A Mom is a Mom Is a Mom
There is something about a baby that gets a mothering response from people. And when a baby is in distress, a mom's instinct is to rush over and help the little one. Meet Anjana, a chimp who lives at TIGERS (The Institute of Greatly Endangered Species)in South Carolina. Anjana stepped in to help zookeeper China York care for a pair of rare white tiger cubs after their mother became spooked and dangerous following hurricane Hanna's visit to the area. This is a role Anjana knows well. TIGERS founder Dr Bhagavan Antle said: "Anjana has joined China in caring for baby animals and she helps China raise them." "She has acted as a surrogate mother to leopards, lions and orangutans and has done the same with these baby white tigers." "She gives them a bottle and lies with them - she is a great assistant." TIGERS has bred and reared many rare and talented animals. The institute has 45 big cats, including white-and-red-striped golden tabby tigers - one of the rarest big cat breeds.
The world would be a different place today if it weren't for Star Wars. People wouldn't walk around all day making Chewbacca noises for no apparent reason, the U.S. government wouldn't secretly be in the process of making lightsabers and America's first Death Star a reality and most people would still be afraid to make out with their sister. It would also be impossible for people to use the force and take people's clothes off with their minds.

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We want to stand up today and salute the hottest arms in Hollywood. That’s right. We’re looking at you: Robert Downey, Jr., Chris Hemsworth, Channing Tatum, every guy who’s ever been in a Marvel movie… It’s about time these guys got our full appreciation for putting so much time and energy into building dem biceps. Read more… Long lines, scary heights and humans dressed as cartoon animals. Did Walter White help ask a girl to prom? Is Hilary Duff calling off her divorce? We at Best Week Ever have two favorite television shows: Best Week Ever and Game of Thrones. Some of us are just now starting to consistently feel that springtime weather as we head deep into April. Caroline Dhavernas first became a favorite amongst television nerds when she starred as Jaye Tyler in Bryan Fuller‘s much-loved, but short-lived, series Wonderfalls. While Kim Kardashian plans her wedding, Kourtney and Khloe are planning their summer vacation, which includes a stop over in the Hamptons.

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Awesome idea to scare the sh*t out of your roommates | Lulz Truck - StumbleUpon
A simple smiley This is a list of notable and commonly used emoticons or textual portrayals of a writer's mood or facial expression in the form of icons. The Western use of emoticons is quite different from Eastern usage, and Internet forums, such as 2channel, typically show expressions in their own ways. In recent times, graphic representations, both static and animated, have taken the place of traditional emoticons in the form of icons. Emoticons can generally be divided into two groups: Western or Horizontal (mainly from America and Europe), and Eastern or Vertical (mainly from east Asia). Western The emoticon in Western style is written most often from left to right as though the head is rotated counter-clockwise 90 degrees. Eastern Eastern emoticons generally are not rotated, and may include non-Latin characters to allow for additional complexity. Unicode characters References

List of emoticons
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11 Awesomely Incorrect Test Answers from Kids from Youre Doing It Right - StumbleUpon
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Posted on February 6, 2012 in Humor If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to our RSS feed or follow us on Facebook or Twitter . Thanks for visiting! Rate this Post (7 votes, average: 4.71 out of 5) Loading ... So... Check this out on our Partner Network
11 Awesomely Incorrect Test Answers from Kids from You're Doing It Right
SARAH: Daddy, were you in the shower? DAD: Yes, I was in the shower. SARAH: Why? DAD: I was dirty. DAD: Why does the shower get me clean? SARAH: Yes. DAD: Because the water washes the dirt away when I use soap. DAD: Why do I use soap? DAD: Because the soap grabs the dirt and lets the water wash it off. DAD: Why does the soap grab the dirt? DAD: Because soap is a surfactant. DAD: Why is soap a surfactant? DAD: That is an EXCELLENT question. DAD: Why does soap form micelles? DAD: Soap molecules are long chains with a polar, hydrophilic head and a non-polar, hydrophobic tail. SARAH: Aidrofawwic DAD: And can you say ‘hydrophobic’? DAD: Excellent! DAD: Why does it mean that? DAD: It’s Greek! SARAH: Like a monster? DAD: You mean, like being afraid of a monster? DAD: A scary monster, sure. (pause) SARAH: (rolls her eyes) I thought we were talking about soap. DAD: We are talking about soap. (longish pause) DAD: Why do the molecules have a hydrophilic head and a hydrophobic tail? DAD: That’s complicated.