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Google Groupes Toutes vos discussions sont centralisées Organisez vos posts à l'aide de favoris et de dossiers, choisissez de suivre les discussions par e-mail et trouvez rapidement les posts non lus. Exprimez-vous Grâce au texte enrichi, personnalisez vos posts en y ajoutant des polices, des couleurs et des images. Les discussions sont animées par les utilisateurs Partagez vos idées avec le monde entier en utilisant des photos, des pseudonymes et la traduction automatique. La rapidité compte Grâce aux raccourcis clavier et à un nouveau design simplifié, vous pouvez consulter les messages et participer de façon immédiate. Discutez où que vous soyez Accédez à Google Groupes sur votre appareil Android™ ou Apple® iOS en scannant ce code 2D ou en consultant la page suivante sur le navigateur de votre mobile : Google Groupes
Google Buys Invite Media | Peter Kafka | MediaMemo | AllThingsD UPDATE: Google has now confirmed the deal. ———— Google has indeed bought ad technology start-up Invite Media, I’ve confirmed with multiple sources. As I wrote last month, Invite is a three-year-old “demand-side platform” designed to help buyers navigate high-volume display-advertising exchanges–like the one Google launched last year. I don’t have a price for the deal nailed down, but I believe it’s in the $70 million range. Google (GOOG) declined to comment; I haven’t heard back from Invite Media CEO Nat Turner. People familiar with the transaction say Google’s plan is to leave Invite running as a standalone unit, which will work at arm’s length with exchange’s like Google’s AdX, as well as competitors like OpenX, Yahoo’s (YHOO) Right Media and Microsoft’s (MSFT) AdECN. That makes sense, because ad buyers who use Invite, like Publicis’s Vivaki, expect to be able to buy inventory from multiple exchanges. Google Buys Invite Media | Peter Kafka | MediaMemo | AllThingsD
Was Eric Schmidt pushed or did he jump? Both. According to close advisors, the Google C.E.O. was upset a year ago when co-founder Larry Page sided with his founding partner, Sergey Brin, to withdraw censored searches from China. Schmidt did not hide his belief that Google should stay in the world’s largest consumer marketplace. It was an indication of the nature of the relationship Schmidt had with the founders that he—as Brian Cashman of the Yankees did this week—acknowledged that the decision was made above his head. He often joked that he provided “adult supervision,” and was never shy about interrupting the founders at meetings to crystallize a point. He couldn’t. Schmidt leaves behind an extraordinary company, and one that, despite the fact that Facebook is the flavor of the month or year, is producing annual revenues of close to thirty billion dollars (compared to Facebook’s reported two billion dollars). News Desk: Why Is Eric Schmidt Stepping Down at Google? News Desk: Why Is Eric Schmidt Stepping Down at Google?
Google 2015: what will it look like? I worked at post-DOJ-spanked Microsoft. I saw firsthand how wimpy Bill Gates got (I had a lunch with him and Mike Arrington where we talked about whether Microsoft would let us acquire interesting new companies. “No way” was the basic answer. Today Jason Calacanis is taking Google to task for being naughty. It’s worse than that Jason. So, what could Google in 2015 look like? Jason lays out one vision of what Google could look like in four years: a nice company that helps the entire industry grow together. Let’s be honest. Go into the heads of a big-company employee. Even worse, will the average employee at a big company tell the lawyers to sit down and shut up? What’s small today? Anyway, what will Google look like in 2015? First, what will the trends be for the next four years? 1. So, which ones is Google doing well at today in 2011? Mobile? Can someone call me and tell me what Google of 2015 will look like? I so want Google to be innovative again, but it sure doesn’t look like it will be. Google 2015: what will it look like?

Google Sites
Buzz Buzz Google Buzz n'existe plus. Si vous n'avez pas lu tous vos posts Google Buzz avant l'arrêt du service, sachez que nous avons archivé votre contenu et l'avons enregistré sur Google Drive. Nous y avons créé deux dossiers : un qui contient un aperçu de vos posts Buzz publics et un autre qui contient tous vos posts. Les fichiers contenant votre contenu Buzz sont traités de la même façon que tout autre fichier stocké sur Drive. Nous vous remercions d'avoir fait confiance à Google Buzz.
Google Guide Quick Reference: Google Advanced Operators (Cheat Sheet) The following table lists the search operators that work with each Google search service. Click on an operator to jump to its description — or, to read about all of the operators, simply scroll down and read all of this page. The following is an alphabetical list of the search operators. This list includes operators that are not officially supported by Google and not listed in Google’s online help. Each entry typically includes the syntax, the capabilities, and an example. Some of the search operators won’t work as intended if you put a space between the colon (:) and the subsequent query word. allinanchor: If you start your query with allinanchor:, Google restricts results to pages containing all query terms you specify in the anchor text on links to the page. Anchor text is the text on a page that is linked to another web page or a different place on the current page. allintext: allintitle: allinurl: In URLs, words are often run together. author: cache: define: ext: filetype: group: id: inanchor: Google Guide Quick Reference: Google Advanced Operators (Cheat Sheet)

Simply Google, Google search and service, Google Desktop, Google Earth, Google Video Player,Google Talk
Google Reader
Analytics | Official Website Analytics | Official Website Surveillez l'activité de votre site au moment même où elle a lieu : identifiez immédiatement les éléments performants et ceux qui ne le sont pas. En savoir plus Vos investissements dans les médias sociaux méritent mieux que des tâtonnements. Procurez-vous des données et des informations directement exploitables. En savoir plus Découvrez comment vos canaux marketing interagissent pour générer des ventes et des conversions.
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Le blog officiel de Google France
Web History
As we announced in August 2010, we are not continuing active development of Google Wave as a stand-alone product. Google Wave will be shut down in April 2012. This page details the implication of the turn down process for Google Wave. Stage 1: Google Wave is read-only -- January 31, 2012 In this stage, you will no longer be able to create or edit waves. Marking a wave as read will also not be saved. Robots that try to write to a wave will stop functioning. During this time, you will continue to be able to export your waves using the existing PDF export feature. If you want to continue using Wave, there is an open source project called Walkaround that includes an experimental feature to import all your waves from Google. Google Wave Google Wave
Notebook As of July 2012, Google Notebook has shut down and all Notebook data should now be in Google Docs. As previously announced, in most cases we were able to automatically export the Notebook data, so please visit Google Docs. Also please update any bookmarks or links to Notebook so that they point to Docs instead. Here are answers to some questions about this transition. We may add or update questions over time. Where is my auto-exported notebooks data? For auto-exported documents, you should see a new document in Google Docs for each notebook you had in Google Notebook. If you are having trouble finding the new docs, search for “Imported from Google Notebook” in the doc list. What happened to public notebooks? All public notebooks were unshared. What happened to bookmarks stored in Bookmarks data is not affected; you will still be able to access your bookmarks at I’ve never used Google Docs. What should I do if there’s a problem with my data? Notebook
Make Google plus banners for profile
Google Plus Nick
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Women of Google+
Google Docs

Google Web Forms
Google Fusion Tables Bust your data out of its silo! Get more from data with Fusion Tables. Fusion Tables is an experimental data visualization web application to gather, visualize, and share data tables. Visualize bigger table data online Filter and summarize across hundreds of thousands of rows. Two tables are better than one! Merge two or three tables to generate a single visualization that includes both sets of data. Make a map in minutes Host data online - and stay in control Viewers located anywhere can produce charts or maps from it. Visualize bigger table data online Import your own data Upload data tables from spreadsheets or CSV files, even KML. Visualize it instantly See the data on a map or as a chart immediately. Publish your visualization on other web properties Now that you've got that nice map or chart of your data, you can embed it in a web page or blog post. See how journalists and nonprofits around the world use Fusion Tables Two tables are better than one! Make a map in minutes Share that map!
Inside Google Search
Interactive online Google tutorial and references
Google Tango : un smartphone qui scanne tout ce qui entoure l'utilisateur Ce n'est pas parce que Google a revendu Motorola à Lenovo que le géant de Mountain View ne s'intéresse plus aux smartphones. Bien au contraire, l'entreprise américaine a de nombreux projets en stock, à commencer par Tango. Né au sein de l'équipe ATAP (Advanced Technology And Projects), ce programme est en fait un mobile sous Android capable de modéliser son environnement immédiat. Bardé de capteurs en tout genre (suivi du mouvement, détection en profondeur, objectif 4 mégapixels...), le mobile opère jusqu'à 250 000 mesures par seconde de façon à modéliser en 3D et en temps réel les alentours de l'utilisateur. Mais le mobile ne se contente pas de scanner : il calcule également sa position spatiale et son orientation, selon la façon dont l'usager le manipule. Encore à l'état de prototype, le smartphone Tango a déjà été fabriqué à 200 exemplaires. Dans sa vidéo, plusieurs pistes de réflexion sont avancées par Google. Idem dans le cas d'une aide à la personne.
With Google+ starting to open to the general public, I bring you 10 tips that will make your life easier if you are starting out on the new social network. Although Google+ will probably seem easy for techies to understand, some of the features are more advanced. It's actually surprising how much you can do, and how many handy little shortcuts there are. Nobody knows if Google+ is going to replace Facebook in the long run, but if you want to start getting the best out of it, you have to learn some of its best features. This handy list of tips can help you do that. 1. Make your Google+ status updates stand out by using these simple formatting tips. 2. Sparks is a nifty feature that helps you follow your interests. 3. Google+ makes it super easy to share photos and videos in your stream. 4. Google+ copied Twitter's wildly popular "@ reply" feature. 5. This is a little counter-intuitive, but Google+ allows you to send messages directly to one user. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 10 tips to help you get the most out of Google+
26 Ressources Indispensables Pour Comprendre Et Utiliser Google Plus Google Plus est parmi nous depuis un peu plus d’un mois et déjà de nombreuses informations intéressantes ont été publiées à son sujet. Le billet d’aujourd’hui présentent 27 des meilleurs articles qui permettent de comprendre et d’utiliser Google Plus comme un pro ;) Des how-to, des analyses, des plugins ou services … Bref de quoi vous donnez un peu de lecture en cette période de vacances. N’hésitez pas à partager vos ressources dans les commentaires. Bonus Si vous avez trouvé cet article intéressant, merci de le partager en utilisant les boutons de partage situés ci-dessous :) Tags: Google, google plus Catégorie: Social Media
Balancez vos messages G+ sur Twitter
40 Google Plus Tips for Newbies
Google+ Best Social Platform For Content Marketers
How To Hack Google Plus For SEO Value
Google+, Google Plus

Can I Make A public Circle In Google+
Find People On Google+ - Google+ Directory
What's The Best Time To Post On Google+? | Your Social Media Company

10 Tips for Folders in Google Drive
13 Google Search Tricks That Make Life A Whole Lot Easier







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