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Sheila Moss - Humor Columnist - On Writing Humor Recently I've received a number of inquiries from high school students about how to write humor. I only seem to receive such fan mail when it is time for term papers. I've concluded that a high school teacher somewhere is way too busy grading papers or is insane, letting students write a humor columnist for advice. Since no teenager would be caught dead reading the newspaper and "Dear Abby" gets too much mail anyhow, the kids probably Googled "humor columnist" and I had the good fortune, or misfortune, to come up first on the list, making me their automatic favorite. The most important thing for teens to remember about writing is that you have to know how to read first. The second thing to remember is that to be a writer you have to write. The next thing is to learn how to spell and use punctuation. While we are on the topic, there is another wonderful feature on most word processing programs called a "thesaurus". There are many literary devices that writers use. Sheila Moss - Humor Columnist - On Writing Humor
Giggle Chick Blog Giggle Chick Blog hey! okay... let's start with last monday - June 21st - when I busted out of my 30's and crossed the line into my 40's. I'm okay with it. Tuesday, the morning after (sans hangover since I didn't have any alcohol whatsoever on my birthday), I woke up to a phone call from a client who said their accountant was going through the books and they needed to cut back on my $$$. if that didn't drive me to drink, I don't know what will --- okay... actually, I didn't have the money to go out drinking since I heard that news. gigglemom and i have been strapped for cash for a bit. since a few clients have been opting out of the social networking scene, that's hit me kinda hard. so, my car payment and utilities and the effing mortgage are creating the perfect storm of "holy SHITE!" the first ad i see on craigslist is for a company 7 minutes away from home. awesome! Because I had a prior commitment to do another client's website -- and launch it by tomorrow -- I said I could start next week.
Chemistry jokes, humor, and cartoons from Jupiter Scientific; Links to science jokes, physics jokes, astronomy jokes, and biology jokes. | Home | Books | Reports | Reviews | Contact Us | Virtual Astronomer | Press Releases | If you didn't get the joke, you probably didn't understand the science behind it. If this is the case, it's a chance for you to learn a little chemistry. Chemistry Joke 1: Outside his buckyball home, one molecule overheard another molecule saying, "I'm positive that a free electron once stripped me of an electron after he lepton me. Chemistry Joke 2: A chemistry professor couldn't resist interjecting a little philosophy into a class lecture. Chemistry Joke 3: One day on the Tonight Show, Jay Leno showed a classified add that read: "Do you have mole problems? Chemistry Joke 4: A student comes into his lab class right at the end of the hour. Chemistry Joke 5: Q: How did the football cheerleader define hydrophobic on her chemistry exam? See explanation Chemistry Jokes Chemistry Jokes
Chemistry Jokes and Riddles - Humor for Chemists Chemistry Jokes and Riddles - Humor for Chemists Every chemist deserves a break. So put down that beaker, take off your safety glasses, and enjoy a few chemistry jokes and riddles. And the next time you need an inorganic standard, be sure to think of Inorganic Ventures. Did you know that oxygen went for a second date with potassium? Why do chemists like nitrates so much? I asked the guy sitting next to me if he had any Sodium Hypobromite… He said NaBrO Q: What is the show cesium and iodine love watching together? Q: What is the chemical formula for "coffee"? Q: What is the chemical formula for "banana"? Q: What do you do with a sick chemist? If the Silver Surfer and Iron Man team up, they’d be alloys. Q: Did you hear oxygen went on a date with potassium? We would like to apologize for not adding more jokes... but we only update them.... periodically! Q: Anyone know any jokes about sodium? Making bad chemistry jokes because all the good ones Argon Q: What is the most important rule in chemistry? Two chemists go into a restaurant.
Chemistry Jokes and Riddles - Humor for Chemists - Videos de humor,videos graciosos,videos divertidos,videos cachondos,humor,chistes,animaciones,textos de humor
aea365 Kistler Humor My name is Susan Kistler. I am AEA’s Executive Director and I contribute each Saturday’s post to aea365. I sent the final version of the Evaluation 2010 hardcopy conference program off to the printers. After days of typing, proofing, paginating, and picking nits, I want to say a big ‘thank you’ to all of the staff who worked so diligently to pass this annual milestone. Now, it’s time to lighten the day and let off a little steam. But we’re still at work, so I’m going to focus this week’s post on evaluation humor. Hot Tip – From the Archives: Alexey Kuzmin reminded us back in January of the value of humor for evaluation reporting (see his post). Hot Tip: Patricia Rogers and Jane Davidson’s Genuine Evaluation Blog regularly features the “Friday Funny” – always worth a look. Lesson Learned: Respect copyright and terms of use to ensure that you can legally use cartoons and that you give credit where credit is due. Administration · cartoons · humor · reports No comments yet. aea365 Kistler Humor
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Superman vs. la Mujer Maravilla: Iba un dìa
¡Cuánto cabrón!
alcachondeo, videos de humor Pulsa en la imagen para poder verla completa Cuando parece que has visto casi todos los trucos posibles de magia, llega un nuevo y desconocido mago y te deja con la boca abierta. No te pierdas a este tipo del vídeo que es capaz de ponerse a mear por encima de su propia cabeza. Si, intenta no mearse la cara y casi que lo logra. Para algunos este hombre es el padre del año, y para otros un loco que se merece dos tortas. A toda velocidad por el carril moto... Si algo bueno tenia el programa "El Informal" con Florentino Fernandez y Miki Nadal, son esos doblajes de películas clásicas que da igual los años que pasen, que te ries que no veas. alcachondeo, videos de humor
¡Cuánto cabrón!
WEB SOMARDA tu dosis diaria de humor del bueno.
Um Pouco de Humor no Caos
Modern Humorist



