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UK Politics UK Politics <div id="blq-no-js-banner"><p>For a better experience on your device, try our <a href=" site</a>.</p></div> Accessibility links BBC navigation UK Politics In association with RSS feed Advertisement 8 April 2014Last updated at 17:28 ET Miller 'devastated' by expenses row Culture Secretary Maria Miller says she is "devastated" that she has let her constituents down, amid growing pressure on her to resign. UK-Ireland future 'built on trust' Irish President Michael D Higgins hails the "warm and enduring" links with Britain in a special address to Parliament. IMF: UK to lead G7 growth in 2014 The International Monetary Fund (IMF) says the UK economy will grow by 2.9% in 2014, while global growth will be 3.6%. 716 Our Experts Article written by Nick Robinson Nick Robinson Political editor More from Nick Where Miller story is heading 5 hours ago Maria Miller has made the apology she failed to make in her thirty two second appearance in the Commons. Read full article Read full article
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Space Politics » Democratic membership of the House Science Committee (Updated) Space Politics » Democratic membership of the House Science Committee (Updated) By Jeff Foust on 2011 January 25 at 7:10 am ET Although there’s been no formal release from the Democratic caucus of the House Science, Space and Technology Committee, the Democratic members of the committee were formally named last week in a House resolution: Jerry Costello (IL) Lynn Woolsey (CA) Zoe Lofgren (CA) David Wu (OR) Brad Miller (NC) Daniel Lipinski (IL) Gabrielle Giffords (AZ) Donna Edwards (MD) Marcia Fudge (OH) Ben Lujan (NM) Paul Tonko (NY) Jerry McNerney (CA) John Sarbanes (MD) Terri Sewell (AL) Frederica Wilson (FL) Hansen Clarke (MI) Many of the Democrats named served on the committee in the previous Congress, although there are several new members as well. Update 5 pm: The Democratic caucus announced Tuesday afternoon subcommittee assignments. Update 6:30 am Wed: A statement from Rep.
After presidential candidate Newt Gingrich’s speech that featured the goal of a permanent base on the Moon by 2020, he was criticized by some of his fellow Republican candidates, among others, for proposing what they believe to be an expensive venture. Mitt Romney’s campaign issued a statement criticizing the plan, which it argued could cost “up to $500 billion”; Rick Santorum ran a radio ad affixing the same price tag to the plan. But just how much would a lunar base cost? In an effort to answer that and other questions about the fiscal policies of the candidates, The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget issued a report this week estimating the costs of some of those policies. On page 17, it looks at Gingrich’s plan to “Establish a Moon Base and Manned Mission to Mars”. There are some flaws in the report’s analysis. Yet another question is whether a lunar base development plan that a President Gingrich might seek funding for would be anything like the older Constellation plans. Space Politics » Putting a price on Gingrich’s lunar plans Space Politics » Putting a price on Gingrich’s lunar plans
International Politics: Overview International Politics: Overview Governments not only interact with the people they rule but also with other governments—to trade, to share ideas, to work together to solve global problems, and to resolve disputes. Political scientists have been analyzing international relations— relations between states—for centuries, but never more so than during the twentieth century, as scholars tried to explain the reasons for and explore the aftermath of World Wars I and II and the Cold War that followed. Although numerous international agreements and institutions exist to facilitate smooth relations among the nearly 200 countries in the world, international politics can still be extremely violent. Even though people have fought one another for millennia, political scientists still do not know exactly what causes people and states to go to war, start revolutions, or commit acts of terrorism.
Politics 101: Top Political Terms Defined - Washington DC Politics Politics 101: Top Political Terms Defined - Washington DC Politics Normal 0 false false false Many of us are engaging ourselves more into politics to stay abreast of the decision-making changes in America. Often, we may try to stay up-to-date with politics by reading an article online (probably from the headlines of Yahoo), watch “The Situation Room” with Wolf Blitzer on CNN, or “The Rachael Maddow Show on MSNBC. In 2010, a Pew Research Center Poll showed that less than 60% of Americans could correctly answer questions about American politics. As we get older and grow into our profession, most of us will never revisit politics unless it’s needed for your career, or at the voting booth. Well, it can be problematic if you trust in a party’s decision but you don’t understand the specifics of politics. So, what terms do we know? Next, I asked some college students if they have to often look up a political terms to stay abreast with today’s politics. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Anything else?
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From social and political research to journalism, marketing and HR, a degree in politics and international relations opens up a broad range of career opportunities... Job options Jobs directly related to your degree include: Jobs where your degree would be useful include: Remember that many employers accept applications from graduates with any degree subject, so don't restrict your thinking to the jobs listed here. To find out what jobs would suit you, log in to My Prospects. Work experience Consider volunteering for: political campaigns and political parties; human and civil rights organisations such as Amnesty International; local, national and international environmental and conservation organisations; charities; global development bodies such as WaterAid and Oxfam; the Citizens Advice Bureau. Campaigning organisations or pressure groups and UK-based charities with an international presence are particularly suitable for those wishing to pursue an international career. Typical employers What can I do with my degree in politics and international relations? What can I do with my degree in politics and international relations?
Updated: 4 March 2015 Added: 26 February 2008 Index IntroductionCompiling your CVWriting your Covering LetterA Note on Coming from the ConstituencyAnd finally….some buzzwords! 1. So, the horror stories of long hours and low pay haven’t put you off and you’re desperate to take your first steps down the path to Westminster Village or into an MP’s constituency office. The MP or, more likely, his/her staffer, will probably only give your CV a very quick glance. Don’t be put off by the competitive nature of the application process – focus on your USPs – Unique Selling Points. 2. Keep your CV to two sides – an MP doesn’t have time to read more than this and will probably just get the impression that you’re unable to be concise. Order your CV in the most accessible way possible. The following format is quite standard: Personal details – name, address, phone number and email address. 3. *** Try to keep your covering letter to one side of A4 4. Here are some places to start: 5. Good luck! Creating a Winning CV & Cover Letter | w4mp Creating a Winning CV & Cover Letter | w4mp
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Roger Waters Roger Waters Nick Cave has held a press conference in Israel, in which he explained he On Saturday, July 15, tune in on Facebook and join us for a live, hour-long conversation on the cultural boycott of Israel with one of today’s leading musicians! Musicians, artists, Radiohead fans, and human rights organizations respond to lead singer Thom Yorke's defence of crossing the Palestinian picket line. Open letter from 46 artists, including Thurston Moore, Roger Waters and Peter Kosminsky, as well as Archbishop Desmond Tutu says, 'Respect Palestinian call for a boycott of Israel, don’t play Tel Aviv on July 19.' Roger Waters on tour with his "The Wall Live" show in Brazil today issued his support for the World Social Forum Free Palestine: "Since visiting Israel and the occupied territories in 2006, I have been part of an international movement to support the Palestinian people in their struggle for freedom, justice and equal He writes:





