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Maître @Jyv, voit le futur de ta stratégie communautaire et social média dans les cartes #afk et fait revenir en courant tes followers perdus sur ta fan page. Fait grossir ton Klout et croître ta communauté.

Pose ta question en 140 caractères sur les médias sociaux et donne deux numéros et maître @jyv y répondra gratuitement. 24 millions de comptes SPAM sur Instagram ? Instagram, c’est 300 millions d’utilisateurs. Ou peut-être un peu moins : selon une étude, environ 7,9% des comptes Instagram seraient de faux comptes. Certains spambots permettent de gonfler le nombre d’abonnés de célébrités, d’autres à attirer les utilisateurs sur des sites tiers en likant toutes les photos qui contiennent certains hashtags… Des pratiques parasites qui gonflent les statistiques liées à l’engagement sur le réseau social et ennuient de nombreux utilisateurs. 24 millions de comptes SPAM… Pour réaliser cette étude, les chercheurs ont analysé 10 millions de comptes Instagram. 7,9% d’entre eux sont des comptes de type « spambot »

. … et de nombreux comptes inactifs Autre enseignement : beaucoup de comptes Instagram sont vides ou peu actifs. Les chiffres des réseaux sociaux sont-ils surévalués ? Twitter experiments with ‘TV Timelines’ Twitter is launching a bold TV experiment and if it takes, it could change the face of second-screen viewing — at least as far as Twitter is concerned.

It’s only fitting since social media has, for the last five years or so been an agent of change for TV. We don’t watch TV the way we used to — at least not anything we're watching live. The conversations we used to have in our living rooms about Survivor, The Bachelor, Lost The Academy Awards and potboilers like Scandal, have migrated to social media. A recent study by Nielsen says that at least 15% of TV viewers enjoy TV more “when social media is involved.” They’re also, Nielsen notes, still watching live TV. Adults (18 and over) watch over five hours of live TV per day. And when we watch live TV we use social media to engage, react and discuss. On Twitter, we manage these interactions with hashtags. Twitter’s traditional homepage has always been little used in this quest to have the ultimate second-screen experience. 2013 Hype Cycle for Social Software Reveals a Wealth of Emerging Innovations.

Egham, U.K., August 27, 2013 View All Press Releases The Future for Social Collaboration to Be Explored at Gartner Portals, Content and Collaboration Summit 2013, September 16-17 in London Gartner, Inc. said collaborative customer interfaces, social co-browsing, mobile virtual worlds and social TV are just a few of the innovations on the rise in its 2013 Hype Cycle for Social Software.

The adoption and use of social technologies, techniques and capabilities have increased to meet business demands. Their progress goes hand in hand with growing business expectations for their use. "IT leaders must keep abreast of this evolving sector in order to take advantage of social capabilities and understand the implications that social software developments have for related technologies," said Jeffrey Mann, research vice president at Gartner. "As social technologies mature and organizations improve their understanding of how to apply them, they will be found in more and more situations. Social TV. 2013 Social Media Awards Special Edition | Awards. In less than ten years, social media has become communication professionals’ best friend and fickle foe. With relative ease, customers can be targeted, support can be organized, discussions can flourish and grievances can be aired with ease. Simply put, social media is more a more powerful communication tool than anyone could have imagined.

The entrants in this program know this fact all too well. Rather than running from the challenge, they embraced it and have achieved amazing results. It is our honor to present, the winners of the 2013 Social Media Awards! In the fall, we put out a call for entries in this brand new program specifically for communications work on social media platforms. We invite you to read about their campaigns and help us congratulate the winners and honorable mentions. The staff of Ragan Communications and PR Daily would like to thank everyone who entered.

And now... here are this year's winners and honorable mentions! Best Community Engagement Winner: Scholastic Inc. Les 30 pages Google+ les plus populaires en France. Non, Google+ n’est pas désert. Sur le réseau, de nombreux profils et pages se retrouvent pour échanger. Des communautés pointues rassemblent les internautes sur des sujets précis allant de la photographie aux nouvelles technologies. Certaines pages se démarquent en proposant des contenus uniques et engageants. Le site GPlusData, que nous vous présenterons demain en détails, propose un classement des pages Google+ les plus populaires en France. Les profils y sont également inclus, selon le nombre de cercles dans lesquels ils apparaissent. Dans ce classement, toutes les pages et les profils francophones sont répertoriés. 30. 29. 28. 27. 26. 25. 24. 23. 22. 21. 20. 19. 17. 15. 14. 12. 11. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 3. 2. Under Siege (3/9) Movie CLIP - I'm Just a Cook (1992) HD.

Jyv's post on Vine. Social Media Landscape 2013. / Si vous cherchez la version française de cet article, elle est là : Panorama des médias sociaux 2013 / Every year for the last 5 years, I publish a social media landscape (see past editions from 2008, 2009, 2011 and 2012). I assume I won’t teach you anything by saying social media are now part of every day life of individuals, brands, organizations and media (journalists, celebrities, politicians…). Once considered with disdain, social platform like Wikipedia or Twitter have completely changed or way to consume and interact with information. Services like YouTube or Facebook also transformed the way we entertain ourselves. This being said, this shortcut does not translate the countless evolution of these platforms and the usage they generate. What are 2013 trends? As I have just stated it, social media is an ever-changing complex ecosystem: new services are created, other disappear, most evolve.

Last year’s losers where the followings: Last year’s winners are the followings: Roger Edwards: Making social media work for you | Opinion. 16 April 2013 8:00 am Social media is no longer a growing trend, it is now an integral part of the way businesses and individuals communicate. Just over 10 years ago, Apple CEO Steve Jobs had a vision of creating an online store where people could buy music. In April 2003 that vision became a reality and iTunes was launched to the world. A month earlier, in Edinburgh, another launch took place as Bright Grey entered the UK protection market. Ten years on technology has progressed at such a rate it’s hard to keep up with all the new advancements.

Social media has really taken off and while the financial sector was a little slower in embracing this new way of communicating, many businesses soon realised the benefits and necessity of adopting social media as part of their marketing strategy. But there are still many who are yet to dip their toe in the water and recognise the value of having an online interactive presence. Blogs are not just about producing search engine traffic, though. Jyv. Gramercypark : [Pic] Social Media explained... La dictature des chiffres au pays des startups et du digital | Le Journal de la Silicon Valley. Je suis un ancien Directeur Financier, qui a passé des heures à travailler sur les chiffres, à relever des chiffres d’affaires, calculer des marges brutes, déterminer des résultats nets, publier des prévisions de trésorerie.

La seule manipulation que l’on s’autorise : essayer de mieux les comprendre pour pouvoir anticiper. Maintenant, je travaille dans Internet, je baigne dans le web, parfois plutôt fâché avec la monétisation, mais amoureux d’une autre famille de chiffres : l’audience, l’utilisateur, la page vue, le download. Le dernier buzz du moment, c’est Mailbox. Créée par l’équipe d’Orchestra, en janvier 2011 à Palo Alto, déjà $5 millions en banque, il s’agit d’une application qui actuellement agite la communauté tech, l’application qui va révolutionner votre messagerie. Il y a eu Sparrow, une autre application iOS de messagerie, qui a excité la blogosphère avec son rachat par Google, alors on rejoue le film. Klout, Kred, et Koi d’autres ? Social media etc. / #socialmedia trend & search in 2012: Google, Facebook And Twitter – What Was Everybody Talking About In 2012? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Instagram amorce-t-il son déclin ? #socialmediapsychic. YouTube. YouTube. YouTube. YouTube. Quel avenir pour l'Open Data ? #socialmediapsychic. "comment dépasser les 10% de visibilité de mes statuts Facebook ?" @goldfishfight. "La stratégie de Google d'utiliser Jyv pour développer les Hang outs est-elle la bonne ?" @versac.