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Curation Tools

(1) What are the best content curation tools for daily use
When Storify appeared on the collective journalism screen a few weeks back at TechCrunch Disrupt, it inspired a lot of oohs, ahhs and speculation as to how it would work for journalists. There are similar curation tools out there, like KeepStream and, though they focus primarily on collecting tweets (Correction: KeepStream also allows for Facebook integration). Storify, on the other hand, allows a user to organize various media (text, documents, video, images) and social media (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) into an orderly, linear presentation. The story pieces retain all of their original links and functionality – and the full presentations are embeddable on any site. It has a couple of downfalls, the biggest of which, to me, is the lack of hard timestamps on content from Twitter (though that’s largely Twitter’s fault). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. These are likely just the beginning of what’s been done or could be done using Storify. 8. 9. 10. 10 ways journalists can use Storify 10 ways journalists can use Storify
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Plates-formes de curation | SocialCompare - Site communautaire de comparatifs Comparateur collaboratif S'inscrire Se connecter Se connecter Déconnexion Mon Espace - Plates-formes de curation Internet > Communications > Curation J'aime 19 mars 2020 01:47:47 Comparatif des plates-formes de curation Inclure 2011-03-11 15:58:42 2020-03-19 01:47:47 Curation Comparison of social bookmarking curation tools and services. Plus de comparatifs Commentaires voir les commentaires plus anciens Laisser un commentaire S'inscrireSe connecter SocialCompare Le comparateur collaboratif pour créér et partager des tableaux comparatifs. © 2010 - 2020 SocialCompare. Plates-formes de curation | SocialCompare - Site communautaire de comparatifs
20 plateformes de curation à expérimenter Curator, curation... Néologisme, buzzword ou simple phénomène marketing, un constat est à faire : de plus en plus de plateformes dédiées à cette activité se développent sur le web. Outils qui, au-delà de leur utilité pour formaliser, classer et diffuser une veille, se révèlent aussi intéressant à observer dans une problématique de gestion de la réputation en ligne. Voici quelques unes de ces plateformes... Si le « curator » fait de la veille, et que de plus il sait/peut la médiatiser, alors les outils qu'il utilise peuvent (doivent ?) être pris en compte dans une veille d'opinion ou d'image. Et même si (nous sommes bien d'accord) ces plateformes rappellent étrangement certaines de bookmarking, qu'elles sont pour la plupart étroitement liées à Twitter et qu'elles surfent sur une terminologie nouvelle (mais des usages bien réels), leurs éditeurs les dénomment d'eux-même : plateformes de curation. Quel(s) intérêt(s) pour la gestion de la réputation en ligne ? Les plateformes humaines Newser 20 plateformes de curation à expérimenter
Internet Billboards The Power of Content Management Inbound Advertising
Curation - Tools
The real-time curation wars (exclusive first look at Back in March I wrote a post about the seven needs of real-time curators. Over the next week or so no less than three companies are shipping services that will fulfill that dream with tools that comply with all seven needs. What are they? 1. First, I recorded an audio post about what is real time curation and what problem does it solve? Second, I recorded a video last week with’s founder, Bastian Lehmann. Based on my first playing with these tools it is clear that and Storify are in the lead. Also, most, if not all, of these are embed-able in blog posts, so they are designed for the modern web and they seem to understand how to distribute themselves back into Twitter and Facebook. Storify: KeepStream: Bag the Web: The real-time curation wars (exclusive first look at
What are the best content curation tools for daily use
Content curation is a huge deal on the web today. As content on the web grows exponentially, our ability to make sense of it is inversely proportional. In other words, we are fast sinking under the sheer amount of content pouring onto the web every day. The social web hasn’t made life any easier on content production either – in fact its lowered the barrier to entry. According to Facebook, 30 billion pieces of content (web links, news blogs etc) are shared each month on the social network, with no sign of slowing. Right now it seems that content curation, and curation platforms are going to be an area of growth on the web. URL: Redux has over the past year grown organically to become one of the web’s best places for finding great content. URL: A new startup still in Beta, again allows you to create topic centric information, and share with others. URL: URL: URL: 9 content curation tools that better organise the web 9 content curation tools that better organise the web
7 Awesome Twitter Content Curation Tips Inspired By Rating: 0.0/10 (0 votes cast) I have read many definitions of content curation but the following is my absolute favorite: A Content Curator is someone who continually finds, groups, organizes and shares the best and most relevant content on a specific issue online. – Rohit Bhargava In my, Top 7 Reasons Why Content Curation Is A No-Brainer For Savvy Twitter Marketers article, I focused on the why side of things. Today, thanks to, I will get into the how-to side of things, detailing practical Twitter content curation tips and best practices. TutorialHow Can Help You Achieve The Top 7 Twitter Content Curation Rewards In a nutshell, is a content curation platform that enables you to turn Twitter, Facebook and RSS updates into online newspapers in a matter of seconds. You only need to specify your content sources and criteria one time. Tutorial Creating a twitter-based newspaper using is fast and simple. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. . 7 Awesome Twitter Content Curation Tips Inspired By
Steven Rosenbaum is a curator, author, filmmaker and entrepreneur. He is the CEO of, a real-time video curation engine for publishers, brands, and websites. His book Curation Nation is slated to be published this spring by McGrawHill Business. As the volume of content swirling around the web continues to grow, we're finding ourselves drowning in a deluge of data. The solution on the horizon is curation. In the past 90 days alone, there has been an explosion of new software offerings that are the early leaders in the curation tools category. 1. Storify co-founder Burt Herman worked as a reporter for the Associated Press during a 12-year career, six of those in news management as a bureau chief and supervising correspondent. At the AP, editors sending messages to reporters asking them to do a story would regularly write, “Can u pls storify?” Storify uses existing elements from the web and gives curators the power to drag and drop elements into storylines. 2. 3. 4. Conclusion 4 Promising Curation Tools That Help Make Sense of the Web 4 Promising Curation Tools That Help Make Sense of the Web
Storify's Burt Herman on the evolution from reporter to entrepreneur Storify's Burt Herman on the evolution from reporter to entrepreneur For this week’s post, I sat down with Burt Herman ( @burtherman ), entrepreneurial journalist who is the CEO of Storify and founder of Hacks/Hackers . NOTE: We did the Q&A-style interview over a collaborative document and one of my favorite tools: . You can see the raw interview and play it back here: Burt, you have an incredible journalistic background and really, in my opinion, you truly represent the new type of tech/entrepreneur journalist we’ve all heard about. Thanks, you’re too kind Yes, I started off in a fairly typical journalism role — I went to work for the AP because I wanted to work overseas as a foreign correspondent, and they had the most opportunities to do that. I returned to the US in late 2008 for a Knight fellowship at Stanford , where I had gone as an undergrad. From being a foreign correspondent to being an innovator, you must have seen a lot of changes along the way. Awesome. HA!
Peartrees: Multi-dimensional Curation A few weeks ago now, I posted an opinion piece on Technorati titled, 'Why Social Media Curation Matters'. Following this I received quite a lot of feedback and it’s thanks to one of these comments – posted by on my blog – that I was led to Pearltrees. In addition to this, I was also motivated to re-evaluate my position on the subject of curation and take a closer look at what I perceived that to be. At first I made the rather naïve assumption that the difference between Pearltrees and the services I’d discussed in my previous articles both here and on my blog, was purely aesthetic – Pearltrees has a beautifully designed Flash interface. Nonetheless, they are just lists. The answer can be summed up in one word, depth. Peartrees: Multi-dimensional Curation
9 content curation tools that better organise the web.
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9 content curation tools that better organise the web.
Introducing The Curator's Code: A Standard for Honoring Attribution of Discovery Across the Web by Maria Popova UPDATE: Some thoughts on some of the responses, by way of Einstein. UPDATE 2: This segment from NPR’s On the Media articulates the project well — give it a listen. Ours is a culture and a time immensely rich in trash as it is in treasures.” ~ Ray Bradbury You are a mashup of what you let into your life.” ~ Austin Kleon Chance favors the connected mind.” ~ Steven Johnson As both a consumer and curator of information, I spend a great deal of time thinking about the architecture of knowledge. Until today. I’m thrilled to introduce The Curator’s Code — a movement to honor and standardize attribution of discovery across the web. One of the most magical things about the Internet is that it’s a whimsical rabbit hole of discovery — we start somewhere familiar and click our way to a wonderland of curiosity and fascination we never knew existed. In both cases, just like the words “via” and “HT,” the respective unicode character would be followed by the actual hotlink to your source. Introducing The Curator's Code: A Standard for Honoring Attribution of Discovery Across the Web
5 Time-Saving Tools For Content Curation As a business owner, you're expected to keep up with trends and effectively run your business. But sometimes, it seems like there just aren't enough hours in the day. I recently opened my Google Reader to find that I had more than 1,000 unread posts from the blogs and sites that I had subscribed to. In the early days, information was exchanged at the water cooler or through the telephone. To solve the problem of overwhelming amounts of information, we need content curation. 1. This is a great tool to get news that interests you. You can go to and click on the “Add a Section“ link on the top right to choose keywords you are interested in. 2. When you signup for an account with Summify, you have the option of adding your Twitter, Facebook and Google Reader accounts to receive a e-mail digest of the top five stories that have been shared in your social network. 3. 4. XYDO distributes socially endorsed news from your network via e-mail once a day. Conclusion
Content Curation Tool Scoop.It As an Internet marketer I am always on the hunt for new content marketing tools that can increase my efficiencies and improve engagement with my audience. I cannot begin to express how valuable content curation can be if done right. It will allow you tap into and respond to what people are searching for, what they like to read and share, what influences their buying decisions and so on. In my search for a new means of marketing I came across a tool called Scoop.It. There were a lot of interesting tools on the list but one stood out, so I decided to look into it further. A few of the things in the post about that caught my eye were the ability to use an unlimited amount of sources (websites, RSS feeds, specific social media accounts, etc.). The other feature that peaked my interest was the ability to feed keywords into the tool and let it find content based on those. I’ve been using for 4 weeks now and I must say it’s been a lot of fun and very easy to use.
Popular Today in Business: All Popular Articles Last month, I explored and wrote about the topic of content curation and how it supports the content marketing process. I also profiled a handful of tools that can help you with this process. As I mentioned in my previous post, we have really seen content marketing take off in the past year or so. We have found content marketing and content curation to be excellent marketing tools both for Marketri and for our clients and these concepts have become essential components of our marketing plans. Does this stuff really work? You may be saying to yourself (as I assume our clients often do), “Does this stuff really work? Debbie Andrews, Marketri’s Founder and Managing Director, recently wrote a blog post on how professional services firms can improve their proposal processes to win more business. As part of our content marketing strategy, we sought additional ways to leverage this content. Tools of the Trade TrapIt New Content Curation & Content Marketing Tool “TrapIt”
Our law firm clients are frequently getting hit with tons of advertising opportunities from publications that compile lists of “highly rated” lawyers. These legal ratings websites and publications offer different levels of advertising and promotional packages to highlight firms’ attorneys, and oftentimes firms aren’t sure of what to do. Is it worth the time, the effort, and most importantly – the cost? It’s not only the cost for the ad placement itself that must be considered, but also the cost of hiring a designer to create the ad. The amount of money that law firms spend for these advertising opportunities is truly the name of the game. Are You a Content Curator? 5 Great Tools for Content Curation and Sharing | Marketri
Do you want to provide highly relevant content from around the Web and engage your readership on a whole new level? In honour of the tenth anniversary of WordPress, we’re celebrating here at Primal with an open source WordPress plugin. Primal for WordPress will allow you to unlock the power of your WordPress site’s interest graph to supply your readers with relevant, dynamic and daily updated content that is tailored to each individual page. This first revision of our plugin has all of the functionality necessary to speak to Primal’s data service directly, however we’d love to hear from WordPress publishers and developers on exactly how else you would like to leverage the power of the interest graph within WordPress environment as we consider where to take the plugin next. Features and Differences The Primal for WordPress plugin gives publishers the ability to inject real time web content that is tailored to each individual page within your WordPress site. How to Configure the Plugin Primal
Content Engine
4 Promising Curation Tools That Help Make Sense of the Web
Free Wordpress Content Curation Tools - Plugins & Theme
Content Curation Tools: 21 Criteria To Select And Evaluate Your Ideal One
Top 10 Free Content Curation Tools for Teachers
11 Content Curation Tools Every Marketer Needs
26 Free (or Free-to-Try) Content Curation Tools
17 Best Content Curation Tools I Express Writers
My Top 10 Web Curation Tools as A Teacher
Thing 5: Curation Tools
CLIPZINE: Visual curation platform
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