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New Media Rat Pack eBook – Win Big With These 52 Tips #NMX. People flock to Las Vegas for many reasons. Some want to experience the nightlife while others are interested in seeing acts perform, lounging by the pool, eating gourmet meals, or even attending marketing conferences. To win big in Las Vegas you need a little luck and an understanding of the game. Similarly, if you want to make it in the world of search and social media, you need to understand what works and what doesn’t. The Rat Pack of the 1960′s was the must see act of it’s time. Fans would visit Las Vegas from all over the country for a chance to see the likes of Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis, Jr., and Dean Martin perform live. Download the free eBook in PDF format by clicking the cover image below: We all know the saying, “What happens in Vegas doesn’t stay in Vegas. Branding Linda ShermanDorie ClarkMarcy MassuraMichael Brito Blogging David RisleyBill BelewDavid GassGary ArndtDre ArmedaJeremiah GiehlPatrice YursikBritt Michaellian Social Media New Media Law John CorcoranBrian WassomArt Neill.

Washington post #socialreader #fail. The Washington Post Company has decided to move its Social Reader app — which displays stories from Washington Post Co. publications and 90 other news organizations, including this one, on Facebook — to a standalone site at, the company told Mashable Friday. Beginning this weekend, those who click on stories in the Facebook app will be immediately relocated to A year ago, several major news organizations, including The Guardian, Yahoo News and The Washington Post Co., launched "social news apps" on Facebook. These apps leveraged Facebook's Open Graph technology to help users discover what their friends were reading and enjoyed rapid adoption. At its peak in April 2012, The Guardian says its app had 6 million active monthly users, and sent "tremendous volumes of traffic" to its stories.

"We really wanted to provide a more personalized and private experience," Ravindran told Mashable in an interview about the changes. 3 Facebook Tools That Have Your Customers Concerned About Privacy. YouTube sanctionne les "fausses" vues. The Psychology of Cults and Marketing.

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Golden Tweets. Sortie du Rapport Social Media 2012 de Nielsen. Pourquoi les anonymes ont-ils de l’influence sur le web ? Texte publié nitialement dans le numéro deux du trimestriel Nowe Media, une revue polonaise dirigée par Eryk Mistewicz et entièrement dédiée aux stratégies de communications innovantes (web social, marketing politique, neuro-marketing, e-PR…).

Dans le numéro précédent de Nowe Media, nous avons traité de l’évaluation des Key Opinion Leaders. Nous voudrions poursuivre cette réflexion en nous intéressant à un type bien particulier de KOL qui fleurit sur le web, «Les internautes anonymes». En effet, qu’il s’agisse de blogueurs stars ou de commentateurs, l’armée des internautes masqués ne cesse de grandir, posant plusieurs questions : pourquoi et comment laissons-nous des contenus anonymes sur internet ? Un contenu posté anonymement sur le web a-t-il une valeur et si oui comment l’évaluer ? L’anonymat, un thème récurent du web Andy Warhol avait prévu que chaque inconnu – dans un futur proche – pourrait bénéficier d’un quart d’heure de célébrité. Le web a rendu possible cette prophétie. Social Metrics : obsession de la mesure & trafic d'influence - Social Media Club France.

La gadgétisation du community management. CM par-ci, CM par-là : le community management est partout. Problème : comme la mode, le community management peut lasser. À tort. Mais à force d’engouements irréfléchis et à défaut de résultats probants (les deux sont liés), le CM pourrait rapidement être déconsidéré. En cause : l’absence de considération sérieuse pour les médias sociaux et en conséquence une gadgétisation du CM ; une pratique évidemment pas systématique mais courante. La place du community manager dans l’entreprise s’en ressent et le cercle vicieux de la démonétisation du community management est engagé.

Autopsie d’une pathologie en 6 points… 1/ Le CM au sous-sol Que les CM témoignent : combien sont intégrés en bout de hiérarchie ? Un rôle d’exécutant qui ne laisse que peu de place à la conception de stratégies de communication/marketing en concertation avec le CM. 2/ Le processus de création échappe au CM 3/ Les réseaux sociaux : un fonctionnement non linéaire 4/ Le « bling-bling » : fossoyeur des bons usages.

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Instagram for Brands. Bullshitizr. Badoo is an Enigma Wrapped in a Puzzle Wrapped in Spam. See bottom for statement from Badoo It has been about a month since I signed up for Badoo. The dating social network that began five years ago in Europe is pitching itself to New Yorkers as the next great place to meet people, using bright ads across the city featuring actual users saying mostly scripted things like “I want to break your heart,” or “I want to blow your mind.

I’m an enigma, wrapped in a puzzle, wrapped in bacon.” The deluge of real life Badoo spam on subway cars and giant billboards doesn’t just offer some indication of the company’s desperation: it hints of what happens on the Internet version too. Behind its clean-cut image, the site’s true purpose is a little less innocent: arranging hook-ups with the people near you. How it works Would any of this deter me from pressing all of the I accepts? Real Badoo users. Within the first hour of becoming a new member, my spam box received an average of six new marketing e-mails per hour. Badoo ads on the New York City Subway. Avec Poke, Facebook se lance dans les messages éphémères. Etude sur les Métiers du Web. Cet été, TechnoFutur TIC a réalisé une enquête auprès de professionnels de l’Internet. Le but étant de dresser un portrait du "travailleur" du web actuel. Quel métier exerce-t-il, quelles sont ses conditions de travail, comment s’est-il formé pour son métier, combien gagne-t-il, quelles perspectives d’avenir a-t-il… ?

Voilà quelques slides caractéristiques, dont bien sûr les rémunérations... Les résultats de cette étude sont résumés sur le ppt ci-dessous : Gillmor Gang: The Revolution Will Be Notified. The Gillmor Gang — Robert Scoble, Keith Teare, Kevin Marks, and Steve Gillmor — fight a never-ending battle for truth, justice, and the American Way. The Gang feels blessed to have survived the Mayanocalypse, the Fiscal Cliff, and the complete inability of Microsoft to reverse its tailspin into massive mediocrity. You can verify that last comment by the fact that we don’t mention Microsoft once in the show.

We do talk at endless length (@scobleizer) about Google Glasses, which I suggest should be replaced with Google Underpants. Also Apple’s opportunity to extend AirPlay into a rewrite of the media industry formerly known as television. @stevegillmor, @scobleizer, @kteare, @kevinmarks Produced and directed by Tina Chase Gillmor @tinagillmor. Why doesn't everyone 'social media stalk' a potential date? 11 Good Reasons Why Google Owes Nothing in Taxes. Bloomberg News reported earlier this weekthat Google used creative accounting to avoid paying something like $2 billion in corporate income taxes this year.

Much of that savings was realized by funneling nearly $10 billion in profits to shell companies in Bermuda, which has no corporate income tax. Like other multinationals, Google uses maneuvers such as the “Double Irish” and the “Dutch Sandwich” to get its revenues safely out of the countries in which they’re made, relatively untouched. By doing so, Bloomberg says, the company was able to cut its overall tax rate nearly in half. Bloomberg is correct when it says that reports such as these fuel anger at multinational corporations for not paying their fair share for the general support of the commonweal, but I think that outrage is shortsighted. Who says Google owes anything to the nations of the world? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. This post also available on Doug Hill’s blog The Question Concerning Technology. -

Social Media Report 2012. The top 10 most influential people on Pinterest in 2012. Most Pinterest users have pinboards dedicated to window shopping, a collection of wish lists for dream homes and perfect weddings. In Central Texas, one housing development has found a unique way to incorporate those concepts. Taylor Morrison's Ladera housing development has built the first-ever model home to take direct and deliberate cues from some of Pinterest’s most popular “dream home” boards and pins.

"We're showing people that they can have these homes,” realtor Kristin France told the Daily Dot on a guided tour. “Your hopes and dreams of what you could have or could create: We're trying to make that a reality for people who can't visualize it.” The same could be said of Pinterest itself in 2012. Once considered too niche to succeed, the image-sharing site went from a fledgling idea to a serious reality this year, one that’s exceeded all expectation to become the third-largest social network in the world. Of course, the year wasn’t without its hurdles. 1) Joy Cho Color Chooser.