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ESL Reading Exercises, Printable worksheets & Text Mazes ESL Reading Exercises, Printable worksheets & Text Mazes Movie worksheets- Teach English using English movies, Printable worksheets for movies-Have fun!! Music activities- Teach English using English songs- Worksheets to teach with English songs- It really works!! Word Formation Worksheets- Teaching prefixes & Suffixes (affixes) to high level students can greatly help to speed up vocabulary building-Try these worksheets in your lessons. Quizzes & Cloze Exercise: Printable quizzes, cloze & gap fill exercises. Adult Communicative Lesson plans: Help adults practice grammar & vocabulary using communicative exercises Holiday/Festivals Worksheets: Christmas, Halloween, Valentine's day, St. Games and Ideas for Teaching English to all levels- Running out of ideas? Task-based Lesson planning. Worksheet Makers: you can use these online tools to create yours and save time. Articles: Get ideas for your classrooms by reading these ESL Articles Complete Lesson Plan Packs - Download a complete lesson plan with video, ppt, worksheets Fun Games for ESL Teaching
Reading Reading Reading Lessons International Women's Day - A reading comprehension test on the topic of International Women's Day Night Study in Korea - A reading comprehension test on the topic of night studying in Korea. History of Halloween - A reading comprehension test on the topic of Halloween.
Reading Comprehension - Free Worksheets Home- English- Math - Reading - Research - Keys - Newsworthy - Links - Contact Reading Comprehension, Volume 5: Number 32, Word Meanings From Context Number 31, The Painting Number 30, Word Meanings From Context Number 29, Charity, Poem Number 28, Word Meanings From Context Number 27, Mysteries Number 26, As I Awake, Poem Number 25, Democracy and Freedom Number 24, Modest Requirements Number 23, Martin's St. Number 22, Word Meanings From Context Number 21, Word Meanings From Context Number 20, Word Meanings From Context Number 19, You, Poem Number 18, Word Meanings in Context - Antonyms Number 17, Winter Heat Number 16, Word Meanings From Context - Synonyms Number 15, Word Meanings From Context Number 14, The Presidential Campaign Number 13, Memories, Poem Number 12, Word Meanings From Context Number 11, Campaign Finance Reform Number 10, Simple Math Number 9, Fashion Blues Number 8, Word Meanings From Context Number 7, Thank You Sincerely, Poem Number 6, Treasure, Part IV Number 5, Treasure, Part III Reading Comprehension - Free Worksheets
Helping Struggling Readers Decoding is the ability to apply your knowledge of letter-sound relationships, including knowledge of letter patterns, to correctly pronounce written words. Understanding these relationships gives children the ability to recognize familiar words quickly and to figure out words they haven't seen before. Although children may sometimes figure out some of these relationships on their own, most children benefit from explicit instruction in this area. Phonics is one approach to reading instruction that teaches students the principles of letter-sound relationships, how to sound out words, and exceptions to the principles. Children will usually express their frustration and difficulties in a general way, with statements like "I hate reading!" or "This is stupid!". Here are some clues for parents that a child may have problems with word decoding and phonics: Here are some clues for teachers that a student may have problems with word decoding and phonics: How to help Play with magnetic letters. Helping Struggling Readers
Reading (General)
Words Within Words Games
Whatever it was that prompted me to go to Singapore is very trivial. The most important thing was that I learnt the meaning of loneliness and the fear of plunging into the unknown. I should say that it did me a world of good. On the twenty-fifth of March this year, I was on my way across the causeway to another foreign country to "seek my fortune". So with a brave heart, I ventured into the Lion City. Rather unwillingly, I asked a passing boy about the whereabouts of the assigned home. Now only do I know what loneliness really is. Reading comprehension, English comprehension Reading comprehension, English comprehension

A teaching resource for adult ESL: NPS - Better choices, Better health A teaching resource for adult ESL: NPS - Better choices, Better health Taking medicines can help improve your health. However, there are potential risks involved in using all medicines, including prescription, over-the-counter, traditional and herbal medicines. These risks can be higher for culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities, particularly those with low English language proficiency and literacy levels. NPS MedicineWise works with the Federation of Ethnic Communities' Councils of Australia (FECCA) and other organisations to create resources that provide information for CALD communities on the quality use of medicines. Read translated information in the languages below for tips on how to use medicines safely and reduce the risk of experiencing problems with your medicines. Resources developed in partnership with the Federation of Ethnic Communities' Councils of Australia (FECCA) and other partners. Medicines resources for organisations working with CALD communities Queries or questions?
Free-reading - integrated reading intervention program for K-1 students.
Sort By: Date Author Title Riveting Reads 12-16: Essential Fiction for the School Library Joy Court·June 2016 ISBN 9781903446928 · Price: £13.50 (Members £9.00)Add to Basket Series: Riveting Reads · Level: Secondary Encouraging students to read widely and enjoy fiction is a prime objective of all school library staff and here is another in our Riveting Reads series designed to do exactly that! Picture Books from 0 to 90 Marianne Bradnock·April 2015 ISBN 9781903446850 · Price: £15.00 (Members £11.00)Add to Basket Series: Riveting Reads · Level: Primary and Secondary This selection of some of the best picturebooks from the past eighty-five years sets out to dispel the myth that they are only suitable for the very youngest. Riveting Reads World War I Geoff Dubber·November 2014 ISBN 9781903446874 · Price: £15.00 (Members £11.00)Add to Basket Riveting Reads 9-13 Joy Court and Isobel Powell·July 2013 ISBN 9781903446775 · Price: £13.50 (Members £9.00)Add to Basket Sporting Reads: 2012 and Beyond Riveting Reads Riveting Reads
Simply Lateral
Reading The 100 American People You Should Know Essays on 100 well-known American people for English learners to read For Beginners Start Reading for Children (1) Simple present tense, 50-word passages for children to start readingStart Reading for Children (2) 100 more 50-word passages for kids to improve English through readingStart Reading for Children (3) 100 longer reading passages to increase children's English level English for Children (1) 100 short stories (50 words each), simple present tense, with AudioEnglish for Children (2) 125 easy short stories for children to practice reading and listeningEnglish Level 1 Simple present tense, 50-word passages for beginners + audio & exercisesEnglish Level 2 Short passages for beginners + audio & exercisesEnglish Level 3 Short essays for beginners + audio & exercisesEnglish Level 4 More short essays for beginners + audio & exercisesEnglish Level 5 200-word essays for beginners + audio & exercises Super Easy Reading 200 easy stories for beginners. Reading
Reading Comprehension Resources for EFL and ESL Learners
Reading - Intermediate Reading Comprehension - "Learning English" Read this short text about learning English, then answer the multiple-choice questions. Exercise Number: 3R1 The Alien Story Read this story about a credible UFO sighting - and then put the pieces of the story into the correct order. Exercise Number: 3R2 Changes In Town Read how Jake's town has changed recently, then answer true/false questions. Contradictory Proverbs Many proverbs in English contradict other proverbs. Formal and Informal Letters Change the informal letter into a formal one using more formal English expressions. Charlie Chaplin's Early Life Read about Charlie Chaplin's early life and then answer the true/false questions. The Shrinking Lake Read about a disappearing lake in the middle of Africa, then answer the true/false/don't know questions. The Fishing Champion Read about a young angler, then fill in the missing paragraphs. A Traditional Wedding Read about a traditional wedding, then answer the true/false questions. Reading - Intermediate
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ESL Reading Lessons: Good Health Good Health Most people would agree with the definition of good health as being a state where you are free from sickness. Despite this, there are many different opinions about how a person can actually have good health. People used to only think of their health when they were sick. But these days more and more people are taking measures to make sure that they don't get sick in the first place. One of the best things you can do for your body is exercise. Along with exercise, having a healthy diet can help promote good health. In todays modern world, we all have some level of stress in our life. There are several ways to fight against stress in your life. The things Ive just mentioned are only some of the ways that people can have good health. ESL Reading Lessons: Good Health
Reading Comprehension Resources for EFL and ESL Learners
"Your reading comprehension materials are the best I've found on the web. They are so thorough and comprehensive! My students and I have learned a lot from them. Thanks so much!" -- Susan B., Carter, KY. 03/21/12 Like these materials? On this page you will find our complete list of high quality reading comprehension worksheets created specially by our team for students in grade levels K-12. READTHEORYWorkbooks Visit our online store here! Our reading comprehension worksheets teach students to think critically, draw inferences, understand scope and global concepts, find or recall details, and infer the meaning of useful vocabulary words. © COPYRIGHT NOTICE: The below publications contain copyrighted work to be used by teachers in school or at home. Grade 1 - Find more here! Phew! You really really like reading comprehension. Critical Thinking Reading Comprehension Worksheets Short Story Reading Comprehension Worksheets Answers for this series are included at the end of each worksheet." Reading Comprehension Worksheets
Free Online English Lessons and Exercises
Free English Reading comprehension tests and exercises online Reading comprehension is also an important part when you take an English test. Reading comprehension test can help you to improve vocabulary, grammar, and logical thought ability. There are some tips for you to improve reading skills: - Practice reading every day. - Take note all new words and learn them. - Try to answer all the questions. - After answer all the questions. - Practice reading techniques - scanning, skimming, intensive and extensive reading. + Scanning: You try to find a particular piece of information. + Skimming: You try to gather the most important information as quickly as possible. + Intensive reading: You try to find the details of a specific information. + Extensive reading: You try to find general information of a passage. Elementary Reading Tests
Reading Comprehension - Free Worksheets
English Reading Here's our latest English reading article. Read the story first, then take a look at the vocabulary notes at the bottom if you need to. There's plenty more reading practice in our free weekly English lesson - packed with help writing and speaking English. This is the second guest post by Isaac Jordan on English language and culture. So last time I talked about selfies and you’ll be pleased to know I have taken lots of horrible ones since then, with the occasional good one. This time I want to talk about a little thing called ‘YOLO’, partly because it links really well with selfies and partly because I can’t think of anything else that comes up more frequently on social media. What is it? The most obvious reason is probably because these people are just big fat grouches, but on a serious note it’s also fair to say that ‘#YOLO’ has been used in connection with sometimes damaging, inconsiderate and once or twice, fatal behaviour. Vocabulary notes True / False questions More Reading »

Reading Taking in the meaning of letters or symbols For educators and researchers, reading is a multifaceted process involving such areas as word recognition, orthography (spelling), alphabetics, phonics, phonemic awareness, vocabulary, comprehension, fluency, and motivation.[5][6] Other types of reading and writing, such as pictograms (e.g., a hazard symbol and an emoji), are not based on speech-based writing systems.[7] The common link is the interpretation of symbols to extract the meaning from the visual notations or tactile signals (as in the case of braille).[8] There is a growing body of evidence which illustrates the importance of reading for pleasure for both educational purposes as well as personal development.[9] Photo: Reading a newspaper in Catania, Sicily. Overview[edit] Volunteer reads to a girl at the Casa Hogar de las Niñas in Mexico City As a leisure activity, children and adults read because it is pleasant and interesting. Reading vs. literacy[edit] Writing systems[edit] NAEP[edit]
English Reading REGISTER NOW to learn English free with USA Learns! In today’s world, reading is basic to everyday life. If you want to learn English more quickly, lots of reading is important. Advertisement Reading to Learn English Vocabulary Reading is the best way to improve your vocabulary! Reading comprehension is easier if you already know the keywords in the reading. Reading to Learn English in the 1st English Course We say a picture is worth a thousand words. Did you understand what you read? Reading to Learn English for Intermediate Levels In our intermediate courses, 2nd English Course and Practice English and Reading, the readings have longer and more complex sentences. You’ll learn and practice key vocabulary words before the reading activity. Read along with the text while you listen to a native speaker read it. After reading and listening to the passage, test your understanding with the comprehension activities. But what if we take the text away? Reading and Video Comprehension Reading to Learn English Vocabulary - USA Learns
4 Ways to Improve Your Reading Skills



















