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The Official Site of Vince Guaraldi
A Few Words about Dr. Funk By Derrick Bang Like most so-called overnight successes, Vincent Anthony Guaraldi -- who forever described himself as "a reformed boogie-woogie piano player" -- worked hard for his big break. The man eventually dubbed "Dr. Funk" by his compatriots was born in San Francisco on July 17, 1928; he graduated from Lincoln High School and then San Francisco State College. His first serious booking came at the Black Hawk, when he worked as an intermission pianist ... filling in for the legendary Art Tatum. The late 50s were a busy time. Thanks in no small part to the "sound of surprise" from the feisty Guaraldi, whose extended blues riffs literally had the crowd screaming for more, Tjader's quintet received an enthusiastic standing ovation. .National prominence was just around the corner. Fortunately, some enterprising Sacramento, California DJs turned the single over... ...and the rest is history.
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47 Sites Every Recording Musician Should Visit - StumbleUpon
In a recent “Open Mic” we asked you, “Which music-related sites do you visit regularly?” This article is a summary of the great suggestions given in the comments to that article. You can make the list even longer by commenting on this article. As you’re reading this article, Audiotuts+ needs no introduction. Several commenters mentioned Audiotuts+ - thanks for the support! This is a great Flash site with many resources to help you learn music theory. The site content is split up as follows: Lessons, including topics that cover notation, chords and scalesTrainers, that teach you notes, keys, intervals, triads, keyboard, guitar and brass. Michael comments: “I have found very helpful. This is a site that helps you with scales and chords. The charts are guitar-based, and there are options for various alternate tunings and other stringed instruments. A website that helps you learn musical scales and chords. Joe comments: “Great Ableton/sound design videos.”
The Music Time Machine
1. Disconnect. Power down your computer–or if you absolutely need the thing for some reason related to your practice and studies, sever it from the internet by disabling wireless. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. One more tip: music is a long-term game, so be kind to yourself. Think tortoise, not hare. Thank you for reading. Click to share this post:
33 Ways to Make More Time in Your Life For Music-Making
classical music to study by
In my 25 years of writing piano music, I've arranged over 180 compositions, about 160 of which I've released to the public on CD. A fan who read my advice for pianists article asked if I'd write a similar article for beginning composers. So, I've put together these 12 composition tips for anyone who would like to compose music for the piano. 1) Start With the Melody You don't have to come to the piano with an entire song already in your head before you start composing. 2) What is Your Song About? As you develop your overall melody, think about the emotion or image you want your composition to convey. 3) To Intro or Not to Intro? It is sometimes tempting to write a long introduction (something I'm guilty of) to 'set the mood' for your composition. 4) The Anti-Melody Song? Some compositions are just 'mood' pieces. 5) Follow the Muse t's not uncommon to find that while you're developing a composition, you find yourself taken into an entirely new musical direction. 6) Repeat with Style

Advice for Pianists: How to Compose Piano Music

Best Free Music Creation Software
A brief explanation of VST plugins VST (Virtual Studio Technology) plugins are essentially "mini applications" which are loaded in standalone programs called VST hosts and used to expand the host program's functionality. VST plugin technology was developed by Steinberg for use with their commercial products. VST plugins are classified as either effects (by far the most numerous), instruments, or MIDI effects. A brief explanation of ASIO ASIO (Audio Stream Input/Output) is a special kind of audio interface driver protocol which is developed in such a way to ensure minimum latency. Most professional audio interfaces and sound cards are shipped with a corresponding set of ASIO drivers. First up: LMMS -Linux Multimedia Studio LMMS is a free open source MIDI sequencer/composer for Windows and Linux. Ease of use: When I first ran Linux Multi Media Studio I initially found it a little bewildering. Functionality: Where to start? New version of LMMS released. and goes on to say:
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Musical Contexts - Latin Dance (Tango, Salsa), Libertango (OCR GCSE Music)
GCSE Music Exam Tips - Video 1
BootlegZone: tutti i bootleg di tutti gli artisti in un solo sito
Gli appassionati di musica, e soprattutto i fan di un certo artista, sanno sicuramente a cosa ci si riferisce quando si parla di bootleg. Cioè a quei prodotti musicali che, essendo stati messi in commercio senza l'autorizzazione dei rispettivi titolari dei diritti, violano sì il copyright ma sono allo stesso tempo ricercatissimi perché caratterizzati da tracce e registrazioni sconosciute e mai ufficialmente messe in circolazione. Ebbene, chi è alla ricerca di qualche nuovo materiale audio della propria rockstar preferita, allora deve assolutamente visitare BootlegZone, una vera miniera di informazioni in questo campo. La grafica del sito lascia un po' a desiderare, è vero. Per iniziare la nostra ricerca in questi angusti "scaffali virtuali" di BootlegZone, dobbiamo sfogliare gli artisti selezionandone la lettera iniziale del nome dalla colonna di sinistra. Da notare che una sezione speciale del sito è riservata esclusivamente ai Beatles. Link: BootlegZone
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What is Music Theory? Music theory is the study of the math, science, and art behind how music is created, sung, and played. It’s the process of learning and practicing basic concepts that apply to single instruments, and concepts that apply to all instruments in the world of music. It’s an appreciation of the greatest music of all time in order to figure out how music works, and how to teach those lessons and secrets to the masses today, so that we too can improve our musical ability. Learning music theory provides the average musician with the tools, knowledge, and confidence to play music at a higher level. What isn’t Music Theory? Music theory can have a bad rap. Of all the things that can stunt your growth, learning music theory is not one of them. Why Music Theory Makes Music Easier Rhythm, form, lyrics, structure, chords, notes, harmony, intervals, scales, staffs, clefs, tempo, genres, keys… What is Sheet Music? Wikipedia shows that sheet music was first printed in 1473.
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What can I do with my degree in music?
If you have decided to study music at degree level, you are probably interested in theoretical knowledge as well as the wider aspects of the music industry Job options Jobs directly related to your degree include: Jobs where your degree would be useful include: Remember that many employers accept applications from graduates with any degree subject, so don't restrict your thinking to the jobs listed here. Work experience It is important to gain as much experience in different musical genres as possible. Listening to live music and performing allows you to assess musical ability, interact with audiences and be exposed to new musical ideas. Some university courses include work placements in areas such as music education and instrumental teaching, recording and studio work, composition and events management. If you are seeking a career in a different area, it is useful to gain experience. Search for placements and find out more about work experience and internships. Typical employers Further study
Music and Music Production Careers
Many music production graduates will want to use their degree subject in their work. However, due to the very limited number of openings, jobs in the creative industries can be difficult to obtain without determination and persistence. You need to get lots of (probably unpaid) work experience and to promote yourself. Skills developed studying music production Music production graduates develop a wide range of key skills through both the practical and academic content of their degree. Music Technology: expertise with sound technology and electronics, good hearing and an ear for music. Music and music technology links Directories The Showcase Directory lists almost every organisation in the UK music industry and many abroad. Professional Bodies The British Academy of Songwriters, Composers and Authors Music Producers' Guild represents all individuals involved in music production and recording professions. Information Sources Jobs Other
Careers in Music - Getting Started In The Music Business | Careers in Music
In this section, we go over a few tips for getting started in some of the key areas of the music industry. You’ll find more specialist articles and advice in our Success In Music section. Record Company Jobs According to the BPI (British Phonographic Industry) statistics for 2005, out of some 126,000 full-time workers in the UK music business, only just over 10,000 were employed in record companies. The fact is that the traditional record company has looked for some time now like a very tired business model and a general revamp is long overdue. This isn’t bad news for the UK music industry. So, while the old guard whimper and moan about such “problems” as the proliferation of downloading or the low price of cds, forward-thinkers realize that a new and even more exciting music business is waiting to be shaped. That being said, judging by the enquiries we get to this site, getting a job with a record company is still one of the most desired outcomes for those aspiring to a career in music.