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Henri Hebeisen - artiste 3D. Aliciane - Freelance Illustrator and Concept Artist. Locomalito games.

GGP and his members

Jason Rohrer. Currently parenting and making video games in Davis, California.

Jason Rohrer

[worklog] [release log] [support my work] Want to know when I release something? You'll get a few brief emails a year, at most. One Hour One Life-- my twelfth game. A multiplayer survival game of parenting and civilization building. Cordial Minuet-- my eleventh game. The Castle Doctrine-- my tenth game. Diamond Trust of London-- my ninth game. Inside a Star-filled Sky-- my eighth game. Sleep Is Death-- my seventh game. Primrose-- my sixth game. Between-- my fifth game, about consciousness and isolation. Gravitation-- my fourth game, about mania, melancholia, and the creative process.

Passage-- my third game, shown at Kokoromi's curated GAMMA 256 event (at MIGS 2007). Cultivation-- my second game, a social simulation about a community of gardeners that explores the balance between conflict and compromise (no shooting, but plenty of angry looks). Arthouse Games-- my artgame journalism site, featuring news, reviews, and interviews. Lizzie Crowdagger. «Bio» Lizzie Crowdagger, habite à Lille et elle a trente ans.

Lizzie Crowdagger

Elle est une lesbienne butch qui aurait voulu être une bikeuse vampirique, ou peut-être une camionneuse de l'Enfer. Comme il n'en est rien, pour soulager sa frustration, elle écrit donc des romans à la place, mélangeant ainsi sans état d'âme thématiques féministes et lesbiennes avec des intrigues basées sur le surnaturel, les fusillades et les grosses motos.

Contact Par adresse email : lizzie at crowdagger point fr. À noter que la nouvelle version du site permet également de laisser des commentaires sur la majorité des textes, si le coeur vous en dit. J'ai aussi un compte Facebook, qui peut éventuellemet être vaguement intéressant si vous être tenue au courant des nouveautés (mais franchement, ne vous inscrivez pas à Facebook pour ça) ; ce n'est pas le bon moyen pour me contacter, étant donné que j'ai tendance à relever mes messages via ce biais tous les 36 du mois. Albertine Meunier =+ou- Catherine Ramus. Open Scgribouillis (rorore) Cyril Humbert. Nuno Pinheiro. In the last weeks I been spending more than a fair bit of time working on what I consider the basic desktop, you know what we usually know as KDE that will be reincarnated soon in 4.10...

Nuno Pinheiro

The focus so far as been mostly in decluttering most of the visual junk that had no functionality, In a way making our KDE more simple without making it more "dumb". So far I'm happy with a new wallpaper still a W.I.P. (I for some reason hallways need to start with a new wallpaper canvas.) Me and Marco Martin moved into clean air a "bit" and I'm really happy with the progress so far. We are also trying to improve some fundamental aspect of oxygen windeco in correlation with how apps can use it, for example letting apps use some features of oxygen automaticly.

Sooooo, I start to look at the app this week end and I notice that the Background is a solid dull colour, and I thought.....hummm... Any way and more importantly 4.10 is looking like our best KDE Desktop ever ;) Timothée GIET - Infographie. David Revoy. Sandra guillen - plasticienne, scénographe. AMMD - Freak & Free Arts Coo(r)p. Nina Paley’s Blog. Zelgadis (Konstantin Dmitriev) Обучающий видеокурс Synfig Studio теперь доступен по принципу “плати сколько хочешь” March 7th, 2014 Я рад сообщить, что обучающий видеокурс по программе для анимации Synfig Studio теперь доступен для скачивания по принципу “плати сколько хочешь”.

Zelgadis (Konstantin Dmitriev)

Вы можете заплатить любую сумму и получить полный комплект файлов для просмотра на вашем компьютере (примерно 650Mb). Ниже вы можете посмотреть первые две лекции обучающего курса. Также, мы по прежнему предлагаем идентичный видеокурс через платформу How to encode Vegas-compatible H.264 file using FFmpeg March 2nd, 2014 Recently (as part of my work on integrating Remake into the workflow of some studio) I have faced a challenge of producing H.264 file, which is compatible with Sony Vegas. Sony Vegas is pretty picky at H.264 (AVC) files and it refuses to accept files produced using ffmpeg with default settings. So, here are the things to know: Don’t use AVI container.

And if you want a lossless encoding, then you can add “-qp 0″ option: