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Catoctin Creek® - A Fun Place to Visit!
Visit the first family-owned distillery in Loudoun County since before Prohibition. See this working distillery in production, including our custom-made Kothe potstills and condensers. Tours will highlight the process of making distilled spirits, including fermentation, distillation, aging and bottling. Often, depending on the day, you may see much of this equipment in operation and meet and speak with the owners. Last tour, one hour before closing. Per Virginia law, consumers are limited to three 0.5 oz pours, and must be 21 years old or older. Catoctin Creek Bottles Available Right at the Distillery! Visit the distillery anytime during our regular hours above (even outside of tour times), and you can buy your spirits right from our distillery store. Why go without?
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A DOG's PURPOSE by 6yr Old
Eu perco tanto tempo
Cool story bro. One of these is not like the other... Pajama day Michael Bolton face swap Star Wars Yoga. Reality. 15 reasons to not become vegetarian.
'Teu silêncio é pior do que qualquer gritaria, pode apostar. Tem coisa que eu deixo passar. Não vale a pena. Tem gente que não vale a dor de cabeça. Tem coisa que não vale uma gastrite nervosa. O ser humano gosta de complicar as coisas, é só uma brisa, quem sabe ela bagunce teu cabelo, quem sabe te acaricie o rosto, quem sabe, quem sabe… — Machado de Assis (Dom Casmurro) Mas a verdade, é que ninguém morre de amor.
Bechdel test
A measure of the representation of women in fiction The Bechdel test ( BEK-dəl),[1] also known as the Bechdel–Wallace test,[2] is a measure of the representation of women in fiction. It asks whether a work features at least two women who talk to each other about something other than a man. About half of all films meet these criteria, according to user-edited databases and the media industry press. The test is named after the American cartoonist Alison Bechdel in whose comic strip Dykes to Watch Out For the test first appeared in 1985. History[edit] Gender portrayal in popular fiction[edit] Female and male characters in film, according to four studies In her 1929 essay A Room of One's Own, Virginia Woolf observed about the literature of her time what the Bechdel test would later highlight in more recent fiction:[4] All these relationships between women, I thought, rapidly recalling the splendid gallery of fictitious women, are too simple. ... Criteria and variants[edit] Application[edit]
Review: Alison Bechdel’s “Fun Home” | Feminist Frequency
A graphic novel and memoir, Fun Home is beautifully rendered and profoundly nuanced. Click through to read my thoughts and interpretation of the novel. In Fun Home, Alison Bechdel remembers and reframes her childhood experience of a closeted gay father and her complicated relationship with her parents, a relationship that is marked most noticeably by its coldness and distance. Bechdel produces this same dynamic of distance and absence throughout the graphic novel in the referential and literary quality of her narration, in her self-conscious reflective voice that frequently creeps into the realm of the self-referential, and in the images she forges that visualize this distance that characterizes her childhood memory. By inheriting and adopting the only mode of communication that drew her and her father together, that is, through fictive devices and language, Bechdel perhaps fills the space of familial absence by producing her own account of that very emptiness. Like this: Like Loading...
Students worked hard all week? Do they deserve a special reward for a job well done? The lesson and project ideas below are meant to fill the bill for Friday afternoon fun and learning. Profile Posters Learn about students' interests from the "profile posters" they create. Charting a Year of Growth Older students and younger buddies team up for yearlong fun. A Week in the Life of A yearlong project creates a great end-of-year memento. Getting-to-Know-You Venn Diagram Students discover common interests and unique abilities. Chain Gang A colorful chain promotes teamwork all year long. The Alphabet Game Use this lively, team-based game to reinforce spelling skills. Wax Museum Biographies This engaging lesson in history could be used as a Halloween alternative. Pop Up a Card This art activity offers monstrous Halloween fun. Twenty-Five: A Math Card Game Practice math facts using this easy-to-play card game. Create a Book on Tape Students create a great school resource. Who Works at Our School?
Friday Fun Archive
Summer is here! "Enlighten" your students with facts about the sun and "heat up" your classroom with fantastic lesson plans and activities that celebrate summer. And don't miss the Summer Reading resources at the bottom of this page. You might find additional resources of value on Education World's special 4th of July page. Summer Fun Lesson Ideas Take a Roller Coaster Ride VaReane Heese, who teaches at Springfield Elementary School in Omaha, Nebraska, submitted this lesson in which students design a roller coaster. Hot Activities for Celebrating Summer The last days of school are a great time for reinforcing summer safety rules and for looking ahead to some great summertime fun. Crisscrossing the Country: Scavenger Hunts for Kids of All Ages Education World challenges students to sharpen their Internet searching skills as they learn about the history and landscape of the United States. What's "Bugging" You? A Month With No Holidays? Great Sites for... Summer Reading Recipes Summer Recipes
Summer Fun Lesson Plans and Activities