author walking and talking you through them, but others are excellent, and there's a kind of brevity associated with the best presentations / slides, which helps to drill home the message. I have recently been browsing a number of quality social media presentations on Slideshare and thought I'd collate some of the best ones for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy! Introduction to Social MediaWhat The F**K is Social Media? 10 superb social media presentations 10 superb social media presentations
List Of Top Social Media Network Sites | Showcases | instantShif Social Media Networking really important for people who share interests and activities, or who are interested in exploring the interests and activities of others. Most social network services are web based and provide a variety of ways for users to interact, such as e-mail, blogging, instant messaging, photo sharing and gaming services. Social networking has created new paths to communicate and share information. Social networking websites are being used regularly by millions of people, and it now seems that social networking will be an enduring part of everyday life. This is one of the beat ways we as a society show our growth and our progressiveness. After being researching last few weeks Now we glad to present the List of Top Social Media Network Sites which may help you in sharing information and networking all at the same time.
Social Media Measurement KPIs - SocialTech 2010 Jeremiah Owyang , who will be speaking at SocialTech 2010 in March, sent out a Tweet asking if anyone had a "list of Social Media Measurement KPIs." Among the responses he received, he called this list compiled by Rachel Happe "the best," he found this list compiled by Lisa Barone "interesting as tactical measurements," and also thought that some of the factors compiled by Chris Lake were good, though not clearly organized by "business objective" (I also found this list sort of "kitchen-sink-y"). The length of these lists can be a little daunting and serves to remind me that the key to selecting appropriate KPIs in any endeavor is to keep the number of them manageable. One way to do that is to identify those KPIs which are tightly linked to the business results you are trying to achieve. Of course, that last sentence highlights the fact that KPIs are rarely (never?) "business results."
How Are You Measuring Your Community? It feels like I’ve written this a lot over the past few weeks, but if you weren’t tracking and measuring social media and your community efforts in 2009 – you need to get on that. Because it’s not rainbows and butterflies and sparkles. Community building is about dollars. More specifically, it’s about putting those dollars in your bank account by connecting with and building relationships with real people. One thing I’ve noticed when talking to business owners and clients is that they understand that they should be tracking ROI on community activities, they’re just not sure how or what they should be looking for. Growth This is a no-brainer and where most people will start, and sometimes, get stuck. In terms of Growth, we look at: Twitter followers/Fan page members/social media friends.Blog Subscribers.# of Active commentersMember registrations.Unique visitors.Ratio of posts to comments, types of comments.# of Message posts, if a forum.# of Conversations over a month period. Presence How Are You Measuring Your Community?
Internet Users - Top 20 Countries Global Digital Media - Advertising and Digital Marketing Trends and Statistics The advertising scene has undergone radical change and is still changing. With profits down between 5% and 10% on an annual basis, the performance of the traditional advertising market is under constant pressure. Data analytics is exposing the weakness of these traditional advertising business models and, like all of the other sectors affected by the digital economy, this means that these business models need to change.Internet Governance and Net Neutrality Insights The report analyses the developments regarding governance of the Internet and draws on developments from the World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT) and provides a case study on developments in the US in regards to net neutrality. Internet Users - Top 20 Countries
Social Spam Hackers to Kill Social Media Black Hat spammers and malicious cyber criminals have figured out that members of social networking websites are easy marks. The cunning cyber crooks exploit our collective insecurities. We all want to be liked by our social networking friends. So, chances are, quite a few users would automatically click on a legit-looking email notification of new messages or alluring invites. When they do, they are directed to dangerous malware sites that infect their computers and expose them to identity theft. The computer security firm Symantec released a report this week sounding the alarm on the disturbing spike in spam, malware and phishing attacks waged against social network members during the past three-months. Facebook is Favorite Target of Cyber Crooks Symantec found that Facebook members are favorite targets of social network spammers. Subject Line Link Bait Beware of vague subject line messages notifying you of an “unread” message or pending invite. Subject: Oops.. Douglas Idugboe Social Spam Hackers to Kill Social Media
As an international entrepreneur, Gautam Lulla has earned a world renown reputation – having logged time on three continents – with the Taj Hotel Group in India, Pegasus Solutions in the U.S. and Amadeus IT in France. With over twelve years of solid hotel industry experience spanning the breadth of the reservations and distribution technology industry – of recent date, he was instrumental in bringing together a team of professionals to launch Travel Tripper. Although there are a number of hotel reservations systems online today, many of these legacy booking engines have not kept current with the times. In just a few short years, Travel Tripper and its latest iteration, RezTrip 2.0 have broken that mold. This innovative technology has not only improved the functionality of these dated systems but has also developed a streamlined platform that reduces reliance on costly third party distribution channels, garnering greater ROI for its hotel clients. How did Travel Tripper come about? Converting Hotel Lookers into Bookers: An Interview with the COO of Travel Tripper Converting Hotel Lookers into Bookers: An Interview with the COO of Travel Tripper
Door: Tommy Klouwers Voor iedere ondernemer is het duidelijk dat social media belangrijk is voor de (online) marketingstrategie. De kosten zijn laag, terwijl het effect enorm groot kan zijn. Google+ is een nieuw sociaal netwerk, met momenteel ruim 100 miljoen leden wereldwijd. Google+ verbetert uw vindbaarheid in GoogleWanneer iemand in Google uw bedrijfsnaam intypt, zal een profiel van Google+ hoger komen te staan dan een profiel van Facebook. Google+ in NederlandOp dit moment is het grootste nadeel van Google+ het feit dat er nog niet veel Nederlanders lid zijn van het sociale netwerk. Een voorbeeld van de integratie van de profielen van Google+ kunt u zien via Door een goede online marketing strategie te creëren, kunt u een groot effect bereiken. ipsis kan u hierbij ondersteunen. alle social media op een rij alle social media op een rij
Wie is je online doelgroep? Wie is je online doelgroep? 1. Huidige klantenbestand Nog niet online met een bestaand product? Analyseer eerst je huidige klantenbestand. Online surveys en analyses van je online klantenbestand helpen je om dit te onderzoeken. 2. Tijdens een online concurrentieanalyse kijk je vooral naar de strategie, tactiek en resultaten van de concurrentie. 3. Voorbeeld van een laddering interview 4. Leeftijd Omgeving / Plaats Geslacht Opleidingsniveau Deze informatie is ook nuttig wanneer je wilt gaan adverteren op websites met een grote en uitgebreide ledendatabase zoals bijvoorbeeld Facebook en Hyves. 5. Stel je verkoopt exclusieve haarcosmeticaproducten. Daarna kijk je naar de levensfase van de doelgroep en het gedrag en de gebeurtenissen die daarbij horen. Een ander voorbeeld is wanneer stelletjes een eerste huis kopen. Afbeelding: Thomas Leuthard (cc)
Archive Theme ▾ 1 year ago ・ 168 notes 1 year ago ・ 52 notes 1 year ago ・ 197 notes 1 year ago ・ 17453 notes Ringing in the new year! 1 year ago ・ 34 notes 1 year ago ・ 23 notes 1 year ago ・ 75 notes 1 year ago ・ 26 notes 1 year ago ・ 101 notes 1 year ago ・ 19 notes Previous 1 ... 1 2 3 4 5 ... 38 Next Gifwich Gifwich
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Social Media Torquay, Devon. Social Media Training
Krista Neher – Social Media Keynote Speaker Krista Neher – Social Media Keynote Speaker Krista Neher is a sought after social media speaker and has presented hundreds of times to Fortune 100 corporations, small businesses, trade associations and conferences. She is a social media pioneer, marketing guru, bestselling author of The Social Media Field Guide, CEO of Boot Camp Digital and Managing Director of the Institute of Social Media at Cincinnati State. Social Media is changing business, communications, relationships, marketing, customer service, research and development, information sharing, technology and the way we get things done. Are you ready? “Krista’s engaging personality, professional presentation skills, and top-tiered marketing and social media knowledge combine to create a fun, knowledge-based, energy-filled experience.” – Joanne Maly While many speakers have hitched their wagon to social media, Krista Neher is the real deal when it comes to social media marketing. Popular Speaking Topics Include Bonuses “Krista Neher gets it – and always has!
The Top 100 words & phrases in the social media dictionary The social media landscape is fast changing and filled with strange terms to the uninitiated. Don’t feel intimidated! Here’s a quick guide to some of the terms you may encounter. Please add other terms in the Comments below and we’ll incorporate them and credit you. Social media glossary What is an API? An API (a techie term for application programming interface) allows users to get a data feed directly into their own sites, providing continually updated, streaming data — text, images, video — for display. app What is an app? Popularized in the general lexicon by the iPhone, an app is simply an application that performs a specific function on your computer or handheld device. astroturfing What is astroturfing? Astroturfing is a fake grassroots campaign that seeks to create the impression of legitimate buzz or interest in a product, service or idea. B Corp What is a B corporation? blog What is a blog? campaign What is a campaign? civic media Social media glossary
Welcome to the 2014 edition of the Hootsuite Social Media Glossary. This is a living document that will continue to grow as we add more terms and expand our definitions. If there’s a term you would like to see added, let us know in the comments! +1 button Similar to Facebook’s “Like” button, the +1 button is proprietary to Google and is the Internet equivalent of the thumbs-up. “+1” may also show up in emails or comment threads, as in the following: “+1 for that idea” with the meaning of “I really like this idea and I’m showing my support for it.” This thing is called an octothorpe. See: hashtag /r/ See: subreddit Abandonment rate The percentage of social customer service issues that are abandoned by customers without a resolution. Algorithm A rules-based procedure for making calculations or solving problems. Like the algorithms that power search engines, social media algorithms have a massive effect on your brand’s online visibility. Analytics Analytics tells you what happened. Archiving Avatar The Social Media Manager’s Definitive Glossary, 2014 Edition
Social Media Glossary: 25 Social Media Technology Terms Explained If you’re a marketer or relatively new to technology there is bound to be some technology terms that you come across regularly but would love an English(!) explanation of them. Do you know what a TLA is…a three letter acronym! I’ve avoided these in the list below but technology people love to make things more confusing than they are. We have compiled a social media glossary of 25 technology terms, enjoy! Business Objective of this article If you understand the terms we outline in this document it will help remove some confusion from Social Media and open up more opportunity. Social Media Technology Terms Here’s 25 Social Media Technology Terms of Confusion 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. So there’s a social media glossary of 25 terms.
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