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Literature and Other Stuff

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Use Base Chakra Stones to Ensure A Robust Sex Drive, Good Circulation and Interest in Life. The base chakra or root chakra is located at the base of the spine.

Use Base Chakra Stones to Ensure A Robust Sex Drive, Good Circulation and Interest in Life.

It is also known as the first chakra, as it is the first of the seven major chakras. This chakra is associated with feeling comfortable sexually as well as with your ability to feel grounded. This is the area of the body where your ambitions, interest in life and sex drive originates. This chakras meaning is strongly associated with the concept of 'I am'. Human Tissue Act 2004. Fellowship of the Sun: SOS: Page 1. Chapter II.

Le Morte d'Arthur Book 1 - full Malory text. [ Full Modern English spelling version of original text printed by William Caxton in 1485 ] How twelve knights came from Rome and asked truage for this land of Arthur, and how Arthur fought with a knight. WHEN the knight saw him lie so on the ground, he alighted, and was passing heavy, for he weened he had slain him, and then he unlaced his helm and gat him wind, and so with the truncheon he set him on his horse, and so betook him to God, and said he had a mighty heart, and if he might live he would prove a passing good knight. And so Sir Griflet rode to the court, where great dole was made for him.